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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We are a Christian family too. I have only read the first one. While the topics seem depressing (to be polite about it) the book was very funny and very quirky. I quickly approved them. They were stealing from me as I read so am not sure how much choice I had! Dcs filled me in on what happened throughout the series and really loved it. Many friends with non reader boys had success with this series. I never found anything to object to.
  2. We have used them all. Ds has read them multiple times and I don't remember anything beyond the humor already detailed.
  3. DAR has a children's part which is excellent if you have a group near you. Structured with great leadership opportunities in high school. I was an active junior member (simply meant I was under 36) and really enjoyed myself. Stopped going after dcs were born. Due to lack of interest I have allowed my membership to lapse.
  4. Just wanted to thank you for this link. Dd and I just played around with the German for a few minutes and it seems like it will be a great learning tool for her.
  5. I agree with what others have said about not planning too far ahead. Your chidren change as they grow and develop. Recently I have had to become more understanding of this. My dd likes to be involved in her own planning at this point. She has a good idea of what she is interested in exploring mathwise next and I plan on letting her be interest led for the next few months. She is finishing LOF calculus in the next week and plans to look at our bookshelf for her next text. Ds needs more direction and is having a harder time because he does not like to write out his math work. It appears to be catching up with him in the jump up to advanced algebra. We are taking a step back starting today to mom led exercises concentrating on writing your work down. Not much forward progress will be made in the immediate future. I am having a hard time with the fact he won't be where dd is in 2 years -- dh pointed out he does not have to be. He does have to be accurate to achieve his goals which means a deeper understanding and not doing it all in his head.
  6. I have always worked the extras into the schedule one at a time. That way you can see the time commitment for your kids with each addition. Start with the one you want to do the most. Christian Studies can be quite time consuming if your boys do not like to write. We did the later volumes verbally with the teachers guide. It worked well and made our days much easier--less conflict. I would wait for ancients to do the Greek Myths.
  7. Dd was given some great water colors and colored pencils a few years ago by a former art major -- she cleaned her bedroom and thought of dd. Her art really blossomed at that point. Not sure if it was the higher quality or that she took more interest. If you look at the supply lists from nature friend you will notice that many things use the same few colors. If you are having problems deciding which supplies to upgrade make sure to get the blues and browns which are in most pictures.
  8. :grouphug: I just hate the thought of things crawling on you! Hopefully it will miss your household.
  9. Praying. Not up to date on my statistics but 12 years ago a 28 week was what I was aiming for. The closer I got to that goal the better. Actually had a party in my hospital room when we hit 28 weeks. At that time 28 weeks was NICU but stable. Will pray that is true for 27 now.
  10. Epcot during the day will be very busy. The Christmas Party, if tickets are available, should be OK. We went on a full night before and it was fine. They limit the tickets more.
  11. I would cut it down to two if possible. Core 200 is independent but I have been doing the reading too. It is great stuff but time consuming. I would do less and really enjoy it if at all possible. Part of the fun of SL is the cuddle time and everybody enjoying the great books together.IMO
  12. I took my UK test last year and had to relearn how to parallel park. The instructor used the technique shown in the youtube video on parallel parking by parkingtutorial--I can't link. I would watch it and try it. I found it much easier divided into these steps then how I learned years ago. If at all possible I would try and get your license. Someday you might really need it and you are already in the process of getting one. I really did not want to bother in the UK but I will most likely live here the rest of my life. It is nice to be able to go where I want and to arrange things for the kids without asking dh to drive us. I also had a fear of being elderly and housebound.
  13. After driving for 30 years in the US I took my UK exam last year. It was really hard. I will admit to not enjoying driving here but I did not want to end up 70 and house bound. Plus the kids needed the mom taxi to start functioning. Anyway it was dreadful. You can either get a manual license or automatic drive license. Naturally having grown up a farm girl I chose the manual (I now can drive either automatic or manual). Anyway lots of new techniques like putting your parking brake on at red lights -- which is actually great because very hilly where we live. If done properly no backward movement at all when you start! I drove all over a super congested town to pass. A really nerve racking half hour. Positive note was the evaluators told me that I was the first American she had ever had do the manual test. Of course not many Americans around here.
