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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. My kids have had this case since they were two and five years old. It has been dropped.....alot.....in 3 years. The iPod Touches still work perfectly. DD#1 has a purple one and DD#2 has a pink one. http://www.amazon.com/Speck-PixelSkin-Rubberized-Case-touch/dp/B001FWYXE6/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1332120197&sr=8-12
  2. Hmm...not sure. I had my first even gallbladder attack this past Christmas night (yeah, fun in the ER on Christmas!) It came on suddenly...I had never had any sort of gallbladder issues before. However, I've heard that it can occur postpartum and I was only 7 weeks postpartum. It began in the evening as a slight pain in my upper abdomen, right between my rib cage, under the breastbone (epigastric pain). At first I thought it was gas pain, since I'm prone to that. But it began to get more and more intense. I was finally in such pain that I was rolling around, changing position constantly, trying to find some sort of comfortable way to lay. No matter what I did, the pain would not east up AT ALL. There was no relief....constant horrible pain. It would wrap around my entire midsection, right at the bottom of my ribs. The back pain was horrible as well. I ended up using the bathroom, thinking that would help. It didn't though. And I finally threw up due to the pain, but it only eased for about 5 minutes. After about 3 hours of it, I finally went to the ER. I had a feeling it was my gallbladder. Sure enough....gallstones. It only went away after an IV dose of Fentanyl and two Vicodin. I was in horrible pain from 9 PM until about 5 AM. I had it removed at the end of January.
  3. He totally looks like an Oliver....much more than a Cory! And I really like the name Oliver. Even the nickname Ollie.
  4. Yes, mine came today as well!! Can't wait to play with it!!
  5. I had NEVER had any gallbladder issues until exactly 7 weeks after my 3rd child was born (which was back in December...Christmas night to be exact). It began in the evening, and I thought it was gas pain. I'm prone to having gas pains so I figured this was what it was. It was in that area way up high, right between your ribs, right below breast level. As the next hour or two went by, the pain got increasingly worse. And worse. And worse. It felt like horribly bad gas pain. I kept thinking if I could just go to the bathroom, then I'd feel better. Well, I went to the bathroom and didn't feel better. The pain became so bad that I even threw up. After that, I felt better for about 15 minutes. Not good, but better. Then the intensity came back. The pain wrapped around my entire body, around the area right at the bottom of my ribs. It made my back hurt horribly. I could not find a comfortable position. Nothing eased the pain. I rolled around, got in the fetal position, stood up, hunched over, punched the pillow, curled up, etc. Over and over again. After about 3 hours of pain, I finally went to the ER. They did an ultrasound and diagnosed me with gallstones. All in all, the attack lasted around 8 hours and only went away after I took a bit of IV Fentanyl and then 2 Vicodin. Yeah, it was pretty horrible. I know that some people's pain does not come on that strongly at first. They might have a few small "episodes" or "attacks" that last 30 minutes to an hour. But I had never had any pain before that. It was crazy. And I did have my gallbladder removed about a month after that attack. The doctor told me that since I have stones, then I'd just be waiting for another attack. It could occur in ten years or the next day. I didn't want that to be constantly hanging over my head. Plus, it can start affecting your pancreas and then you are risking having a wide open surgery instead of a laparoscopic one.
  6. Sorry, I love Apple LOL. DH and I each have had three iPhones (got the new one each time they've come out for the past three times). I have an iPod Classic that I keep in the car. DH has a Nano that goes with him to football games. My kids have had iPod Touches since they were 2 and 5 years old. We just recently upgraded their iPods yesterday to the current 4th generation ones. And I have my iPad 3 pre-ordered. I'm sorry. :tongue_smilie: Edited to add....I do despise iTunes quite a bit at times. And the whole Cloud thing is driving me nuts because my kids were getting texts that were supposed to come to my phone and every time I got an app for my phone, it went to their iPods. But, we disabled the Cloud and iMessage on their iPods, so now we are good to go.
  7. My kids will basically eat four veggies.....salad, broccolli, green beans, and corn (if you want to count that). Honestly, that's about all I'll eat as well, although I will eat peas too. They prefer salad (just lettuce with some ranch dressing) so I try to give them that often. Sometimes they have a salad daily....even twice a day occasionally. Their next choice is broccolli, so I just boil it on the stove, drain, and add salt/pepper/butter. Steamed is good too. They like green beans and corn the least, but will still eat it.
  8. DD #2 just turned 5 yesterday. For 4.5 years, she was the baby....she still wants to be. :D Most nights, she'll still fall asleep at night as I rock her in the recliner while I watch TV with DH. She loves to snuggle. She would like to still be carried a lot, but with the baby, she needs to walk. But yes, she is still very much the "baby".
  9. Yikes! I've always hated bananas and never ate them..I'm talking NEVER ate them. One day about 4 years ago I was in a crunch, became very hungry and weak and shaking. I had a banana with me for the kids. So I ate it since it was the only thing I had with me. My throat began to get very itchy. I ended up going for some allergy testing a few weeks later and yep, I'm allergic to bananas. Your reaction was very severe! I'm wondering if the banana was just coincidental?
  10. Thanks everyone! DH is on his way home and we are headed out to look at a 2011 at a nearby dealership to see what we think.
  11. Thank you for this comparison!! The Honda Odyssey would actually be our second choice if we decided we wanted something smaller.
  12. Hahaha! Yes, what are the pros and cons of having a sunburn? :lol: I misread titles ALL the time LOL.
  13. So glad to hear about all the happy Suburban owners! I really think I'd be happier in something that sat higher off the ground. Our van is not much higher than a regular car.
