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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. We thought of getting the kids a wii for Christmas. Then, we thought of letting my oldest ds's dad's side of the family get them a wii once we decided not to (well, get it for my oldest, but not like the youngest couldn't play too), but we have totally decided against it. I know it is more of a "get up and move" kind of thing, but we are done with video games in this house. My kids will be total couch potatoes when allowed to be. The fight over video games like nothing else. They both have a Nintendo DS and when they play it, it is like nothing else in the world exists. They don't go outside, they don't move from the spot they are in. It can't be great for them. We went the Science route for Christmas for the oldest (microscope) and the interactive toy/dressup route for the youngest (Interactive Wall-E and Transformers Costume) and I think those gifts are way better for their brains than any video game. I guess what I am saying is that no, I would not want my kids to have a wii either. We went the video game route and will not go back down that road...no matter how "cool" the stuff gets.
  2. Do you think Writing Tales is enough in terms of writing? If I do end up piecing together my own curriculum, I'm was thinking of combining this with Growing with Grammar. No, I don't. I combine Writing Tales with GWG and ALSO use LLATL. For the Noeo science, which one did you start with? Does it matter which program goes first? I started with Physics I because my son is not a strong reader. I find that the level one stuff is perfect for him because it is not over his head. The NOEO folks have a blurb on their website about which to choose for what grade. "Ideally" they do level I's in 1-3 grade and then Level II in 4-6 grades. I have always heard good things about Singapore Math. You mention that it's confusing -- do you mean confusing for you in terms of how to teach it, or confusing for your son? My kids did so well with Calvert Math in first and second grade, and then last year we ended up with a horrible spiral program that didn't reinforce the basics at all, so now I find we're having to backtrack. They haven't even memorized their times tables yet. :sad: Even if I don't end up going back to Calvert as a complete curriculum, I am considering going to Calvert third grade math since they did so well with it previously. But I'm certainly open to other ideas. We tried Calvert math. It is way behind the California standards. As a matter of fact, we we working quickly through Calvert 4th grade math and had to drop back to Singapore 3A to get him to where he needed to be to do Singapore. What I meant by "confusing" is that the home teacher guide does not lay it out in the most clear way. I am a technical writer and clarity is key....but these manuals can get confusing. There are also a lot of "extras" I add in with other Singapore Workbooks (IP, CWP, EP) and Miquon and I have to schedule those myself. Also, in the front of the HIG, there is a schedule that adds in mental math (in the back of the HIG), use of the CD ROMs, and the scheduling of the practice and reviews. I usually sit down with the HIG a week or so before we start and spend a couple of hours adding things in where I want them. By "confusing," I was just saying that this did not seem ideal for your situation. Thanks so much for your post.
  3. Well, that is tough. Is your dh good at saying, "okay man, glad you found Bianca there...I am going to go back to the hotel room now and watch TV." Or would he be tagging along behind his little bro? I asked my dh if he would even ask and he said that it would be hard to ask to go somewhere like that when 1. we don't have the $$$ and 2. the whole family hasn't been on vacation in 6 years. Otherwise he sees no problem with it. I do see a bit more of an issue with it. My dh likes to drink a bit... How does your dh feel about it? Does he want to go?
  4. Not sure, but I would love to find that resource too. Bumping for someone who may know!
  5. We don't use them, but I sit beside him as he does his work and instruct. However, I have an English degree and was always "into" stuff like that anyway, so maybe that is why it hasn't been hard for me. ??? I would love to get my hands on a TM and see though!
  6. Oh gosh, that sounds dreadful! UGH! I am so glad it seems the 3rd blood patch worked and you are feeling better. Did you get this headache after a spinal tap or epidural? I always worried about those when I went in to have my kids!
