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Everything posted by jrn

  1. I agree with the others, I only want to add Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
  2. I rarely have any left over cookies. :laugh: I store those in Tupperware in the cabinet.
  3. Some years dh stays home while I go out with the kids, other years dh is gone so we leave the light off. We gave out candy long before we had kids and will continue to do so after they are grown and moved out. I love little kids in costumes. :001_wub:
  4. I introduced my kids to it last year, and they both loved it. Normally they do not like the same things, so this was a great win.
  5. I have a lofty goal of reading through the books in my church library. It should take a while, we have fairly reasonable sized library. I attend Bible classes during the week and after church on Sunday. I've really learned from the discussions that always come up. I need to put more time into memorization.
  6. :grouphug: Get a second opinion please. :grouphug:
  7. My pear tree exploded with fruit this year. :hurray: I've given away as much as I can. Now what do I do with the rest? My family is getting tired of eating them plain and in bread. We've never had this many before so this is a new "problem" for us. Would they taste good made into sauce? Any other suggestions?
  8. jrn


    I am thankful that I have 2 wonderful girls. I am thankful that dh and I will be celebrating 16 years of marriage tomorrow. I am thankful the kids are quietly doing homework. I am thankful for diet coke.
  9. I'm tired of everything being my fault all the time. "Mom, why is my favorite shirt not washed yet" says the girl that just found her dirty shirt under her dresser that morning. "mom, why don't we have anything good to eat for supper" says the girl that only likes corn dogs. I tell them the complaint department is in the backyard. They've learned to go away when I say that. My neck, heel, lower back, shoulders, books, and wrists hurt, again. I'm tired of being a broken old lady and I'm not 40 yet. I hate paying bills and not having any money left over. Pre teen attitudes. I'm so over it. Whew, I feel better.
  10. :crying: My mom told me that I was just going to have to figure it out myself. She didn't have help from her mom so she wasn't going to help me either. And she wonders why we don't have a relationship anymore. Needless to say, things will be different when I'm a grandparent.
  11. My parents always said as long as I was in school, they would not charge rent. So as soon as I graduated technical college I paid $100/month. (this was in the early 90's)
  12. I don't remember (dh takes care of that kind of thing!) I do know that it was the last one that the store had as they were phasing out that brand.
  13. We've had our memory foam mattress for 5ish years. I will never buy another one. We spent too much money on it and it needs to be replaced already. I didn't expect at 5yo to have major memory loss. And, it's soooooo hot in the summer. Not ok for a lady having hot flashes. ;)
  14. Another Lutheran here. We say it in every non-communion service. We use the Nicene creed when there is communion.
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