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Everything posted by NancyNellen

  1. DS(10) Singapore 5A/B & Key to Fractions DD(9) Singapore 4B/5A & Intensive Practice 4A DD9(7) Singapore 2B/3A & Miquon Blue + Green DS(4) About to begin Singapore Earlybird
  2. I meant to add...none of my children are particularly sensitive, so YMMV. :)
  3. My kids were 9, 8, and 6. It was great for the older 2, but a bit tough for the little one. There are no coloring pages and the activities (outlining and such) are definitely geared toward the older set. I am glad we did it, though. We learned a lot. It just wasn't as fun as SOTW 1, 2, + 3.
  4. who asked for this movie for Christmas when she was 6!!! She loves it! So, I think YMMV with this one. She's not particularly sensitive to blood/violence.
  5. I, unfortunately, was not all that pleased. I used about 4 coats of magnetic paint and then painted the wall color over the top. It worked OK for lighter magnets, but it wouldn't work for our Fridgits, which was why we did it in the first place. So, I would say it depends on what you would like it for. Magnetic numbers and letters stuck without a problem. HTH,
  6. I married my hubby in 1997 and we will celebrate our 11th anniversary on Friday! We have five wonderful kiddos: ds-10, dd-9, dd-7, ds-4, and ds-1 (on Thursday.) I have been on the boards since 2001 and have always homeschooled. My hubby and I met at music school where I was a flutist music ed. major and he was a piano/composing grad. student. We recently relocated from CT to sunny SoCal so my husband can make a go at his life-long dream of composing for film. He is extremely talented. You can hear his music here.:) I spend my time studying my Bible, doing laundry, reading books to my kids, cooking, baking, and loving my family. This board has been a blessing to me through the years (in any format!):D
  7. especially the Houston Junior League cookbook, Stop and Smell the Rosemary. Creme de Colorado is wonderful, as well.
  8. We just finished Aesop and I am now knee deep in Homer...trying to get a good feel for it. We will begin CW Poetry for Beginners later this week, as my kids love poetry, and I needed time to get into Homer. I am really happy with CW. My kids' writing has really improved over the last 18 months of using Aesop.
  9. But I REALLY, REALLY didn't want my (now) 2nd grader to miss out on the early years of SOTW. So, I am combining History Odyssey Ancients Level 2 (which my 4th and 5th graders do) with SOTW 1. I did my best to line up the chapters and begin the lesson by reading SOTW. Then the older 2 go work on HO and I do narration/map/coloring page with the 2nd grader. We do all of the HO History Pockets together and have done the Lift the Lid on Mummies and Ancient China Treasure Chest, as well. Periodically, we do a project from SOTW. It has been working well for us.
  10. Yep, this is us, too. My dd, 2nd grade, saw her older sibs doing it and insisted. When I said we were going to wait, she began "teaching" herself. I had to step in before she learned everything WRONG! :) With my older 2, they had they're printing down very well and seemed eager, so we decided to jump into cursive.
  11. it feels like we always have something that's about to end, since we school pretty much year round. For instance, my 4th and 5th graders just finished CW-Aesop, so I am planning, reading, and familiarizing myself w/ CW-Homer right now. I am also considering adding in some more math for my 5th grader, so I am researching and planning there. For those of us who school year round, there always seems to be planning/researching happening. If I stuck to the public school schedule, I would do most of my planning in the summer. HTH,
  12. Bible: with Dad...currently going through Matthew Math: Singapore 3B/4A & finish up Miquon Grammar: finish FLL 3 & ?? Latin: Latin for Children A Poetry: Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization History: SOTW 2 combined w/ History Odyssey 2 (with older sibs) Science: Noeo Chemistry 2 (w/ olders sibs) Music: violin & music appreciation (lots of listening) Art: ?? Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone German Typing: Typing Instructor Deluxe
  13. Currently schooling 4 here: ds (5th), dd (4th), dd (2nd), ds (PreK)
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