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Everything posted by Artichoke

  1. . I don't know if my system is great, but here's what we do: Quart size mason jars in the fridge for "drinking broth" ( occasionally some frozen ) 1/2 gallon jars in freezer for "soup broth" Freeze in ice cube trays and package in ziplocks for smaller uses Ball recommends only using the wide mouth jars for the freezer. HTH
  2. I think Reverent will be my word for the year. My desire is to spend more time with the Lord and deepen my relationship with him. Thanks for posting this idea. Having a one word goal will really help.
  3. Will the other daughter in the room be moving into the boys room? Is she okay with that or will it cause more hurt feelings and confusion? If she's moving into the boys room, could you repaint or decorate it prettily for her?
  4. Can someone tell me if you are actually purchasing the books from audible or just renting? The answer is probably right in front of my face, but I can't seem to find it.
  5. Can you not mail the payment in after the doctor's office sends you a bill?
  6. Give Hanna Andersson matching dresses and leggings a try. They're running some great sales right now.
  7. One thing I learned about meat prices from reading The Tightwad Gazette was to look at how much meat I had left after cooking it. Do you know how much meat you're actually placing on the table? It may seem counterproductive to a budget, but we now purchase local grassed beef for $4.89 a pound from a local farm. It's about .75 more a pound than 80/20 ground beef at the store. The difference is that there is little fat so more meat is going to our table. It also has a heartier texture than store bought which leads us to eat less before becoming full. On a side note -- we also eat less when we have good dinner conversation. Many nights we'll eat by candlelight ( just inexpensive tapers and holders ), read aloud at the table, or toss out a topic for discussion. It's a wonderful time of bonding and doesn't take much longer than just sitting down to eat. Eta: I also make the easy refried beans recipe in the crockpot that someone posted on here. I can't find it at the moment. Maybe someone else has it bookmarked. These freeze wonderfully, and are always served when we make any sort of taco or burrito meal.
  8. They're his children and part of the family so of course you should invite them. Someone's supplied you with the addresses in order to invite them so that should probably answer the question for you right there. If he adopted the children, then why wouldn't they have lived with him and their mother? The biological father would have had to terminate his rights, unless he's deceased, for the second husband to adopt them. .
  9. I had something similar happen to me. It involved a large stuffed turtle, with his stuffing coming out, that I laid on almost every day to read. Sure, it was junky, but it was well loved. Like the pp, it still makes me mad that my mom refused to see how special it was to me. If you think your dc will be sad about it, then don't toss them. Let them help make the decisions and then pack some away for another day.
  10. This is what we do as well. With a high schooler who debates, has online classes, and various volunteer projects; planning and then scheduling is essential for us. We do most of our planning together in the summer. Then each week we schedule the work that needs to be done along with other activities. We always do this together with dd taking taking the lead. I'm hoping it's a skill that she'll continue to use through college and beyond. This weekly schedule has been even more important since she's the only child left at home. It's too easy for the two of us to head off somewhere fun or out to lunch and not complete work during the day.
  11. This reminds me painfully of the H1N1 flu that I had. One of the reasons I resisted going to the doctor was a lack of fever. I finally went because of my difficulty in breathing. Whatever you may have, it sounds like a trip to the doctor is warranted. Best wishes as you recuperate. eta: Mucinex can help thin the phlegm.
  12. We always have some sort of chili or soup. Tonight we're having a beef and bean chili and a tomato basil soup. I put both in the crockpot this morning so I didn't have to worry about it this evening.
  13. Do you have a Bass Pro Shop nearby? We used to buy their redhead brand hiking boots for the kids. Sometimes they'd be on sale for $19.99.
  14. I hope things calm down for you soon. Has your 20 year old left school as well? Best wishes as you complete your tasks.
  15. Hmmm. I used the calculator posted earlier in the thread. Maybe I did something wrong. Okay, just tried it again and now have the number of $46.01. Does that sound more accurate?
  16. Not the person you were asking but maybe this will help answer your question -- In 1993, I had a plan that cost $28 a month and covered everything at 100% after a $1500 deductible. We had a child that year so I still had the info with the baby things. That also included prescription coverage. In today's dollars it would be $32.86 a month. Fo those accountants out there - it was twice a month, not biweekly.
  17. Ds received the mountains of paper and a carload of college recruit packages -- t-shirts, pennants, notebooks, flash drives, and sometimes decorative metal boxes with school logos. Nearly all of it was unsolicited and unwanted. The sheer wastefullness was infuriating.
  18. How about care packages for any www.anysoldier.com? Our family has done this for several years.
  19. We freeze unbanked meatloafs whenever we do freezer meals. After the first time, I learned to make them more oval to fit my crockpot instead of square -- much less frustrating that way! Eta: We freeze them in gallon size ziplocks in two sizes -- "family" and " ds is home". He always likes to take the leftovers back to his dorm :-)
  20. This sounds a lot like our house. We're the halfway point for lots of ds' college friends so we often have overnight visitors throughout the year. It's been a lovely thing for our family.
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