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Everything posted by jrn

  1. As littles I did that all the time. Now that they are older, never.
  2. The one time I told dh that he was doing the planning for our anniversary, he still came to me for suggestions and when I held my ground on not planning, he did nothing for us because that's what I wanted. :huh: :glare:
  3. I do see those items requested, but I've also seen those types of items offered.
  4. You could try. I've returned shoes at Kohl's when I didn't wear them but 5 min in my house. They did refund me, but there were a bunch of disapproving sighs and looks involved. I had to remind them of the no hassle policy. This was a few years ago though.
  5. I had mine surgically repaired along with a hysterectomy and rectocele repair. I'm so glad I did it, and wonder why I waited so long to do so. If you haven't already check out hystersisters.com. Tons of great info.
  6. :grouphug: I can relate to some of it. I'll be praying for you.
  7. I will not sprain my ankle and be on crutches the week before Christmas.
  8. My kids were so wonderful this year thanking us after every gift. The biggest hit for dd10 were erasers that come apart and she can play with. And for dd12 a balloon animal making kit.
  9. My girls are getting tape in their stockings. And I had resorted to threatening them with no presents at all if they took my scissors again.
  10. Dh was in the service industry and truly was thankful for all the tips he had gotten over the years. He's gotten everything from a dollar to Packer tickets.
  11. fish for dh and me popcorn chicken for the kids French fries for all All of it is from the frozen food section and so not healthy, but it was that kind of day.
  12. I don't know if my mother would be diagnosed a narcissist but she sure has tendencies. After making everything pure torture, I no longer have contact with her. I am a Christian and really wrestled with the honoring part, but a discussion with my pastor made me realize that no contact is the right thing to do. It's sad that there are so many of us in this position. :grouphug: to all of us.
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