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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I really like this cookbook because of the variations. I don't think I've made anything yet that my family hasn't liked.
  2. I'm so sorry, Chris! I'm relieved to hear he arrived home safely and you were able to have an honest talk. I'm praying for you and your son. :grouphug:
  3. Oh Rebecca, she is so beautiful! Thank you for adding pictures. I'm crying with you right now. I'm so, so sorry! :grouphug:
  4. They changed the screen that comes up when you try to access your instant viewing queue! Initially, it looks amazing, as it will show a pop-up description of each movie you have in your queue, but then when you scroll DOWN (which we couldn't do before), you find access to everything that is in the Nexflix Instant View catalog! :angry: This means my children willl be able to see these things, and I'm irritated about that. THey don't need to have access to sexual, horror, or hardcore action movies! All it takes is a couple of clicks, and voila, my 7yo is watching a horror flick! Grrr... I'm off to figure out how to change this (possible parental settings?). If anyone knows of a way, please let me know.
  5. My heart is breaking for you. I lost a cat 4 years ago to cancer. We just knew. She just stopped "living", and it looked like every move caused her pain. Putting her down was difficult, but I knew she wouldn't hurt any longer, and that gave me peace. About 6 months prior to her, my all-time favorite cat began failing quickly. It turns out he had renal kidney failure and there was nothing we could do. My heart broke harder that time than any other time we've had to put an animal down. I still miss him, and it will be 5 years in August. I know how you are feeling, and I'm so sorry. Enjoy every moment you can with your baby. It sounds like you've loved her intensely; feel secure in knowing that she knows she's had a wonderful life. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  6. There are a number of threads on here, but this link is the site that explains them thoroughly. www.workboxsystem.com They saved my homeschool and made last year run so smoothly! I highly recommend them!!!
  7. Jeremiah 29:11 keeps me afloat when I feel like my world is out of control... Let God hold you right now and ease your worries. Praying for you! :grouphug:
  8. I'm so sorry... Saying many prayers. I'm so afraid of cancer. :grouphug:
  9. Praying! Please update as soon as you can! :grouphug:
  10. After the morning we've been having, I SO needed this thread!!!! THANK YOU!!!! It's so wonderful knowing I'm not alone! :D
  11. Thank you for the updates! I was thinking of you and your family today while looking at pictures of the sinkhole and flood damages. It's so devastating to view; I cannot imagine being there. Saying many prayers for you, your family, and all affected by this. :grouphug:
  12. Thank you everyone! I was planning on doing math 2-3x/wk in a formal way (worksheet, flash cards, etc) while playing games here and there throughout the summer. I'm also going to implement reading each day with a focus on reading aloud to me about 2x/wk so he can maintain his fluency. I'll also probably randomly administer short spelling "tests" or play games such as Upwords or Scrabble. I'm worried about this subject the most because it has been his hardest subject all year.
  13. do you feel is/are an absolute must to continue over the summer? I'm asking because I worry about my ds "losing" information and us having to spend unnecessary time in the fall reviewing. I'm thinking we'll continue with math practice, but is there something else I should be worrying about? Thanks!
  14. Zumba is FUN! And, it works! Enjoy it!
  15. Several families around me are dealing with this right now. One of my friends said she has never felt worse in her life than she does right now. Whatever it is, it's awful! Hope you feel better soon!
  16. :iagree: You may find a new circle, or the one you're in may divide... it's too early to tell. I had a similar situation when I first began homeschooling 2 years ago with a woman whom I was very close to. She did not agree with my choice at all and let me know (more kindly, however), but then she stopped hanging out with me because "It's not fair of me to see your ds when my son can't." She just couldn't get past my decisions for my family; yet, whatever she decided for her family was always right. Regardless, we relate to one another now like the quote above, and it's working well for me. I learned who my real friends are through it all, and although there were many lonely times because she and I were so close, it became easier once I got over my hurt and anger. I know what you're going through, and I'm very sorry! :grouphug:
  17. Gosh, I don't think I have just ONE... I love so many books for a variety of reasons... I'll give a few that came to the top of my head. The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini (sp?) Peace Like a River by Leif Enger Anything by Jane Austen The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Night by Eli Weisel Little Women by Louisa May Alcott The Giver by Lois Lowery (youth fiction)
  18. Oh no! I'm so sorry. Lifting Steph and Dave up :grouphug:
  19. Have a FABULOUS day!!! Happy Birthday!!!!
  20. Wonderful news! Babies are such a blessing! Enjoy your new role!!! :)
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