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Everything posted by slackermom

  1. I was in a large display window on a busy street in Boston, setting up the new fall window design. I wasn't listening to the radio, but I could see that something strange was going on based on the reaction of people on the street. Someone from the store above us came down and told us what he had heard on the radio. I was there for another couple of hours, dealing with the decision not to open the store, and figuring out what I should do with the windows, not knowing when we would be back.
  2. I agree that at a major airport, you need to allow extra time. Even if we land on time, I often need to allow an extra hour for things like sitting on the tarmac, waiting for a gate, taking 15 minutes to get off the plane because I am in row 45, and everyone in front of me needs to get their bags from various overhead bins, walking down LONG corridors because we arrived at gate 75, finding the taxi stand, waiting in line for my turn for a taxi, etc .... When I travel into small airports I am amazed at how quickly I can get out and on the road.
  3. I was a kid like this, and have a dd like this too. The main thing that has worked for us is to enforce consistent wake ups, and no catch up naps. We cannot make ourselves fall asleep, and REALLY enjoy reading in the evening, so the trick is forcing ourselves to get up on time. Then, get outdoor exposure early in the day to help reset the brain's internal clock. Get plenty of exercise during the day to really work off steam. Find the best time of day to take a shower, figuring out if that is a cue to wake up, or to wind down. Work on ways to prep the mind and body for sleep. When one of us is sick, we prioritize rest over the schedule, so I find we have to reset the schedule again after an illness.
  4. DD just started Algebra in public school a couple of week ago, and her class doesn't use a textbook. I am so happy we still have the AOPS Pre-A book for her to use! The Pre-A book did a great job with exponents, but didn't specifically cover fractional exponents that we could see, which was the topic of her homework last night, so that caused a mini-panic. I sent DD to the AOPS website to watch Richard explain them in his videos. Great resource!
  5. Ellen Rose Helen Rose Lauren Rose some simple -y names Amy Kelly Lucy Lily Ruby
  6. DD12 doesn't like to dance on a full stomach, so she has a small snack before class, and she has dinner after class. She is vegetarian, and DH and I are not, so we have a short list of basic vegetarian meals that are quick and easy and always on hand. On nights with multiple classes, I might pick up a take-out noodle or rice dish for her while I am waiting.
  7. We don't actually drive/boat/bike if we go out for ice cream, because we can walk to a half dozen places from where we live. We sometimes go for a walk in the evening after dinner, and occasionally one of us will suggest stopping for ice cream, especially in the summer.
  8. Dd used the restroom stall at school basically on her own starting at age 3 (she started ps 6 weeks after turning 3), but a teacher stood at the main door to oversee all the kids during designated bathroom times. At our YMCA, there are separate locker rooms for kids , where kids up to age 6 are supervised by staff (if the kids are at the Y without their parents). Kids older than that are considered old enough to handle things on their own. That Y has 2 family changing rooms, plus 2 single room bathrooms, in addition to the 4 main locker rooms (girls/boys/women/men). Out in public, say at Target, dd preferred to share a large stall until about age 9 or 10. At age 12, she usually feels fine on her own, but I will keep an eye on the bathroom if we are at a big mall food court or such.
  9. At your age, I would not be too concerned about a rental history, but you might be asked to have someone co-sign for your obligation on the lease, such as your sister. I would assume they might do a credit check on you, your dh, and the roommate. In my area, first and last month's rent is standard, along with a security deposit. There are probably local rules that govern what can be collected, and how it must be held. eta I would combine your incomes, and not expect each to be able to individually pay the full amount.
  10. My dd is well beyond 2nd now, but I asked her if she could do the problem. She answered correctly in about a second, and then asked why I was giving her first grade problems. Then she said, Wait, what about the conductor? I answered, well, if he's a person, he's included in the number they give, and if he's NOT a person, we don't need to count him, right? I did read somewhere, a long while ago, that most kids under a certain age couldn't process numbers above a certain point. I think the age was about 6, and the number was maybe 46? So, if the number of passengers given was 33, rather than 63, perhaps it might be easier for kids that age to comprehend?
  11. I once saw a rodent pop up out of our regular toaster, and that was the last day I ever used one of those. I switched to a toaster oven, but we don't use it very often. We are moving this year, and I think the toaster oven may not make the cut in the new kitchen. In the new place, we will be using the oven left behind by the previous owner until it needs replacing, then I am holding out for a dual oven.
  12. DD12 does about 10 hours of dance class each week, plus competitions once or twice per month. She would not do well cutting back her activity level to just trying another sport a couple of hours per week, especially if that sport does not go year-round. You have a bit of a pickle in that your ds has stated he prefers soccer when this option was offered. In that case, I would try to let him sample soccer, but I would not cut ties with the gym.
