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Heather in WI

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Everything posted by Heather in WI

  1. Tutor's dd is in fencing. You could IM her if she doesn't respond to this thread.
  2. We did this last year, but focused on Colonial-pre Civil War. (We're covering Civil War-current this year.) Here's a snippet of the books we read: Rogers Rangers & The French and Indian War by Bradford Smith George Washington: Frontier Colonel by Sterling North Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham The Minute Boys of Lexington by Edward Stratemeyer John Paul Jones: The Pirate Patriot by Armstrong Sperry Fighting For Freedom or The Birth of the Stars & Stripes by Lieutenant Lionel Lounsberry The Barbary Pirates by C.S. Forester War of 1812 by Kathlyn Gay The Pirate Lafitte and the Battle of New Orleans by Robert Tallant Old Ironsides: the Fighting Constitution by Harry Hansen Trail Blazer of the Seas by Jean Lee Latham The Mexican-American War by Ruth Tenzer Feldman Commodore Perry and the Opening of Japan by Ferdinand Kuhn So far this year, we've read (that are related to war): With Lee in Virginia by G.A. Henty Anchor's Aweigh : The Story of David Glasgow Farragut by Jean Lee Latham Custer's Last Stand by Quentin Reynolds Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders by Henry Castor America's First World War: General Pershing and the Yanks by Henry Castor We're starting WWII reading soon. The books we have, so far, are: Midway: Battle for the Pacific by Edmund Castillo Invasion: The Story of D-Day by Bruce Bliven Jr and The Good Fight: How WWII Was Won by Stephen Ambrose HTH!
  3. My kids and I were talking about a book my son read a year or two ago. I believe it is set in England ... the father is imprisoned and the mom and the children are struggling to make ends meet. It's mostly about the children and what they're up to. At the end of the book, the dad comes home & it turns out he was innocent of whatever the charges were .... I'm describing it terribly, I know. Does this ring a bell for anyone?
  4. My ds, 7, recommends: The Hardy Boys (original series) English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs books by H. Irving Hancock: The Grammar School Boys series, The High School Boys series, The High School Boys Vacation series, The West Point series, The Annapolis series, Uncle Sam's Boys series, and The Dave Darrin series Mrs. Piggle Wiggle series by Betty MacDonald Little Pilgrim's Progress by Helen Taylor Henry Huggins series by Beverly Cleary
  5. I don't like the word "entitlement". I think it prejudices the argument from the get go. I expect that I will take care of my mom & dad as well as my m-i-l and my f-i-l in their later years. I love them. They are my family. I believe it the least we could do for them and I believe it is a duty we owe to them. I would expect my children to do the same for us. :iagree: :iagree:
  6. :grouphug: Oh my goodness! How scary. Thank the Lord that he's ok!!!
  7. I would be angry, too, but in defense of the doctor, they are most likely just performing due diligence. Half of all teens as young as 13 are sexually active. 1 in 4 teens contract an STD. Chlamydia is one of the most prevalent STDs and it has no symptoms. It can cause dreadful consequences in women if left untreated. I believe standard procedure is an annual test for all sexually active women.
  8. My ds, 7, started WWE II this year. He did not use WWE I. He has had no trouble whatsoever with it and enjoys it. :)
  9. Our first day back after three weeks off was fantastic! Of course, I threatened the boys last night that if their was any whining or complaining, their television privilege would be taken away. ;) My schedule for the week was printed this past Friday afternoon and I had my husband wake me up this morning at 6:30, so that I could get my bearings before the boys woke up. Those two things alone are huge factors on how my Mondays usually go. :)
  10. I love the name Levi, but our last name starts with an "L", so it's a no go for us. I'm in the same dilemma though. We're having the hardest time coming up with names for this baby. I keep telling people that we're going to name him, "The Writer to the Hebrews". :lol:
  11. WWE III = 3rd grade = 8yrs WWE IV = 4th grade = 9yrs That said, I would put more weight on writing skill level than age level. We started our 9 yr old (4th grade) in Level 3. We completed the lessons in double-time, and will be finishing up in the next couple of weeks in order to start WWE IV when it is released in the next month or so. You can view a sample of WWE II here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/14293693/The-Complete-Writer-Writing-With-Ease-Workbook-Level-2 You can see a sample for WWE III here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/21451748/Writing-With-Ease-Workbook-Level-3 I expect samples for IV to be available soon. I saw on Twitter that it has been sent to the printers! :-D
  12. I subscribed for three years when I was starting out homeschooling. I loved it then! I always looked forward to the classical education issue where SWB was sure to have a lengthy article or interview. After awhile, I realized that I didn't really read it anymore and didn't renew my subscription. I kind of collected them into a pile to hand out to my friends who were interested in homeschooling. {grin} It's true, though, that every curriculum review was glowing. I can look through all of my past issues and not find a single negative review.
  13. You can see the exact same questions provided in the packet here: http://www.actstudent.org/explore/tests/index.html Just click the links on the right. :) HTH! ~Heather
  14. I'm sorry. I hope Pippen doesn't feel I was :boxing_smiley:! I guess I did :auto: to get my :smash: on. I apologize if I offended anyone.
  15. I'm in Milwaukee County. Milwaukee Public Schools are HORRIBLE and this is NOT a selling point. More than four out of 10 Milwaukee Public Schools fourth-graders score at or below the most basic level of math proficiency, and more than six out of 10 eighth-graders score at or below basic, according to a national study that compared achievement levels of public school students in the nation's large cities. Only Detroit scored worse than Milwaukee at the eighth-grade level ... the average scores at the fourth and eighth grade (in MPS) are lower than the average special needs (students') scores for the state of Wisconsin... MPS students get poor marks in national urban test Our schools are so bad that there is a huge hoopla right now with the mayor trying to oust the school board and take over the school district, FYI.
  16. :) It's a good one. It's prevented me many times from jumping on the bandwagon of X new program after realizing that it didn't "honestly and clearly ... play a role as a stepping stone to our final goal". I sometimes wonder about people who appear to be winging it with their child's education and rush off to do this, that, and the other with no logical order or purpose .... but then I realize my responsibility solely lies with the three littles in my own house.
  17. :iagree: Mine is in Excel. :) I know roughly where I want the boys to be when they apply for colleges, and I worked back from there. Everything has a logical prerequisite, so I want to make sure that I've prepared them adequately for whatever they want to do with their lives. I also appreciate this quote by Robin in TX from the old boards: "Sometimes we get bogged down in the day to day specifics and lose sight of the goal. The most helpful thing I've ever done is continually ask myself "why?" about every single textbook and/or program. Why do I want to do that program? And here's the most important question ... What foundation is it laying for our next level? If it honestly and clearly doesn't play a role as a stepping stone to our final goal, then I have to walk away from it."
  18. Here is my ds's grammar sequence: 5K - FLL (1st half) 1st - Rod & Staff Grammar 2 2nd - Rod & Staff Grammar 3 3rd - Rod & Staff Grammar 4 4th - FLL - IV Next year we will switch back to Rod and Staff Grammar 5 for him, as there is no FLL V. I think it's been a good sequence. I'm not a fan of MCT, but it's only from the samples that I've seen on-line. We've never used the program. I guess I'm the opposite of other posters and I feel that early grammar instruction has helped ds greatly with his writing as well as with learning Latin.
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