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Everything posted by Isabella

  1. I have thought of it. I'm the last person anyone would think of having 'cosmetic surgery' done. I'm just an ordinary person that isn't very worried about my looks. Yet, if I lost all the weight I want to (big 'if'!), I would consider having a tummy tuck. I just know I'd feel better if I didn't have sagging skin. I feel the same way as your dh...and I think it's wonderful that he supports you in this!
  2. My dd has a housekeeping business, which I help her with sometimes. Most of her clients are not there when she comes (she has a key), and the ones that are might do stuff in their office/garden, chat on the phone...all sorts. We don't really take much notice! There is only one or two that are a nuisance and like to chat a lot, or want you to come have a look at something. Of course, we are polite and talk to them, and go see whatever it is etc, but we don't want to appear to stop work either. So we continue cleaning, while trying to be polite and interested! ;)
  3. She certainly IS adorable. She has your eyes, I think! Enjoy the cuddles!
  4. I clicked on this thinking you may have had an ear issue like mine, and I would know I'M not insane! I have feeling across the top of my ear that feels like a hair is pulled tight across it. It's more noticeable when I'm a little anxious. I find myself brushing the hair away, only there isn't one there! So can't help you on your problem, but I'm sure you're not insane! :)
  5. Re-reading my original post, I can now see how you thought I was conflating the two. I mentioned that the person I went to was a Naturopath/Homeopath. It looks as if I'm lumping the two together, but he actually was a Naturopath and a Homeopath. And my last sentence about recommending to see a Homeopath was just that, not to self-prescribe, which as I said earlier in my post is not an effective way of ascertaining for yourself if homeopathy works. No, I don't at all overlook the fact that many alternative health users dispute the efficacy of homeopathy. I wasn't propose that a person that believes in the efficacy of natural or alternative medicines/treatments must or do accept the efficacy of all medicine/treatments that fall under that category. It's a well-known fact that there are many people swearing by one form or another of alternative medicine, but completely or partially reject Reiki, Energy healing, NAET, and many other forms of alternative medicine. In my own experience, I've been to 3 or 4 different naturopaths, and spent quite a bit of money, and I've never noticed very much difference in how I feel. Whereas the Homeopath seemed to get it right immediately, I've been to him only once, and I feel so much better within 2 days of taking his remedies. This is also why I don't believe it's a placebo effect. I've liked the other practioners just as well, they were caring, I enjoyed the experience, had as much faith in their ability/knowledge, but never received much in the way of results. Sorry for any confusion that my convoluted writing style caused you! :)
  6. I don't claim to be very educated in the scienctific theories behind homeopathy. I just answered the OP's question of 'does it work' with my own personal experience. As far as my erronous conflation with other alternative treatments...surely you agree that homeopathy is usually listed under the natural and alternative treatments umbrella? I may be wrong, but I didn't think the OP was asking for links to research supporting homeopathy, but for personal experiences, which I provided. I guess if you are looking for more, it may be worth starting your own thread. I should also point out to the OP that the homeopathic remedies I am using are not for anxiety/depression.
  7. It's great if you can decide for yourself. I think that homeopathics have a more limited use when self-prescribing. I have recently been to a naturopath/homeopath, and I'm amazed at how I feel with his remedies. They need to know every little thing that you feel is slightly off in your body. For instance, I mentioned that I had a feeling that I was wearing a headband all the time, like a slightly heavier feeling from ear to ear going across the front of the hairline. That was a deciding factor with one of the remedies. He showed me his consulting book because I was interested. There were lists of the major symptom, all with differing 'side-symptoms', and that decides what remedy is needed. Of course with anything natural or alternative, there are those that will be crying them down, so I really think its one of those things that you try for yourself and make your own mind up. But I really do recommend seeing a homeopath.
  8. Starkers mostly, but PJ's without underwear when it's cold. Kids when they were little wore underwear under PJ's, but now they are older they mostly wear PJ's sans underwear, or in the summer, sometimes starkers.
