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Everything posted by Isabella

  1. I'd increase fats to combat sugar cravings. Also a dash of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water will help cravings and is said to be wonderful for arthritis.
  2. You poor thing....a gentle hug for you :grouphug: I hope you get the time you need with your mom. Try to rest now.
  3. Oh and if you want to reduce sugar cravings, you'll need to increase fat intake. Otherwise you have bears with sore heads! :-)
  4. My daughter is frequently stressed, anxious, irritable, and angry. We had got used to thinking that was just her. She has trouble holding down a job for more than three months because of the stress and anxiety it causes her. She's out of work at the moment. So about two or the weeks ago we went to a paleo way of eating, With no gluten, no grains, no sugar, less than 60g carbs a day. She has improved dramatically. She's not by any means perfect but so much easier to live with. I expect it will only continue to improve.
  5. For me, because I have enough living space, I would make it a walk in pantry/butler's kitchen/storage room. Bliss!
  6. Basically it's not much different to asthma (exercise induced). Studies have shown that dehydration has quite an impact on exercised induced asthma and associated brochospasms. The cells in the airway particularly get dehydrated with heavy breathing. This basically causes an emergency response in the airway including the release of histamine, which manifests itself in spasms and restriction of the airway. A good start would be to have a pretty clean diet. The odd sugary snack is ok, but not as a regular daily or even weekly thing. Sugar draws water from cells obviously creating a less hydrated cell. Minimize processed foods, grains (which often cause an inflammatory reaction in the body, increasing incidence of asthma). Of course, being very hydrated is paramount to minimizing the occurence of the EIB. I don't mean a good drink before exercise. Hydration is not something that can be rectified from one day to the next. Correct hydration at all times minimizes illnesses of many kinds. 1 glass of water (per day) per 15lb of weight is a rule of thumb for moderately active people.
  7. I'm sorry...how scary for you all! As far as the venous catheter, that is normal...nothing to be concerned about. I had it with my chemo treatment. It's not right into the heart, it's just into one of the large arteries close to the heart where there is a larger volume of blood than the smaller veins that they would normally use. It also quickly spreads the treatment drug through the body. Sometimes these strong antibiotics are very harsh on the smaller veins as they have spend more time there before being dispersed, so it can damage (usually temporarily) the smaller veins. There is much less chance of this close to the heart, as it's a larger area, greater volume and flow of blood, and very quickly disperses it through the venous system. The tube is often called a PICC line (If I remember correctly, it stands for Peripheral Inserted Central Catheter. It's also very handy for when you have to have many and regular intravenous drugs, as it saves lots of needle pricks. Best of luck to your mother. I really hope they quickly find the problem and are able to treat it. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  8. I already live in my dream house - it's 10,000 square feet or more, by a beautiful lake, but I can't give you any website's were it has been listed for sale so you can't have a look. Also I don't have any photo's of it. My husband is a docter, and I have 8 or 10 kids (I can't remeber), all with cute and trendy names which I mention at every possible chance. They each have there own room, and I'm pretty sure they have a bathroom each to. Of course, with all that we have to employ a maid, cook, and gardener! It's lucky my Dh is a docter so that we can afford it all! I'm not a troll, I'm just an ordinary teen mother of imaginary kids, and I'm bored. :lol:
  9. Only did 12 laps (600m) today. But instead of doing my 'head out of the water slow breaststroke', I tried freestyle with a float-board for my arms. I've hated freestyle ever since I was forced to do it as a kid. I always got water up my nose. I bought a nose clip, so hopefully I can learn to do it at the advanced age of 41!
  10. I voted both dh and I prefer mostly weed and moss free, but in reality, although our preference is for that, neither of us have the time or energy to keep it that way. So it's weedier than we'd like, but at this stage of life it's probably all we can attain to.