  14. I have had good luck with basic Singer machines. Dd has one that she took to a quilting class where everyone had far nicer machines. Everyone, including dd, was shocked to discover that her machine could do things like free quilting well. Joann's frequently have them for sale. I am on the email list and watch the great deals go by. We are in the UK.
  15. Sorry I still have problems posting on the new forum. I made a correction and could not go back to the end to continue! The main thing I was trying to say is you need to pick something and complete it consistently which is why the contest has worked well for dd. She knows that on the 15th of the month her father needs her entry to scan. She has been responsible for this since she was nine. She has been published several times. Has entered some other art contests and done well. For the art appreciation side of things. Our most sucessful book has been a thick Usbourne Art History book. Even ds liked it. He also does well with the biography type from the library with lots of pictures. With the ages of your girls the art study you have planned sounds perfect. When they were little they went through a phase where they memorized the artist name and picture name for all the postcards in child sized masterpieces--it was their idea, competed with each other. Still can do most of them last time they tried! LOL One more thing just so you don't think I am an idiot the teacher wants to know what we did beyond the basic complementary colors etc. She seems to suspect dd has taken whole courses on color theory.
  16. I know all the art courses look really lovely and we own several of the ones you listed but have never gone beyond the first few lessons in any of them. They both loved Draw Write Now, the Drawing Textbook, and the Yellow book of Cartooning. Beyond that Ds has no real interest. Dd has done every monthly art contest in Nature Friend magazine since she was five. They give detailed instructions each month on how to complete one drawing or painting. You can send your completed picture to them and some are published. This gives us a deadline too. She has learned an incredible amount from those contests apparently. She now takes an art class with a professional art teacher who is amazed at what she knows. I kept being asked about what I used to teach color study?????? Nothing really.
  17. I think the main thing is staying connected with people and being willing to make new friends when needed. My mom is 90 and loves to talk on the phone. My brother's and I call each day so she is very involved in grandkids lives and enjoys that. She also talks to the 4 living school friends on a weekly basis. Obviously cheap long distance has been a real blessing in her life. Most of her friends where she lives have died but she does things with their daughters now.LOL My mil was not a friendly woman and the older she got the more isolated she was. It was really sad to be asked by her how her best friend was--former yneighbor. Dh and I had regular contact with the friend (really fun person) but she couldn't be bothered. You have to make an effort. I don't think she saw non family members the last couple years she was alive unless people stopped by our house and she was there. My main point is you have to be willing to work to have a social life and it gets harder as we age. I think it is important to make habits as our children leave us that keep us in touch with the greater community. Things like church membership and club memberships are very important. Having a job or community responsibilities is good too.
  18. Both of mine still like to be hugged and cuddled. A kiss before being left is pretty much required--I can't kiss the tops of their heads anymore which makes me sad. Holding hands while shopping etc pretty normal too.
  19. Dh had his out a few years ago. I only remember him being really uncomfortable for a day or two. By the third day he was pretty normal just a bit swollen. Had them all out so swelling was balanced. If the pain is severe at this point I would call the dentist. I had a dry socket with one of mine which was very painful--my pain increased. This was a long time ago but something was done that was quick and realitively easy -- my dentist lived next door and did it for me at home because it was a Sunday. I think it was just some gel squirted in and repacked with cotton. Antiboitics too. If she has a fever call now. Sorry I can't be more helpful. I hope she starts feeling better today.
  20. In Royal Oak I would take Woodward to 696 to 75. I think the turn off is around Findley for Columbus too. We lived at 15 and Woodward for almost 15 years. Either Woodward or 14 quickest.IMO
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