  13. I donate in several ways. DD has attended 4 different public schools, so I have seen LOTS of fundraising models. The current school does not do candy and gift wrap sales, etc. They do a major appeal in the fall, and again in the spring. One focuses on getting the largest donation possible, and the other focuses on 100% participation, even if you only donate $1. I sent $50. They have an auction in the spring, selling off things donated by families, and several times a year they ask for food, paper goods, etc for teacher events. I usually send in something valued at $10-20. The teachers also participate in various online classroom donor requests, including amazon wish lists. I try to contribute when I can, especially for something like a request for math manipulatives, or interesting tech tools that aren't in the ordinary budget. ALL of the schools have done box tops. I dislike that sort of program, encouraging kids to buy sponsored products.
  14. A friend gave us a couple of her old potties when she was decluttering, and dd had just turned 1. When dd saw them, she was very excited. She had seen me use the toilet, so she had the idea, and was eager to use her own. She started walking at 9 moths, so by 1 she was quite capable of getting herself to the potty on her own. Another thing that helped was getting underwear for her. She did not like the feel of diapers or pull ups, so the was happy to have underwear instead. Her bottom was too tiny to hold up 2T, but she wore little leggings that held them in place, and they were easy for her to get on and off.
  15. I know there is an option to set it up under another account. It might default to Beth's 6th Kindle when she first turns it on, but it can be changed. I believe when I first logged on, they gave an option to sign in under a different account. Also, you can tweak things on the Amazon website under "manage my devices."
  16. I find that the extraction is easiest immediately following a warm bath or shower. Even 20 minutes later, things start to get more difficult.
  17. I would usually choose a solid over more stripes, but I do like the look of the ticking stripes with the original striped sheets.
  18. My dd's dance pain is in a different spot, but the injury sounds similar. I just took my own dd to the doctor today. She had 18 hours of dance camp the first week of August, and on the 9th, halfway into her first practice post-camp, she started to feel significant pain in her foot around the ankle, and spreading. There was no specific fall or twist. She sat out the rest of class after giving it a couple more attempts. We had her skip dance and rest/ice/compress/elevate it since then, without improvement. So, today they said they were concerned about a possible stress fracture, but the pain was not specific to an expected bone location. Thus, we should assume a sprained or torn muscle or ligament, and they have dd in an air boot for a couple of weeks to see if that does the trick. I hope your dd feels better soon. My own dd is very bummed about not being able to dance for a while. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it goes away.
  19. DD12 wears Irish dance costumes, which I have had to alter quite a bit over the last couple of years. She grew 6 inches in that time, but more importantly, her shape completely changed. The costumes usually have about 2 inches of let-out and let-down. When looking for wiggle room, make sure it is not just in the waist, hem, and cuffs. We have had issues with upper arms, where the sleeves attach at the shoulder, when a growth spurt would mean she could not fully extend her arm without it pinching. Also problematic: going from basically NO rear-end to a full curvy woman shape in under 2 years. So, we adjusted the length on dresses, only to find that they no longer sat properly on the hips. We are getting a new dress next month, and I plan buy the largest size I can get without looking clownish, then taking it in for the fall, and letting it back out as needed. One tip for this age is to wear a little padding in the bra when getting fitted, and wearing it as needed until nature fills in the gap.
  20. I am going to give myself credit for not getting take out, given that I often do that when it is way too hot to cook. Instead, I did a quick saute combining leftovers into a rice/bean/veggie tortilla surprise.
  21. I was out running errands, and the only parking spot was in front of an ice cream store. It is in the 90s here. I impulsively went in the ice cream shop to buy some for me and dd, but the line was long, and the prices were high. After 5 minutes in line, I decide to go get whipped cream from the convenience store instead, so we could make sundaes at home tonight. So, my only purchase today was a can of whipped cream. Not entirely frugal, but much cheaper than option #1.
  22. Well, now I have put BOTH the 6-in-1 and 7-in-1 in my shopping cart to price-watch. :lurk5: We will be moving in the fall, after the new place is put back together again, following a full gut of the bathroom and kitchen. At the moment I can look through the floor of the bathroom and see the stripped kitchen, so I suppose I can just be patient. If I am lucky, the arrival of my Instant Pot will coincide with the arrival of my kitchen counters!
  23. I ended up skipping this one, due to deciding that I am going to hold out for the 7 in 1 with yogurt option. I will put that one in my cart and keep an eye on the price.
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