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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. YEARS ago, my ex husband went to the dollar store and stayed for hours picking things he thought I's like. I got things like potato chip clips and picture frames...but he was right...I liked all of them! :)
  2. Oh yes, licking is something he does too. One day we were in the school room and I was helping his brother with math. I looked around and little dude was licking his chair back from one side to the other...back and forth, back and forth. YUCK.
  3. This reminds me of the time my dh e-mailed me and said he would be late. I responded by calling him a "turd" (in jest of course). He then responded back "not a turd." However, he did not respond to me...he wrote this ever so pleasant sentence to the head lawyer in his engineering firm. She had apparently written to him asking when they could meet to discuss the case tomorrow and he then responded, "not a turd." He called her the next day and told her that he was e-mailing something to me and mixed up the addresses. She then said, "yes, I was wondering why you were e-mailing me with you BOWEL HABITS!" *hehe* :) He still blushes when we speak of this. I laughed for MONTHS. Still giggle. We joked that he should tell her that it was the new slang for "not a problem!" LOL Oh, so funny.
  4. My 5 year old puckers his lips, grabs my face, and turns his head sideways before he kisses me. It is CREEPY. I have to stop him in mid pucker! He has seen my dh do it and thinks nothing of it no matter how many times we tell him it is more than a bit inappropriate (disclaimer...he never tries to use his tongue or anything, just puckers and turns his head to the side all funny...just had to be totally clear on that!)
  5. My son is reluctant reader too. He has recently gotten into the Judy Moody books (hey, whatever works, right? LOL) and Horrible Harry. He also likes the Illustrated classics like Robinson Crusoe, Island of the Blue Dolphins, etc.
  6. Me too! And it totally drives me crazy...but I can't stop! Isn't everything exciting!!!!
  7. My oldest son has ADHD. If he ever gets to the place where your step-son is, I wouldn't hesitate to get him medication to help. We tried it when he was younger, but then he naturally started to mature and we stopped. It was good, in some ways, but now we are seeing a lot of behaviors that we don't like and can't seem to correct. He is VERY annoying and I know exactly what you are talking about with that. I would take the advice of the pediatrician. What you are looking for are signs that the meds either aren't working OR that they are making him a zombie. Be ready to adjust several times until the dose and medication is right for him. My son was 6 when we tried meds. I never noticed much difference in him because hyperactivity is a big part of his problem and none of the meds really controlled that well. The adderall brought him down a notch or two, but didn't help much. I decided that if the meds were not going to even show much improvement in his behavior, it wasn't worth the risks you take with putting a young child on that that type of medication. His dad is ADHD and he has learned to control it and use it to his advantage as he is now only 31 years old and is a district manager for a major fortune 100 company! His high energy is definitely a key player in his success.
  8. I am having a hard time deciding which handwriting program to use with my youngest. He writes pretty well, but is not ready for the style used by A Reason for Handwriting, even though he does like the copywork/worksheets on day 4. Any good suggestions?
  9. I asked "do you like homeschooling? Why or why not?" ds9 "because I get done faster, get to play with my homeschool friends and take karate when other kids are in school." ds5 "no, I just want to do no school. ever."
  10. I do not use GWG alone. I use it to supplement the grammar he is getting in Writing Tales II and LLATL. We use GWG when something doesn't click and he needs more practice. I could not use it alone as it is just too much drudgery for my non-english-y kid. I, however, was an English major and love writing and English and I also find GWG boring if done alone.
  11. Dad - Vietnam (Air Force - Weapons mechanic) Pappy - Navy WWII (deceased) Great Uncle - Army WWII (deceased)
  12. I had the same dilemma with a 5 year old and a 9 year old. When I read the NOEO website, it said that the levels had more to do with reading level than with age or grade. I chose level 1 (Physics) and I am glad I did. It is still a little over my 5 year old's head and it is just perfect for my 9 year old who is on about a mid 3rd grade reading level. If your oldest is really "science-y" then you may want to use level II, but if not, I think level I will be fine. Just my experience...but all kids are different. :) P.S. We LOVE NOEO.