  11. Beautiful tribute to your mom. So nice to 'meet' her through your words and that video! She certainly looked like she lived a full life. Hugs to you, coz it's got to have been a hard few weeks/months... :grouphug: :grouphug:
  12. :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm crying for you. He looks so comfy and loved. I agree with the pp, as much as it's so terribly hard, it's nice to know that they can go while in your arms rather than alone at night. More hugs....it is so hard. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. No, don't!! Try it for yourself! :laugh:
  14. 14 laps (700m) swimming again. Loving the 6.30am start....air is cool, but pool is perfect temp. So invigorating! Ok, I'll stop raving now! :laugh:
  15. It's the end of my day here, but was pleased enough with what I got done: Passports for 3 kids sorted Pill drawer in kitched cleaned and organised Taco salad made for dinner Schoolroom a little more organised 14 laps in pool this morning Kitchen benches decluttered
  16. Well, I hate showing up empty handed if we stay overnight or longer, so we buy things to bring that the host/ess may use (if not then, can put in pantry/freezer for later. Usually it involves chocolates, juice, a nice type of bread, some nice fruit, and some snacky things when the kids were little. If we were staying longer than overnight, we would also buy a take-out meal for everyone, or pay something towards their groceries when they shopped.
  17. I guess I can see why someone may always want to be reminded of not hurting with the written word, but I do find it disconcerting to read it in the beginning of a post.
  18. I'm guessing you mean 'bunions'? I got some Clark Privo shoes that were really comfy, wide and soft, with a strap over the top. Not sure if they are still available. i got them at Zappos about 5 years ago. I used them in Germany where we did a reasonable amount of walking. At present I have some 'Arcopedico' shoes http://www.bstore.com.au/arcopedico-l39-black-23313 I'm not sure if they're available outside of Australia, though. Again they are comfy, soft, reasonable arch support, but they do get stinky after a while. They can be thrown in the washing machine though - I just don't do it often enough. These look quite good, though I've never had Ecco shoes, so not sure how they are.. http://www.zappos.com/ecco-sport-biom-lite-1-2-flat-warm-grey-warm-grey-starbuck-textile?zlfid=191&ref=pd_sims_p_ab_1 These are also some Clarks I got that were nice and comfy... http://www.zappos.com/clarks-haley-toucan-black
  19. This sofa sounds lovely. Do you know what the name was, and if it is still available?
  20. I'd tried a lot of times but failed....until recently, after going paleo. The difference,I think, is the extra fat I'm consuming. It helps you feel satiated without sugars. every so often I'll have a piece of fruit, but I'm better off without that really as it makes me crave another piece.
  21. I've only just started swimming for exercise...I'm 50kg overweight, so swimming seemed like a great idea, and much less stress on my body than anything else. I'm loving it! Only done 2 sessions so far....1st one I did 8 laps (400m), and 2nd time 14 laps (700m). It's the only type of workout that I've ever enjoyed. I can now kind-of see how people can get hooked on this exercise thing. I've also started eating Paleo, so altogether feeling great, and hoping to see those kg shed slowly but surely.
  22. It sounds like it. I had cold induced, heat induced, and salt induced (including my own sweat and swimming in sea water) urticaria. It's embarrasing, and can be dangerous. I come out of the ocean looking like I've been bitten over every inch of my body with ants. Also, I went out once on a particularly cold morning and my ears and throat swelled up! I was a little worried that time. They do tend to break out on the fleshier parts of the body, so the inner thighs sounds like where you'd expect it. Although my ankles were another hot spot, and also wrists and palms and inner side of upper arms. Basically it shows an immune system that is not functioning as it should. A concerted effort to eat better - eg minimize processed foods, minimize sugars, minimize carbs, increase vegetable intake - has seen them disappear for me. It's been about 6 years that I haven't had an outbreak at all. Before that it was an almost daily thing for 10 or more years. HTH... :)
  23. My mother told me this worked for her, except I think she added lavender oil to the water, too. She said it was great, and she just needed to re-do it every month or so.
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