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Everything posted by NancyNellen

  1. Oh I do remember that. It does not seem at all like 6 years ago! Happy birthday to your little man!
  2. Math: NEM 1 Art of Problem Solving Algebra History/Geography/Literature: TOG Year 4 Writing: CW Diogenes Chreia Foreign Language: Latin for the New Millennium Basics of Biblical Greek Rosetta Stone German (all I require of him is the Latin, the rest he has added in himself) Memory: Scripture IEW Poetry Logic: Art of Argument PE: fencing
  3. My husband is an enterprise architect. He models, builds, and maintains software systems at a leading L.A. production company. He is also an adjunct music professor at a local college. He teaches musical composition and advanced theory courses with an emphasis on 20th century counterpoint. In his free time :-) he runs, conducts, and composes for his own orchestra which specializes in playing music written in the 21st century.
  4. Yes. I serve everyone, hubby and kids. I've never thought it peculiar or out-dated. It's just what we do.
  5. Math: LoF Fractions, Decimals & Percents Dolciani Pre-Algebra History/Geography/Literature/Fine Arts: TOG year 4 Foreign Language: Latin for the New Millennium Rosetta Stone German Memory: Scripture IEW Poetry Writing/Grammar: CW Diogenes Maxim Harvey's Grammar Logic: Art of Argument
  6. :iagree: I have used it with 4 children - some whizzed through, others went more slowly. We would double and triple up lessons when needed, but all in all it was a great foundation for moving into Harvey's grammar in 5th grade. I loved how simply everything else was folded in...oral/written narration, picture study, addressing an envelope, writing a letter, etc.
  7. I would not have another infusion if they make you that sick. My HGB bottomed out at 9 and my Ferritin was below 8, but I have felt weak and exhausted for 18 months now. I would say if you're asymptomatic get yourself some Floradix and skip the infusion. The liquid iron was the only thing that helped me. My HGB just hit 12 after taking the Floradix for 9 months. It is slow to recover from iron-deficient anemia. Now if I could just get my Ferritin anywhere near normal maybe I would feel better.
  8. I've had one child for whom LfC went too fast. With that child I simply spread each chapter out over 2 weeks...using the Activity book, flashcards, and readers as review/reinforcement. Some kids just need the extra time to solidify concepts and memorize vocabulary.
  9. "Kurt, stop licking the dog." "Get your armpit out of the butter." Those are the most recent ones I can remember...
  10. I used it for one month to find a good doctor. I would say it was worth the one month fee to search doctors, get reviews, etc. Finding a new doctor is always so hard.
  11. I only serve homemade granola cereal. Some in the family prefer milk on their granola and some yogurt.
  12. Roughly 3-4 gallons a week for a family of 7. I only allow milk at dinner and for cereal since we buy organic and it costs an arm and a leg. We drink water at all other times.
  13. I always thought it was a PA thing, since the only people I know who do it are from there.
  14. Since moving to L.A. I just love saying the word Sepulveda. Every time I pass the exit I feel the need to say it multiple times.
  15. If anyone is willing to tell me I look good, and makes the effort to do so, I will take it as a compliment! :-)
  16. Harvey's lessons 49-81 & lessons 126-134 are covered, but sporadically. Much of it is review, especially if you are doing Latin. Topics covered are: properties of nouns (gender, person, number, case) declining nouns parsing nouns personal pronouns (declining & parsing) possessive pronouns relative pronouns interrogative pronouns (declining & parsing all of these) descriptive adjectives definitive adjectives semicolons colons the use of dashes parenthesis brackets HTH,
  17. Yes, as best as I can tell (and remember) the Dative case is introduced in LfC C chapter 2. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. HTH,
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