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Jen in NY

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Everything posted by Jen in NY

  1. Not judging her for her conservative belief system. Calling her out on the overall message: If you dress like a hussy, my husband will want you. If you are modest, he will want you even more. Either way: girl's at fault, guy can't control his 'impulses.' Not in my world.
  2. oohh.... bad flashback to 1989 ... college apt.... goodbye bangs....
  3. I dunno.... if those were snaps..... you never know where that could lead...
  4. Yeah. :( I can't sing some of my own songs that I wrote only like 5 years ago. :glare:
  5. LOL... my son is lobbying hard to take over older sister's room... it is a better room..... I think it's a logical choice, since the most she will be here is 4 months/year and probably not even that much if things go like she hopes... but I don't want dd to feel like we are shuffling her out. Anyone have experience with this? I know... not really a problem.... maybe I'll just let him negotiate directly with her. :) Thoughts? Experiences? Share, please.
  6. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: For various reasons, I felt the same way this year. Wish we were all ten years younger sittin' on the couch reading Charlotte's Web.
  7. Can someone comment on ott lights? I have always wanted one but wonder if the cost is justified? It might be what the OP and I are looking for if they work. :)
  8. Just random thoughts here... If i were you I might sign my kid up for calc via AoPS this next semester... Perhaps at the end of the year your dd could take the calc BC exam and have a really solid understanding before moving on to cc for multi or lin alg. Also, here in my house apush+ AP lit + AP eng lang + an advanced math class at the cc would be unmanageable... Just not enough hours in the day to keep up with all the reading and still have time for other things in life. YMMV, of course... But I'd push the lit off to senior year for sure if you are definitely doing the lang junior year. You might look into the potters school advanced comp to see if anyone takes the ap eng lang exam after it... If the content is similar your dd might be able to self prep for the exam and get that out of the way before junior year.
  9. I have to run out and can't read through all the replies.... but :grouphug: to the member who can't sleep. This may not be what you are looking for, but there are these great hypnotic aps from this guy named Andrew Johnson (ayup... like the president) ... a couple are free so you can see if you like him... one is called something like "Relax" and the other one is "Power Nap"... they are awesome.... He wakes you up at the end (on purpose, after all, you asked for a power nap!), but there may be some that don't wake you up that cost a couple of bucks. He is Uber relaxing and I feel great after listening to him. HTH and good luck!!
  10. It is interesting, isn't it? This definitely happened here, too, and it's been a good thing.
  11. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Hugs to the first timers and the old-timers, too. It sure is hard.
  12. We just started watching Tales from the Green Valley and it's wonderful. :)
  13. Ayup, to what she said. All of you. I have one college soph, about ready to leave home for the last time, I think. She'll be interning next year and hopes to spend junior year in spain. SPAIN. I have a rising senior that wants to go somewhere for college next year, hopefully close. To her, close means within 6 hours. I have a rising freshman that, for today, just wants to play accordion and lego in my basement forever. I can get on board with that at this point. Just don't leave me alone!!! OK, I don't really mean that. I don't think.
  14. My son is 14 and blogs about lego regularly (see my sig). Any free time he has he's thinking lego, designing lego, building lego, reading lego, writing lego. I can see it being a lifelong hobby for him. I am very happy to hear that some lifelong lego fans in this thread were able to tear themselves away from the lego long enough to find life partners and start families. It's comforting to a mom. :)
  15. Hmm.... I am a tiny house dreamer, so maybe my answer is not typical..... but we have 5 people in what is officially a 1500sq footer, and I don't feel like we need more than that (we do have a finished basement room that we use for music and storage. Which probably doesn't sound like much, but if everything down there had to be up here somewhere... eeek). That being said.... I abhor the layout of this house. I think there's plenty of room... in fact, there is one large room we rarely use at all. It's just not laid out well. If we decide to stay after the kids are gone, I will redo the entire first floor a la Sarah Susanka.
  16. This Monday, we were visiting family on Long Island and decided at the last minute to register for a tour of SUNY Stony Brook, just because we were right there. I grew up in the town next door and spent lots of time on campus as a kid, so I had lots of preconceived notions about what we would find there... but all of my preconceptions were blown away. I was very pleasantly surprised. It is a HUGE place... about 20, 000 people, give or take.... and has less of a focus on Engineering than the other SUNY University we were considering, University at Buffalo, but overall I came away thinking that it could be a possibility for my dd, especially if no private school comes through with merit money. The campus was actually somewhat pretty, and the dorms looked fairly friendly, which I did not expect. So many SUNY schools have a bit of a communist bloc architecture vibe going on. Our tour was fairly generic, so in order to seriously put this school on our list we would need to know a lot more about the math and engineering depts (dd's interests), but the admissions tour didn't cause me to cross the school off, which has happened at times in the past. The one thing that has NOT changed about the place is the location.... Long Island.... which is, you know... LONG... and the entire length is pretty much a traffic jam compared to where I live now, so.... yeah. There's that. Does anyone have great stuff to know about SUNY Stony Brook? I'd love to hear it.
  17. For my rising 9th grader: AoPS Alg II, Prob(ably) AoPS Prob and Stats in the Spring Chemistry using Chang and Chemguy World History with SWB's History of the Ancient World, possibly into Medieval if we move along English: Wordly Wise, Warriner's for grammar and writing, Reading list from WTM Spanish: Spanish Now TKD and Parkour for Gym Piano, Accordion & Singing in a Bluegrass Band for Music We are both going to try and tag along with big sister on AP Stats and take the AP Exam... yes, I am going to test my way through some college credit, just like my kids!!
  18. Too true, Creekland. UR is also awesome. Additionally, UR is a 100%EFC meeting school, and RIT is most definitely NOT... if that figures into anyone's equation. We are heading back to UR soon, too. And UB... and Cornell.... and Case Western... (wait a minute, I think I've seen this movie before!!!!)
  19. At the CC: Chem PAHomeschoolers: APStats Here at home: Multivariable Calc with MIT Opencourseware. AP Macro Econ (MIT OCW, various other resources) Continue Spanish studies. AP US Gov & Politics English - Lit and Writing... using They Say, I Say Hopefully continuing in her bluegrass trio Piano -- last year with her wonderful teacher :( TaeKwonDo & whipping me into shape via Couch to 5K ... race is in October Continuing to work at the Public Library TA-ing AP Calculus and of course, the dreaded COLLEGE APPLICATIONS.
  20. DD and I were hunting around for some self study materials for the APMacro exam and found an in-progress Coursera course called The Power of Macroeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World. It looks very thorough, so I signed up and downloaded all the lectures and weekly questions to my hard drive to use throughout the year. I think the course will be around on the coursera website for about another 3 weeks, in case anyone is looking. I have no idea how this course aligns with the APExam... looking into that more right now.
  21. I have 4 years to go. I work part time right now at a couple of things... I clean an office, (which I love, because it is flexible to the utmost... I never have to miss a thing!) and I teach trumpet ... mostly summer beginner stuff for the local school district. I have looked into what it would take to get recertified in music and decided it's too expensive and too risky--- there are just way too many music teachers out there. So for these last four years while my son is still home I am going to clep every math class possible and take the rest at CC for 30 credit hours and try to get certified in adolescent math. Then I can start work and do my masters simultaneously... as a challenge to myself. :) And if that doesn't work out, I'd like to get some kind of job at one of the local colleges (don't care what.... food service is fine as long as I get free classes as a benefit!) and take classes and participate in every campus activity until I die. :) Maybe I'll just haunt the place after, too.
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