  14. I'm about to venture into that territory. I just ordered the iPad 3 today and I'm wondering if I will need a case specific to the 3 or if an iPad 2 case will work? There's tons of choices! I drop thing....a lot LOL....so I'm getting something protective. Amazon usually has Otterbox cases for tons cheaper. I've purchased several on there for iPhones.
  15. We are thinking of thinking about a Suburban. :tongue_smilie: Right now we have a Nissan Quest mini van. It seats 7 and seems pretty roomy. We have three kids in car seats. However, here are my reasons for wanting a Suburban.... * Bigger vehicle = safer vehicle * Larger trunk space. We go to Disney several times a year, go camping and bring a BUNCH of stuff, and make other various trips sometimes. We're headed to Alabama in December and possibly to the Smoky Mountains sometime next year. And I'm an overpacker....so trunk space is good. :D We've added a child since last time we went camping. We could previously put both kids in the second row, fold down the third row, and have the entire back for trunk space. Now we must use the third row for seating. So while the trunk is deep...it's not very wide. * Better at towing our pop up camper. Our Quest can and does pull it, but it's pretty much sitting at the maximum weight limit. I'm afraid to carry bikes or anything like that to go camping because of the added weight. * The possibility of fitting all three car seats across the second row. I'm not sure that this is feasible (especially since DD4 sits in a Britax Regent, the mother of all car seats), but I can try. * Leather seats. The cloth in our van gets stained so easily. It would be nice to have leather to wipe off. Yes, I know it's hot in the summer and cold in the winter, but I think I can live with that if they are clean LOL. * A light colored exterior, such as silver. Our current van is black. I think that thing draws in heat due to the color. Pair that with the fact that the air conditioning system has never seemed to blow our very hard and you have a sauna during our Florida summers. I'm hoping that a Suburban has a more efficient A/C system that blows out harder. Does anyone have a Suburban? Hate it or love it? What are the best and worst things about it? Yes, I'd be totally scared of how large it is the first time I get behind the wheel LOL.
  16. :iagree: This is me. I know that expiration dates don't always mean anything, but once a product reaches its expiration, I toss it. If one strawberry is moldy in a carton, I throw the whole thing out. I definitely would NOT have eaten that bread.
  17. Usually posts on the internet from people I do not "know" don't really rile me up....but in this case, I'm angry for you! That "friend" is treating you horribly. I'd refuse contact with her any further...you don't need "friends" like that. And keep the CD.
  18. Ergo for long term....Infantino for short term. This is the combo I've found works best for us. I've tried pretty much everything....a ring sling, a pouch, the Moby Wrap, the Bjorn, etc. I've had an Ergo since DD#1 was 8 months old. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Can't say enough good things about it. However, I do not like it for small babies, even with the infant insert. Until my babies are about 6 months old, I use one of the cheap Infantino carriers. My babies love to face out around that age (yes, I know what they say about facing out but my babies do not live in the carriers), they don't cost very much, and at that age the babies are still light enough to wear them without the hip support (like the Ergo has). When they are 6-8 months old, I transfer them to the Ergo. This has worked very well for us. With pouches and ring slings, the babies just don't seem to sit comfortably in them. With the Moby wrap, I felt like it took forever to get baby in....and if I had to readjust when in a store, that would be a pain. Ergo's and Infantino's are quick and easy.
  19. Since October we seem to have been sick a lot. We've had a good month with not much sickness (except for my never ending cold) so I'm hoping that we are getting past it. We went to Disney a few weeks ago and I was so afraid we'd bring something back from there. Thankfully, we didn't.
  20. I want to start taking my girls on more field trips, but most places seem to require groups (zoo classes, hospital tours, etc). My mind is drawing a blank, but what are some good places that I can take my girls myself? We have two different groups that we can do field trips with, but sometimes I'd like to just go on my own time as well, in addition to those. We have a nice zoo that we've been to often, and our museum of science is just okay. I try to hit festivals when they come to town. Where does your family go on field trips to?
  21. I believe that the rash and the stiff neck are both signs of meningitis. I would take him to the ER.
  22. Wow....so much said on these posts describes me perfectly! I find myself staying up late at night often. I love when everyone else is sleeping and I can do whatever I want without feeling like someone is going to need something from me. I just need to be able to tune out....to completely tune out....without the fear of anyone needing me. DH isn't exactly extroverted, but he is much more outgoing than I am. He actually likes going on business trips, eating dinner with people he barely knows, etc. That would be a nightmare for me. He doesn't need alone time like I do, but he gets it. He commutes 45 minutes each way. He can tune out at home. If he's doing something, he somehow doesn't hear the kids, even if they are in the same room. And anyways, they come to me for everything instead of him. Sometimes they search me out when they need something even though DH may be three feet away from them! I would *so* love if DH would take the kids out on a regular basis. Like most people here, I don't want to have to be the one to go out. I want to stay home to read a book, look up things on the internet, scrapbook, make lesson plans....shoot, even clean the house! He just gets home so late each day that weekdays wouldn't work for us. Maybe he can start planning something to do with the big kids sometimes on the weekends.
  23. Honestly, I wouldn't be giving the supplement. Breastmilk has everything a baby needs.
  24. Now that you mention it, when my oldest was a newborn, she kept throwing up at only 2 weeks old. Her pediatrician told me to give her Pedialyte to calm her tummy. She immediately threw it up. If I knew then what I knew now, I never would have given her the Pedialyte! Of course she threw it up...it's a much different consistency than what a newborn is accustomed to. And the breastmilk definitely wasn't what was irritating her tummy. I had forgotten all about that until you mentioned it.
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