  7. What we use for my 4th grader is in my siggy, but I will talk about it some here. We started this year with Calvert 4th and dropped it after 8 weeks. It was just not our style and there was much too much "busy work" for us. English: The core of our English program is LLATL Orange. However, we also use Writing Tales II and I find that it reinforces what is being taught in LLATL. Most people would say that doing these together is a crazy idea, but it works for us. The one place that I find neither program is as strong as I would like is in grammar...so we also add in GWG 4. However, with GWG, I pull worksheets for extra practice after we have covered the concept(s) in WT and LLATL. Again, it works for us. Spelling: We use the Calvert 4th grade CD and the Everyday Spelling book from Calvert to keep my son on 4th grade level using those words. We also use spelling power, starting from the beginning Level A, to catch him up on his deficit in spelling. Science: We are using NOEO Physics I and absolutely love it. History: We use CHOW and the CHOW CD from Calvert. Again, LOVE it. Math: We use Singapore 3A and are getting ready to move on to 3B. My son really "gets" Singapore and I have not found it difficult to teach at all. It is a GREAT Math program...but even with the Home Teacher Guide, it can be a little confusing and is not nearly as cut and dry as Calvert. I also supplement with Miquon workbooks, Challenging Word Problems, Extra Practice, and Intensive Practice pages. We do the Mental Math and Reviews when they suggest as well as work with the Vroot and Vroom CD. Geography - We use Maps, Globes, and Graphs. I like it okay. We are not focusing a lot on it and probably should do a bit more...but for now, we are just kind of doing the workbook pages. Handwriting - He does Can Do Cursive from HWOT and also does the copywork once a week from A Reason For Handwriting (just because he enjoys it).
  8. Your daughter is obviously ahead academically, but why not try writing on an actual K level? I mean, letter formations, easy stuff, and not much of it a day. My Kindergartener can copy anything I write, but I don't have him do tough words that really have no meaning to him. I mean, he can write Mesopotamia, but why? Why not write fun sentences like "The fat cat chased a rat" or even nonsensical things that make her laugh so she is not so bored. My 4th grader would be bored writing the facts from History. Maybe see if you can make handwriting something you practice daily and more fun. ?? Idk.
  9. In my personal case, yes...the messier my house is, the more out of control I am and my life feels. When I can focus on the house and keep it neat and tidy (not spotless, just clean), then I feel better and it is obvious that my mental state is better. One of the ways you can tell my depression/anxiety have hit is when my house starts getting "let go." It is one of the first signs for me. I suffer from severe (and at times almost disabling) health anxiety and depression. I am also OCD, so the OCD side of me wants a clean house while the anxious/depressed side can't seem to get it done. I definitely don't think this is the case with everyone though. My best friend totally has things together most of the time and her house is a wreck. Just her personality. And honestly, she could care less.
  10. We would like a telescope, some Science fun kits, and lots of paperback books. :)
  11. Anything done in severe haste or anger that leaves a mark. I try, before disciplining my kids, to sit down and get calm first. My dad was abusive. He would rip his belt off and hit me around in a circle while holding one of my arms in the air. He didn't really care whether he used the buckle end or the belt end as long as he was hitting me. Spit would fly out of his mouth as he screamed at me. Bruises would appear almost immediately. This was abuse. I have held my son's wrist. If he struggles against it to the point of where if I had to hold any tighter, I would leave a mark, then I let go and seek an alternate route of discipline. That said, we do spank and we spank with a paddle most of the time. The kids RARELY need spanked. However, the paddle is used just like in an old time country school. We sit down and calmly talk about what happened and WHY a spanking is the punishment (sometimes it is other things - losing privileges, etc. a spanking happens when all else has failed and the behavior continues) and then they get their licks. It does not leave a mark and I find it much less personal than hitting with my hand (which I do find inappropriate). I would NEVER use a belt on my kids. EVER. ETA: And I would never spank a child unclothed. Just to be clear on that - kids have all clothes on when paddled. Again, just like they did it in school when I was a kid.
  12. I cannot imagine losing my mom. She is my very best friend. I am sorry for your loss. Give yourself time to grieve - get angry, cry, - let the emotions out because bottling them in causes so much heartache later on. *hugs*
  13. I think it is awesome and would jump at the chance to do that one on one with my sons. Recently, my mom broke her arm and had to stay over at the hospital for surgery. My oldest ds and I went to the area she lives in to be with her and we got a hotel. He LOVED it. He thought it was the coolest thing EVER to be there with mom. I would do it again in a heartbeat!
  14. I would never use it as my only grammar program. I actually use LLATL and Writing Tales together and pick and pull from each. My son loves the fables in WT, and I think WT has better all around grammar instruction. That said, I also supplement with GWG because neither program has all the grammar practice he needs. I like the Units in LLATL though - it touches on more than just book studies and I like that.