  13. My 9 year old spells on about the same level as my 5 year old. His English and writing skills are nowhere near a 4th grade level, but I attribute this to 4 years of public school prior to this year. Oh, and did I mention that the ps was testing him for giftedness when he left because he was TOP of his class??? How sad is THAT?
  14. I voted to keep the animal and take the pill. My dh is allergic to our cats, but I have had the cats for 9.5 years and they are old. I couldn't give them up now...and his med helps. If the med didn't work or the animal was new (or a baby), I would find it a new home. I wouldn't have him take meds for 10-15 years just so I could have a pet.
  15. Oh good. I looked all around and didn'd see one or any indication of one being made for earlybird. Just wanted to check with those in the know. :) Thanks for your response.
  16. I would have him miss those things to keep the risk down of him contaminating other kids if he were to be infected. It is not only the other kids, but other people in general...for instance, a pregnant woman who has not had CP, or an infant that stays at home while big brother/sister are at the co-op meetings. KWIM? I think you are being safe and not silly...and I, for one, appreciate parents like you who actually CARE. :)
  17. I started my 5 year old in 1A and he is just not ready yet. We finished Calvert K math in 2 months, but there is an obvious "step" we missed. I have decided to go back and buy Singapore Earlybird B books (acivity and text along with readers). The only question I have is...is there a teaching resource for this series or is it obvious? I use the home instructor guides for my older son and also was using one for the 1A book. Am I missing something? Thanks!
  18. Well, I am your opposite. LOL My youngest is doing Kinder/1st and I started with a curriculum in a box (Calvert Kindergarten). Then I just hated it. It wasn't that it was not a good curriculum, it was. It was just that I found so many other things that suited him so much better that Calvert just wasn't right. He is doing 1st grade reading and math, while still working on Kindergarten Science and Social Studies concepts...even though he sits in on CHOW and NOEO with big brother. The biggest reason that Calvert didn't work for us is because a box curriculum assumes the child is on level for every single subject. I was supplementing his advanced reading skills and then having to X out 90% of the Calvert K phonics and reading skills because they were well beneath what he was already learning. It was just a mess. However, if you have only accomplished 20 days in 3 months, then you may really benefit from something boxed. For me, I don't regret it because it showed me how to organize and plan. It also had some great ideas for fun things and crafts which I am still using in our daily work. :) Oh...and best of luck to you!
  19. I would say that all you would have to do is pm a mod and ask to be removed as a member. That is how it works on most boards I am on.
  20. We are using LLATL and Writing Tales together. I also have GWG 4 for extra practice in grammar. I don't overschedule the kids and it seems to work out fine that way. :)
  21. My kids do get the flu shot. Mainly because we almost lost my son when he was 4 from a particularly bad case of the flu. It scared me to death! My dh and I do NOT get the flu shot. Each of us has had the flu before and survived. It sucks, but we are taking our chances this year. Last year, just after having the shot, I had some really abnormal stiffness all over my body. It was so bad, I didn't get out of bed for a day. Not sure if it was the shot or not, but not taking my chances on that again. My kids have never had any kind of reaction and have also yet to get the flu after having the shot.
  22. We have used ETC from the beginning. We use ETC books and online lessons. However, we also use LLATL blue, Bob Books, and Calvert's Come Read with Me. I don't think ETC alone is enough because, while the phonics are there, the reading really is not. Not the everyday reading practice that he needs, anyway.
  23. I love writing tales! But I sold Calvert for my 4th grader because...well, there are just to many reasons to list. I would drop Calvert writing all together and do Writing Tales 1 with her. ETA: If you plan to use Calvert in the future, though, please note that their writing component is very rigorous, very early on. 4th grade is even more intensive and expects much more than 3rd grade. My son is a poor writer and just couldn't hang with Calvert at all.
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