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Heather in WI

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Everything posted by Heather in WI

  1. :iagree: We believe very strongly that we should never, never lie to our children about anything. I would be horrified if my children learned that they could trust another child's word more than they could trust mine. It honestly hasn't occurred to me that I need to prepare my children to have this type of discussion with another child. I certainly wouldn't encourage them to lie to another child in order to give the other child false comfort. Hmmmn.
  2. would you please share your sequence of specific curricula? What I'm looking for, for example, is: 8th grade: Apologia Biology Saxon Algebra 1 WTM history Rod & Staff Grammar 8 9th grade: etc.
  3. I can't say that he picks up every little thing 100% of the time, but he helps out often. If there is dog hair everywhere, he'll get the broom and sweep. Likewise with vacuuming, loading the dishwasher, etc. There are chores that he hates ... He'll avoid making the bed if at all possible. :D As to the things you just mentioned ... He does usually lock up at night ... but not always. I usually take the garbage bag out of the kitchen garbage and stick it by the back door (in the garage) and he'll take it out to the bin. I think it's pretty much a team effort around here.
  4. I know this thread is old, but I wanted to thank the previous posters. I found it very helpful. :thumbup:
  5. Thank you! I googled Anki ... just to be certain, is this to what you were referring? http://ichi2.net/anki/
  6. My son has completed Latin for Children levels A-C and we switched to Latin Prep for this year. Could you share how you use Latin Prep? As in, Mondays we do________, Tuesdays we __________, and so on? So far, we've just been reading and doing the exercises. Should we be making flash cards? Chanting? Something else?
  7. :grouphug: I have a 10, 8, 5, and 2 1/2 month old. I definitely have days like you're describing. I just tell myself, "This, too, shall pass. Eventually." :D
  8. :iagree: We have one full-time pastor, two additional teaching elders, and three deacons. Only the full-time pastor is paid, and I am happy to pay his salary. He certainly isn't paid mega-bucks to afford vacation homes, big screen tvs, luxury vehicles, etc., but he is paid enough to live in a decent house, provide for his wife and three children, have two working vehicles, etc. I am shocked to hear that people believe a full time pastor should be a volunteer! My goodness! :001_huh:
  9. I thought it was extremely obnoxious. :tongue_smilie:
  10. I refuse to watch Roman Polanski and Woody Allen movies, but only because they are scum, not because of their politics or religion.
  11. This is our experience as well. We own a remodeling company. Business is slow slow slow. We've survived only by the grace of God. More than one small business we know in the industry is down to the owner and one employee -- everyone else has been let go. Healthcare and taxes this year are killing us. :001_huh: I don't know exactly why that is, but it ofter makes me want to cry. I feel like we're hanging on by a thread and I hope the economy gets better soon.
  12. I am so sorry for your loss. Please talk to your doctor (or another close woman) about what to expect. I was not prepared for the actual passing of the baby when I miscarried last year and panicked when it happened. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. This is what we do. We even call them junk books. They're fun and light, but they're brain candy. Fine in moderation, but we don't make a steady diet out of them. Each boy gets to pick out one junk book per week from the library -- usually a Star Wars book. :)
  14. Thank you for the link! I was just looking through my year one that we will be starting in the fall and this is very helpful!
  15. I haven't used Singapore Science, but my middle ds completed Sonlight Science 2 this past year and loved it. Pros: Accelerated children can work almost independently. My second grader completed 75% of it independently. (By independently, I don't mean I was off in another room doing something else; I was across the table working with another student. They are able to ask me if they have a question about anything.) I like that the questions asked in the student pages all require thought on the part of the student. They are not questions that are verbatim of words on the page referenced. The questions require the student to analyze and understand what they read in order to answer correctly. There are a few multiple choice questions, but the majority of questions require complete sentence answers. It is very pick up and go if you buy the coordinating science kit. I buy extra student pages and put them in a separate three-ring binder for my boys, so they each have their own levels set up like a workbook for them. Cons: Cost: It is not a cheap program. Time: Science is 5 days a week, about 15-30 minutes a day. This might be too much for some people. P.S. SL 2 covers aspects of the human body Mon-Thurs (Friday is animals) in weeks 3-10.
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