  15. There was a time when I loved my dh that way. *sigh* Life has changed and things have gotten in the way, I am sad to say. I still love him and could not imagine life without him, but that romantic, passionate kind of love that we used to share only comes along every now and again these days. Oh, how I miss it. :(
  16. I think it is a homeschooling forum. No only that, but someone owns and runs it which is a lot more than just sitting back and saying "ha, a board...watch it go." Being an admin or mod of a board with this many members is tough and I think she is doing a great job. I think everyone needs a break from politics. It is what it is now.
  17. If there is a chance she could take the baby back, my heart could not take that! I know what you mean. You are in my prayers on this decision. What a hard one to make... and especially after a loss.
  18. I am a technical writer and was able to do contract freelance projects from home averaging about $100/hr. I don't do them anymore though because they are not easy to come by...especially since I have been out of the loop for the last 3 years. Oh well. But if you have a technical skill, you are likely to make a lot more money from home than you can if you don't. What do you do now? Would your company consider letting you work from home once your child is born?
  19. 1. What is the membership fee? $25 annually 2. How many leaders does the group have? Several...at least 10 that have different "jobs" and things they lead. 3. How are decisions made in the group (group vote, leader vote, other?)? Pretty sure it is by the leaders, but I don't fully participate in the meetings and such, so I really can't be 100% sure. 4. Does the group provide a monthly newsletter? If so, is it mailed or emailed to members? Yes, e-mailed. 5. Does the group hold monthly meetings? If so, are these strictly "encouragement/fellowship" meetings or is there an agenda? Yes, and I am not sure. I do not attend the meetings. I know there is encouragement/fellowship. Not sure if they are "business." 6. Is the membership restricted at all, or what are the requirements for membership? Must agree with the statement of faith (Christian). 7. When there is discord in the group, how is that settled? No sure. Never experienced any discord. 8. What makes the group really great? The Co-op classes are why we participate. They are priceless and there is a lot of participation from other families. 9. What would you like to change about the group? Nothing...but like I said, we aren't terribly involved. ETA: 10. How many members does your group have? Around 100 families? Maybe more.
  20. The Calvert workbook is junk. We use CHOW with the Calvert workbook and hardly ever do the "Enrichments." I actually end up filling in the outline because the words are too hard and long for my son to write and understand. We di end up re-buying the Calvert CD (bought it, son didn't like it, sold it. Decided to give it another try, rebought it, and now son and I LOVE it.) I would highly recommend the Child's History of the World CD along with the book. I never loved History, but I greatly enjoy CHOW and so does my son.
  21. We did it the other way - my son reads the book as he is doing the lessons. I break up the chapters of the book by how many days he has to work in the until, and make sure he finishes both around the same time. It has worked out well for us. He is a slower reader and needs those extra days and taking one chapter at a time.
  22. Nothing to be embarassed about! It happens...just like lice. My kids have not had them, but my best friend's daughter had them twice. The over the counter stuff worked for them, but her daughter was allergic to it, so be careful. If you call the pediatrician, sometimes they will call in a prescription without even seeing the child or the worm. They trust ya! LOL I would go that route if it were me. As for prevention, do not let him chew his fingernails! If he already doesn't, then he probably got it from another child and there is not much you can do about that. But, do be sure and clean all of his bedding, vacuum well, and so on because they can infect others who sleep with him or in the room with him....Including you and dh. My bf dr called in a script for the whole family to take because they are so contagious.
  23. My son had a bald spot just appear one day. We have no idea why as it was not ringworm. The doctor said it would either grow back or stay bald but was not anything to worry about. It did actually grow back about 6 months after it appeared. I agree, it was freaky. Hope yours is nothing to worry about too. KUP.
  24. I am in the same position with my 5 year old. He is due for MMR and Varicella boosers and I have held off on those (and continued to do so even at his last checkup). My oldest has had all of his shots...but he never had reactions and my youngest did. Nothing "major" in the medical world, but stuff that was not fun (rash and fever for 7 days!). So, yeah. And we have never done the hep A vaccines. I have lived 29 years without it and I don't have it. Oh, and I don't have girls, but I would NEVER use that HPV vaccine. Too many unknowns on that one...and several deaths reported. No thanks.
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