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Everything posted by SunnyDays

  1. Oh that's adorable. Yes, my son had (still has, actually) a lovey, and early on we went back and bought multiples, LOL. (Which is good because after one particularly bad night of a stomach virus, there was just no reviving one version.)
  2. I agree, you really need to get the story straight from one of the pastors. But something does seem off, especially with you saying there seem to be no changes to other ministries. I find it hard to imagine a situation where this would be a good thing. If you ask, you might get an answer that makes you feel much better (like, maybe there was a kerfuffle among women's leadership, they temporarily halted everything, and they're in the process of relaunching). You might get an answer you don't like. Or you might get the runaround and no real answer at all, which is, in and of itself, a sort of answer. But at least you'll be able to make an educated decision of what to do next. :grouphug:
  3. You're making progress. Just don't back down now. She will still call for something, one day. Don't tell yourself at that moment, oh she hasn't asked for anything in a while, it'll be okay to do this one thing. No... Just no. You'll be right back at square one. Don't do anything for her, don't respond to her except to tell her no or to leave, and otherwise don't give her another thought. Stay strong, and be in control of your own life!
  4. Poor guy. He seems like a very nice kid, but I don't think the QB thing is going to work out for him, not at that level anyway. Will be interesting to see his next move.
  5. Math Mammoth is a great curriculum for a child that likes to learn more independently. www.mathmammoth.com - and I think it's 50% off at HSBC for a couple more days. It's a work text with all the instruction right on the page, so no instructors manual from which you're supposed to teach. I let my son work alone, helping him a bit at introductions to new concepts, checking work, and reviewing any errors and questions. Highly recommend!
  6. I've never used it, never used any illegal drug. Like many others said, I don't know of anyone in my life that currently smokes it, but I do know of people who used to. Apparently I lived under a bridge in college and everyone else was using it here and there. ;) I don't like the idea of it being smoked in public, because it does permeate the air and IMO, no one should have to walk past that on the sidewalk and breathe it in. I'm libertarian enough to think that if someone is smoking it in their home, not driving, and not putting minors at risk, it's really not my business. And I have no issue with medical marijuana, but again, would prefer it be in oil or edible form.
  7. I'm with Cat... You might need the prayers more than DD. (I know I would!!). :grouphug: Hoping she has a wonderful time, and that the two days pass quickly for you! :)
  8. Agreeing with the majority. Debt is anything you owe to another entity, including mortgage, car loans, credit cards, student loans, etc. It is basically money that you borrowed, or spent before you had it, that you need to pay back. I don't count rent, insurance, Internet or phone service, etc to be debt under that definition. Unles those collection accounts disappeared... Yes, your friend is wrong. :)
  9. Yowzers. What a saga. I completely understand your latest decision, I wouldn't allow it either. Sorry you're dealing with this.
  10. Sounds like this could be a very good arrangement for both of you! Glad things are off to a good start! :)
  11. Yikes. I agree, you don't have to be nasty, but I think the polite ship has sailed here. Definitely get a lock for your storm door. When she comes by, go and say, through the screen without opening the door, "Sorry, it's not a good time for a visit. Have a good day." Then close the door if you need to and walk away. If she tries to open the door or push in, look shocked and annoyed and repeat yourself. Once. And sure, tell her that you need some items back: "Your boys have our scooter, basketball, and hula hoop (or whatever). Could you run home and get them for us? My kids would like them back." If she asks you for something, a ride or such, that you don't want to do: "Sorry, that won't work for me." Keep repeating until she gets the message. Really, you don't owe her any more explanation than that.
  12. As a teenager, quite possibly. Currently, not on your life, not that he'd be interested in it anyway.
  13. And that seems to be as much of an unfounded assumption as anything else. Look, I don't care if you're sociopathic, psychotic, or just plain evil. You do not have the right to harm an innocent person, a child no less, and if/when you do, then you need to be removed from society for everyone's safety.
  14. ^^ I was kind of wondering the same! :) So glad this is over and done with, and that you can focus on moving forward!!
  15. Wow. I'm so glad she's okay. Unfortunately, the fact that this is statistically unlikely is of no comfort when you have a real life child that was nearly killed. As to your question... I don't know but I often wonder the same. :grouphug:
  16. We got Amazon Prime a few months ago... And I still get a little giddy every time that package shows up in a day or two! ;) Tara, I'm with you. I ordered once from RR. They held my order forever, finally didn't send one item that was still out of stock, and that item ws the only reason I'd ordered from them instead of Amazon or CBD in the first place. I know a lot of people like them, and they serve a valuable role to homeschoolers. But they are last resort only here.
  17. Wow, what a piece of work he is. I'm so sorry, I know what a nightmare this has turned into. Yep, time to get tough and fight back. Call the lawyer, and at least get an initial consultation. Then if you don't get your money tomorrow, hit him with legal action. Just to be safe, I would also contact the bank and get written confirmation of exactly what was in the account and what the withdrawal was... Paper trail. :grouphug: I'm sorry... If you needed any confirmation that you're doing the right thing getting out, I'd say this is it.
  18. I was making myself crazy with history. I researched, planned, and researched more. Then I called a halt to it, realizing that for us, fewer resources were the way to go. Human Odyssey, note booking of each chapter, and some good literature, probably some papers later on. That's all we're doing now. A couple chapters per week, with literature tied to time period. That may or may not work for you, but it saved my sanity. :)
  19. It is tough to make those changes, so good for you for starting the journey!! A friend of mine makes a good sandwich: some better-for-you turkey (like Hormel Natural Choice or Applegate Farms, with no added preservatives or artificial ingredients), thin apple slices, and a bit of natural apple butter. I think she might do provolone cheese as well. It lets you use less meat while still adding bulk. As for the peanuts, would he be willing to mix them with something like raisins or other dried fruit, to make them go further for each snack??
  20. Wow... I'm glad I missed that. I would have thought it to be a sure sign of the apocalypse. Okay, I just went and looked... It's still there. Whew! The fact that we now have to check means those rose colored glasses are gone. Hmm.... Wonder if I can order another pair.... :leaving:
  21. Math Mammoth is an easy program for adding supplementation. There are cumulative reviews after each chapter. There is also a worksheet generator for additional practice on most topics, plus free worksheets on the website. It doesn't review, say, chapter four concepts throughout chapter five, but there are resources to use when they work best for you and your student.
  22. My son will be 11 in a few months. He still has friends of both genders. The other day we had a get-together with two other moms and their kids.... My son, another boy his age, and three girls all about their age. They had a fantastic time together. These same kids used to play together when thy were 3-4 years old, and it's wonderful to see that they're still part of one another's lives. DS has another best friend who is a girl, they met in kindergarten. They are very fond of one another, but it's all still completely innocent. Growing up, in middle and high school, one of my best friends was a guy. We're still good friends, and now we get together with our families. I think that, while appropriate supervision and discussion are needed as they age, it's very healthy to have a variety of relationships, including platonic ones of the opposite gender.
  23. Thanks! Hmm... I'm a huge fan of their Chicken Parmesan. Their Pollo Penne in Cream Sauce, as well as their Baked Cavatelli, are also delicious. And all SO healthy for me, right?? ;)
  24. This, exactly. I went to a Christian LAC. While the atmosphere was pretty mild overall, there was certainly trouble to be found if you wanted it! That is frustrating. You're right, there is no formula. So many factors play in, and our children have to, at some point, make their own decisions and forge their own path. We point them in the right direction and hope for the best.
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