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Everything posted by NancyNellen

  1. That is, perhaps, the funniest title I have ever read here - and I've been here for 10 years!
  2. We do soup for lunch a lot. I will make a big pot on the weekend and serve leftovers throughout the week: corn chowder, minestrone, chicken noodle, turkey chili. My littles and bigs all like that (usually). For snacks I like to make healthy muffins in large batches so they are always kicking around. We also love fruit dipped in peanut or almond butter. HTH,
  3. Yes, we have been using this system for over a year and we all LOVE it. We usually pull the box out at lunch time and spend anywhere from 15-20 minutes working and reviewing. We do Scriptures of all different lengths - from one verse to whole chapters. For the longer Scriptures, I break them up into reasonable chunks - say, 8-10 verses per card. We memorized a ton of Scripture this way last year. I really appreciate that we can do it all together, regardless of age. I should mention, too, that we do it all orally. I chant a section, they chant back. I chant a verse, they chant back. we do it all aurally. I highly recommend it.
  4. Math: NEM I/AoPS Algebra I History/Literature/Church History: TOG Year 4 Writing: Classical Writing Chreia & occasional TOG writing assignments Grammar: Harvey's Science: Apologia General Science Latin: Latin for the New Millennium (continuing from last year) Greek: Mounce's Intro. to Biblical Greek Logic: Art of Argument P.E.: Fencing Music: Piano Art: undecided
  5. I was just looking at my Grout and trying to decide how to implement :-) [Have my degree in music education - emphasis flute]
  6. We had a beagle and he was the best family dog we have ever had. Sweet, loving, and low-maintenance.
  7. We use a Singapore/Miquon combo in the elementary years and just consider them 2 separate subjects. We do lessons out of each and we do not match up topics.
  8. We are a family of 7 in the L.A. area. I spend, on average, $40 per person per week on food. We receive a $36 co-op box w/ fresh fruits, veggies, and herbs each week. I have a garden which helps. We have also recently purchased 1/2 an organic, grass-fed cow. I do occasionally buy sausage, bacon, and standard whole chickens to cut costs a bit. (I feel compelled to partake of the 59 cent per pound whole chickens!) Milk is my biggest cost. Organic milk here is $5.49/gallon on sale ($6/gallon w/o sales), and we consume 3-4 gallons per week.
  9. My 7th and 6th graders used these lectures as their history course last year. We used the workbook and purchased/borrowed almost all of the reading recommendations. Personally, I felt it was plenty of work for my 2 kids (who, by the way, are history-lovers and avid readers). There is a lot of additional reading, if one follows the recommendations. I would agree that the lectures themselves would not suffice as a course, but completing the workbook and additional reading makes a comprehensive course for the middle school level, IMO. Here is what my kids did each week: Monday: watch lecture, take notes, turn notes into an outline, begin reading Wednesday: review notes, complete vocabulary & comprehension questions, continue reading Friday: review notes, complete both essays, complete reading, oral review w/ me The lectures were very entertaining, but also chock full of information. They were a great springboard for sparking an interest in the subject matter for my kids. They chose to do additional reading (above what was assigned) in areas of particular interest. They both had a great year: they enjoyed the course immensely, learned a lot, and greatly improved their ability to take notes, outline, and write coherent essays. It was also a great opportunity for them to better manage the work load independently. I did not assign specific pages, but instead gave them to latitude to complete the reading over the course of the week. They learned some great lessons about procrastination :-) HTH,
  10. History/Bible/Literature: TOG Year 4 Math: LOF Fractions and Decimals & Percents followed by Dolciani Pre-Algebra Writing: CW Diogenes: Maxim online tutorial Grammar: Harvey's Science: Apologia General Science Logic: Art of Argument Latin: Latin for the New Millennium Art: ? - maybe Meet the Masters Music: viola & piano
  11. We are in our fifth year with CW and I am a big, big fan. It is solid, thorough, and easy to understand if you persevere through the first year or so. I found Homer to have the biggest learning curve as far as wrapping my brain around why we were doing what we were doing. But I will definitely not switch. I have three currently using the program - just finishing up Maxim, Homer B and Aesop B. They are very solid writers.
  12. I'm definitely not a hopper. I choose carefully and stick with it. I've never felt like something "just wasn't working" with my children. OK - once I did - my eldest did Saxon Math for 1st grade year, then we switched to Singapore/Miquon and haven't looked back. I guess I'm just a content/steady type :-)
  13. I am using the astronomy notebooks with a 4th grader and 1st grader. They love them. I love them. They are simple and you certainly could put one together yourself. But, in my busy little corner of the world, they are worth the money. Both of these kids told me yesterday that science is their favorite subject - my 4th grader added that it is because of the notebooks. I got them on sale at cbd a while back. They include "cover pages" for drawings and titles of each new lesson. There are pages for narrations, and occasional puzzles, etc. There are frames for pictures. I especially like the schedule in the front of the book. It makes planning super-fast and easy. BTW, my kiddos love to do crossword puzzles - and they seem to help reinforce the vocabulary quite well, at least with my kids.
  14. My history-loving oldest found the books interesting. My younger daughter not so much. But I made her read it anyway :-) They are textbooks - so they are not as engaging as some books we've read. I found them through Amazon used sellers. For the most part I did not add in any world history this time around. They did, however, listen in with the youngers who are doing SOTW 3 frequently. We will be doing TOG year 4 next year all together. HTH,
  15. Hi Sangita, My oldest 2 both used the TC DVD's this year. First, I purchased all of the Essential Reading books and most of the Recommended Reading books used. I typed up a 2 page assignment sheet for each week. At the top of the page I had the Lesson number and title, followed by the assigned reading (found in the Course Guidebook). Then I just typed up the Definitions, Comprehension Questions, and Essay Questions found in the Study Workbook. I placed all of these lesson sheets in a three-ring binder. We did history 3x/week this year. I broke it down as follows: Monday: Watch DVD and take notes Create an outline from notes & compare to the outlines found in the Course Guidebook Begin the assigned reading Wednesday: Continue assigned reading Complete Definitions and Comprehension Questions Friday: Complete assigned reading Complete essays Periodically I would assign an additional book that went along with the lesson's subject. I used the WTM list to find appropriate books. I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. I would say this year was a BIG success in the history department. The kids enjoyed the classes, learned a ton, and got lots of practice in note-taking, outlining, and writing.
  16. My 7th grader did the Teaching Co's High School American History course this year and loved it. I was very pleased with the work load. Just wanted to pass along the idea.
  17. Winnie the Pooh and House at Pooh Corner Pinocchio Cricket in Times Square Bud, Not Buddy Dog Friday Stand By, Boys Little Pilgrim's Progress
  18. 1. What's your name? Nancy 2. How many kids do you have (include ages if you wish) Nicholas (13) Gretchen (11) Lillian (9) Gabriel (6) Kurt (3) 3. What curriculum/curricula do you use? PP, SOTW, ETC, Singapore, LfC, Latin for the New Millennium, Teaching Co, CW, FLL, IEW Poetry, Rosetta Stone German, etc, etc, etc 4. Something interesting about yourself - I was the captain of the MA state champ field hockey team my senior year in high school. 5. What's your favorite season? Fall if I'm in New England - spring here in SoCal
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