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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I've heard I will definitely cry; we're going to see it tomorrow afternoon. As I type this my 7yo is holding his Buzz Lightyear and having him soar all around while he is watching a show.
  2. :lurk5: My 7yo just brought up wanting an allowance last week... we're not sure what to do about it here either. We also believe he shouldn't be paid for the chores he does do since he's part of this family and should help out by virtue of being a family member.
  3. I'm another one who believes in the 9 AM - 9 PM "rule". I do have a couple of friends who call earlier and later, but they know my schedule.
  4. I just came up with INFJ!!! I vaguely remember ENFJ as my type in college when I was studying to be a counselor! I did not realize we're so rare... I must say that my I is slightly represented in the online test I just took, but enough to knock out the E. I have definitely found myself to become more introverted as I've gotten older; however, I think it's always been there because as a child I was very quiet. It wasn't until high school and college that I became extroverted. I think I'm slowly, but surely, reverting back to my true self. I love things like this... so fascinating!
  5. How WONDERFUL!!! Eat chocolate while cleaning on day 1, then RELAX (and continue eating the chocolate, of course!). ENJOY!!!!!!!
  6. Oh no... I don't know much about allergies, but that seems odd... I hope he improves quickly. Keep us posted if anything changes... :grouphug:
  7. Come to NC! :) I'm not sure of the distance, but would Atlanta work? You could go to the amazing aquarium there!
  8. I LOVED my Boppi pillow although it took until my 2nd to feel that way! My first son was so particular about nursing a certain way that he didn't seem to like how he was laying on the Boppi, so I ended up using these 2 couch throw pillows we had for him. For my 2nd son, he was so content to lay on the Boppi to nurse, play, rest, etc. I passed it onto to my sister for her babies, and she fell in love with it too. Every new mom should have one!
  9. Please trust your gut... I don't think you're being paranoid at all. With the help of the police, check your attic area, crawl space, whatever you have that is "unseen" most of the time. There are so many weirdos out there. You may not have noticed this guy follow you after the movies, which is why he appeared again at your house. It's always better to be safe than sorry.
  10. I'm so glad everything turned out okay! I could have been much worse... Chalk it up to "Mommy Brain" - we all have that ailment! :)
  11. Dh helped with potty training our boys because growing up with all girls, I was clueless. :tongue_smilie: Anyway, our boys have been taught to shake it off/tap it really well until there aren't any leftover drips. As dh put it when I originally mentioned wiping the tip with TP, "they do not offer TP at urinals". I thought that was a good point. :D
  12. Thank you for this suggestion. We're also going to bring samples to our local nursery that usually is amazing. I just hope we don't lose them. We live in a subdivision where they just razed the land before building and as a person who desperately needs trees, I'll be so upset if they die.
  13. Both of my boys love them, and even my 3yo will trade with neighborhood kids. He somehow manages to get the older kids to give up the monkey and glow-in-the-dark ones that are harder to find! Our church uses the Christian themed and animal ones as incentives for a variety of things. The kids love them. Me, I just hate finding them throughout the house in the strangest of places! :)
  14. Welcome to the boards! :grouphug: I'm sorry you are going through this with the ps, but is it so very common. As a former ps teacher, I can say there's a "higher-than-though" attitude that only the schools are capable of educating a child and only their methods work. I used to have this attitude, and boy, was I WRONG! Battling them is not easy, but you must persevere for the benefit of your children. Just taking the first step to withdraw them and homeschool is HUGE! Praise yourself for your decision and courage to do that. Love yourself and go easy on yourself... it's very common for new homeschoolers to feel unsure, afraid, inadequate, etc. when beginning because it's such a big step from the norm for many of us. I still sometimes struggle with if I've made the right decision when I feel pressure from "society". I have 2 years under my belt, and it does get easier every year. A veteran homeschooler once told me to take baby steps instead of worrying about my child's entire education all at once (which I'm so great at doing). When I keep this perspective, it's mentally manageable. :) I hope you can find a local group for support. However, this forum is utterly amazing and supportive if you cannot find many around you immediately. Many times I've come on here and found someone else expressing my angst, asking my questions, providing some humor, and helping to keep me in perspective. This is an fantastic journey for you and your children! Don't give up and settle... your babies are worth more than that which is what let you to this in the first place. Hang in there. :) :grouphug:
  15. We just completed 1st grade, and we thoroughly enjoyed SOTW volume 1 with the AG. There are so many options in the AG for this age, and the extra reading selections were fantastic. I bought the audio version for car rides, and even my 3yo would beg for history. I'm really looking forward to starting Vol. 2 in the fall. I don't think you can go wrong with SOTW for that age.
  16. Thank you so much for all this information... I've been pondering these 2 programs for the future and searching past threads has been cumbersome. :)
  17. Does anyone know why the leaves on my cherry trees may be curling? We recently had an issue with Japanese beetles, but we've sprayed and we're vigilantly monitoring them. The leaves were curling prior to the beetles though. Some of the leaves have brown spots, and if I shake the tree, a few leaves will fall. I'm not sure if this is all related. I've tried to google all this, but I'm coming up with all kinds of answers. I thought someone on here could help. FYI - The trees are 3 years old, and we've been receiving regular rain. It has been hot, but no worse than normal here. Thanks!
  18. Congratulations! You have a beautiful family!
  19. :iagree: Having read the description of the crime. Like pp, for me it would depend upon the crime & the age of the child which is why I voted "other" in the poll.
  20. Praying for both of you. I'm sorry it's been such a tough road and it took so long for the diagnosis. :grouphug:
  21. :iagree: This is EXACTLY what you should do! Ok, so I posted before reading all the other posts, especially the one about how you want to be home alone. Does your Dh golf? If not, would he like to learn? That could easily take an entire morning if he shot 9 holes. I'd send him on errands one morning, to the movies another, outside in the yard... I'd just be frank with him, and let him know how precious this time is to you and that it doesn't mean anything negative toward him or the kids. That way you won't feel so guilty, and together you can come up with a way to get your time back. I treasure my alone time, so I know how disappointed you feel. I hope something will work out for you!
  22. I'm reading it! I'm about 3/4 of the way through, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm sure I'll end up purchasing it so it can go with my "set" of black covers with red and white images. :D
  23. Thank you for checking in with us, Kari. I've been thinking about you. Still praying. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
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