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Everything posted by jrn

  1. Today at the gym I did 20 min on the regular elliptical, worked my stomach and back muscles on the weight machines, 20 min on the short stride elliptical, tons of sit ups, stretch and done. I am also doing Body by Vi shakes.
  2. I went to the gym today and did 20 min on the elliptical, weight machines -upper body and lower, back to a shorter stride elliptical 13 min , short cool down on the track, then a ton of sit ups, stretch and done. I just started back at the gym last week, after a year and a half of life getting in the way.
  3. As someone who decided to go to an estranged family members wedding, I say Do Not Go!
  4. My lovely floor plugs are not conveniently located. They are 3 inches from the walls. :confused1:
  5. We gutted a room to find that they used bricks for insulation. In the kitchen behind the paneling we found 2 other entrances to the house that were remodeled sometime in the 120 year history of the house.
  6. I've got paneling in a bunch of rooms -yuck- but it looks better than the rooms with no paneling and holes in the plaster. Our kitchen was updated in the late 60's. Our washer and drier we bought used about 15 years ago. We only have outlets in the floor -not on the wall- and then only 1 or 2 per room. It makes blow drying my hair a little tricky as I am quite tall and cords are quite short. All the ceilings on the second floor I can reach up and put my palms on them. I routinely scrape my knuckles when putting on a shirt. I have wooden floors- but not the nice ones. Wavy glass windows that when the wind blows the curtains move. I think my home is 120 years old, I love it, flaws and all.
  7. :grouphug: My dh isn't home or I'd ask him for you.
  8. Mine go into the guinea pig cage then to the compost. Maybe call your local animal shelter to see if they have a need for it.
  9. When I told my mom I got these standard answers-- to just ignore them oh he must like you, do you like him? I was so popular in school I never had these problems I never talked to my mom about it again.
  10. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. Around here it's not a super big deal but the kids and I have some fun. I am estranged from my mother so no calls to her, dh calls his mom, and the kids and I go to a local flower place that lets the kids decorate a pot and put a plant in it to give to their mothers. (all for free!) Then we usually poke around in our flower gardens to see if anything is growing yet.
  12. :crying: I am so sorry. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. 10 and 12 here. You mean it gets worse???? :grouphug:
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