  9. I thought so too, but then in this context - after my husband suggested that may have been the thinking behind that apostrophe - I looked it up, and read the definition of a contraction as a shortening of one or two words. With that in mind I replied as I did to the post above. Looking it up further now, I see that it's only a contraction when some of the internal letters are removed from one or more words, and the beginning and end letters are used. So it doesn't necessarily need to a combination of two words (which is what I'd always thought, too). So auto is actually classed under abbreviations, and more specifically 'clipping' where the beginning or ending of a word is removed, and the remaining part becomes and accepted shortened form on it's own. I'm learning new stuff every day!! :)
  10. Thanks! In fact, though, a contraction IS simply a shortened word or words.
  11. :iagree:with the bolded. I also agree that a nice letter to them, along with a homebaked treat, flowers or chocolates, maybe even a small gift card for the little girls to a place they'd like would show how appreciative you are. I also wanted to add that it sounds like a you are an awesome mama to your little boy!
  12. Haha...I was too busy noticing the unnecessary apostrophe to notice that JOES should have had one! Of course. And yes, I meant AUTOMOBILES, not automotives....I think my body is awake, but my brain stayed in bed! Good, I'll tell my Dh! :)
  13. So while we were travelling a few days ago, I saw a huge sign over a car yard that said JOES AUTO'S. I exclaimed that it was blatant apostrophe abuse, and I wondered that the signmaker didn't pick it up. My dh on the other hand, said: wouldn't that be correct because it's a contraction (I looked it up, and contractions can be a shortened version of ONE or two words, so he got me there) of AUTOMOTIVES, and therefore the apostrophe is to denote the missing letters. It actually got me wondering, so I'm asking for the hive's expert opinion! Thanks! :)
  14. I'm in Australia, and most of the people I know have a dishwasher. I resisted for a long time, because I actually didn't mind doing dishes. After about 5yrs of homeschooling I was sick of the sight of dishes. I twisted dh's arm, and he got me one, and each day I'm grateful for it!
  15. We had a Sonata until my daughter's boyfriend totalled it earlier this year. Really nice car, but I couldn't tell you about snow...I'm in Australia, and I've never even seen snow, let alone the Sonata! :-)
  16. Isabella


    Poor mama, and daddy! I would have cried, too! As others have said, please do take up the doctor's very lovely offer. :grouphug:
  17. Congratulations! It's been a while since I had a baby, but I think I would have got lots of educational dvds from the library, or wherever, and let the kids watch them for a month. The K and 1st grader could do counting/maths practice using baby's fingers and toes, learn to spell 'baby', or baby's name, etc, etc. Make it all about the baby, and any learning can be incidental! Good luck, and enjoy your baby-moon!!
  18. I'm surprised at the amount of people that don't generally have tissues in the house! I would feel weird directing guests to the toilet if they needed to blow their nose! I don't think it costs much to keep tissues...well I don't spend huge amounts on them. I probably buy a 3-pack once a month. But to answer your question, we have 9 rooms in the house, and keep tissues in all bedrooms (4), and 2 at other places in the house. And.. :blushing: aren't they essential to mop up spilt liquid after a cup of teA??
  19. She's precious! Well done Mama! Congrats!!
  20. I'm confused....Hasn't VB been on Vogue's cover quite a few times already? http://www.vogue.co.uk/person/victoria-beckham
  21. If OP doesn't report back, we will know the emergency music possesed her soul and turned her to the dark side! Maybe she will come back as a troll!
  22. You might want to edit spelling in your last sentence ;-)
  23. Your daughter is old enough to drive, even if it's only on a moped. I completely understand where you are coming from, and many of parents want to do all they can to help out their kids, but I honestly think that doing too much for them, when they CAN afford to do it for themselves, does them a disservice. They probably won't like being asked to contribute, or come up with ideas, but I think I would find it necessary in your situation to sit everyone down to brainstorm. I'm not even sure that anyone can be as wonderful a mother as they'd like to be with so much on your plate! It's certainly not small potatoes! HUGS :grouphug:!
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