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Everything posted by NancyNellen

  1. 1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? FIVE: Nicholas (11) Gretchen (9) Lillian (8) Gabriel (5) & Kurt (18 mo) 2.) What is your favorite food? sushi...yum! 3.) What is your favorite movie? The Return of the King and Pride and Prejudice 4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? either, but it must be diet 5.) What is your favorite book? the Bible 6.) What is your least favorite household job? ironing 7.) What is your favorite season? it was fall when I lived in CT, now it's spring 8.) What is your favorite sport? field hockey..I was on the state champion team my senior year of high school 9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas 10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Costco (esp. if I have everyone with me!!)
  2. I think she's probably familiar with the boards, but I don't recall ever seeing her here. I love her blog, too. I start with it every morning.
  3. Thanks for helping me save $50! My son is a decent note-taker, so I'll probably go ahead without the transcripts. I can always order them later if needed, right? Thanks for the quick responses!
  4. Hi everyone~ I am planning on doing The Early Middle Ages and The Late Middle Ages courses with my 6th grade son next year. Would it be really helpful and beneficial for us to have the transcripts? At $50 for both, I'd like to avoid the expense if they aren't really crucial. Thanks for your input!
  5. 11 year old ds, 6th grade Daily Memory pages Proverbs copywork IEW's Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization Singapore Math 6A/B Brain Maths 1 Latin for Children Primer C Classical Writing Homer A&B w/ Harvey's Grammar Noeo Chemistry History: The Teaching Company's Early & Late Middle Ages courses (This is my tentative plan for history. My boy LOVES history in all its gruesome and technical detail. I think he could handle this...he is very excited about it, at least!) Art: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Music: Piano (if I can find a teacher who will come to my house) Fencing lessons Intro. To Logic – Nance (I plan to begin this after the first of the year) 10 year old dd, 5th grade Daily Memory pages Proverbs copywork Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization Singapore Math 5B/6A Singapore Intensive Practice & CWP Latin for Children Primer C Classical Writing Homer A&B w/ Harvey's Grammar Noeo Chemistry History: SOTW 2 w/ lots of extra reading Art: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain 8 year old dd, 3rd grade Daily Memory pages Proverbs copywork Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization Singapore Math 3A/B Singapore Intensive Practice & CWP Latin for Children Primer A FLL 4 Noeo Chemistry History: SOTW 2 w/ AG Art: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain 5 year old ds, K Leading Little Ones to God Phonics Pathways ETC – finish last primer & ETC 1, 2 Singapore Earlybird Math 1AB & 2AB Miquon (will begin after the 1st of the year) copywork 18 month old ds wreaking havoc :tongue_smilie:
  6. Welcome to homeschooling and the The Hive! Feel free to ask questions. Enjoy your journey.
  7. It's a little sad for us because we had to put our beloved 6 year old beagle down last week. So it's in memory of him: 75 and Sunny
  8. cbd.com (Christian Book Distributors) carries it now, as well.
  9. it was not my intention at all. I was thinking only of what I've learned about my kids, but I can see that it did not come across that way. My apologies for any misunderstanding. BTW, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment.
  10. how about "all of the above." :001_smile:
  11. since I am teaching it for the 4th time this year. My son will be doing: Leading Little Ones to God Phonics Pathways ETC Go for the Code & ETC 1 Singapore Earlybird Math (I will add in Miquon at some point) simple copywork All in all, about 30-60 minutes per day. He will probably want to sit in on SOTW 2 & do the coloring pages and maps. He loves that kind of thing. My goal for K is simply to get him reading. Anything beyond that is gravy.
  12. We have completed books 1-4 and are completing book 1 again. It is a solid, complete program. We add in some of the recommended history and literature reading, as well as some projects listed in the Activity Guide. My older children have retained a ton and think history is fun, so it did the trick for us!
  13. Around here everyone does their own. The info. "sticks" better when they work on the whole project themselves and they are so proud to show off their work.
  14. I've been singing the praises of this particular curriculum for years now, so if anyone is tired of it, my apologies :-) I think it's worth it for us. Now keep in mind that I have 5 children and have been using it since my oldest was 6 (5 years now). The poems begin very simply. There is a great blend of silly and serious poetry and the CD, for me, is invaluable because it makes it so simple for me. We just pop it in, listen to the last 5 selections once through, and then our current selection 3 times. We incorporate the older selections about once a week during our morning memory time. Every Friday we have a recitation day. I keep a clear plastic container with all of our memorized poems on slips of paper. We each choose a slip and recite in front of the whole family. Everyone recites 3-4 poems each week and we work on diction, posture, and feeling. I feel it has helped my children with vocabulary and an appreciation of fine language. Not to mention the recitation skills. It is a fun, easy, and quick curriculum to implement. We spend 10-15 minutes/day on it. Hope that helps.
  15. Classic middle child. My bro. is 16 mo. older than me and my sis is 13 mo. younger. My mom had 3 under 2 1/2! My sibs think I'm a nutcase for homeschooling. They don't disagree, per se, but they would NEVER do it.
  16. Winnie the Pooh House at Pooh Corner Peter Pan Pinocchio Little Pilgrims Progress
  17. it is $4.19. It's been over $4 for a number of weeks now. Thankfully, I'm a homebody!
  18. They do History, Science, Classical Writing, Poetry Memorization, and Latin together. It makes things much easier!
  19. Winners: Daily memory pages (reviewing poetry, math facts, Latin, grammar) Phonics Pathways (it's working great for the 4th time) FLL3 IEW's Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization Singapore Math (although it's getting hard for me!!) Logic Maths (from Singapore) Did the Job: SOTW1/History Odyssey Combo Latin for Children B Noeo Chemistry II Miquon No real losers this year.
  20. Phonics Pathways...easy to implement, solid, laid the foundation for 3 of my kiddos to be great readers (#4 is now working through it) SOTW w/ AG...FUN, easy to implement, great activities and literature recs. Classical Writing...systematic & comprehensive, it challenges my children
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