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Everything posted by jenL

  1. For OUR family, yes it is better; however, I can't say that it would be best for every family because there are some families where this lifestyle would definitely not work for a variety of reasons (#1 being willingness). As for knowing homeschoolers who believe it's the best and "only" way. I don't know any IRL; yet, on my local e-loops there are posts where it's very clear that this is how the particular poster believes. I know they are in my area, but I've yet to meet anyone like that.
  2. Sending you big hugs... and some prayers. I'm sorry your heart is hurting right now. One day at a time... that's become my motto. Let God hold you in His arms and carry you right now. You are not alone.:grouphug:
  3. I've been doing so poorly because of all the craziness in our lives right now, that I think I need to drop out of this group :(. It's been hard to take care of myself, and I feel pretty defeated right now. I'm so proud of y'all who've worked at your goals! Keep it up!!!
  4. As someone who is only in their 2nd year of homeschooling, I so greatly appreciate the advice of all of you! It's easy to get caught up in the hype, and I admit I've begun researching the "current flavor" for the future, but the reality is my gut is telling me that what we are doing is where we need to stay. Hearing someone "affirm" that helps a newbie feel much better... thank you!
  5. I'm not really for the drilling of the math facts method because I've tried it with my son, and he shuts down and becomes frustrated if he's not fast enough, etc. So, I searched math facts on here and found many mentions of the RS math card games. I'm interested in them; however, in googling them, I see they come in a kit that's pretty expensive for us right now. Is it possible to buy the games separately somewhere that I may have overlooked? Any other suggestions to implement the RS games (or other math games) to help my son learn his math facts? TIA!
  6. HOW INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! What a great experience that will be!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!
  7. I have a minor in English and an M.Ed in Education. I taught 8th grade English for 5 years and remedial reading/Wilson Language for 2. My children are young, but I love FLL and WWE right now. I've been researching future curriculum as that's my way (I'm a planner), and so far, I'm liking Rod & Staff for it's thoroughness and skill requirement; it provides a very solid foundation. I will most likely head that route for English/Writing. By eighth grade, children should be learning how to write exploratory pieces, persuasive essays, and narratives. There are many resources to accomplish this depending upon your child's learning style. For spelling, I LOVE All About Spelling. It's phonetic, hands-on, extremely thorough, and teaches the WHY behind why we spell the way we do. As for literature, I'm a big proponent for reading, narration, discussion, analysis, and annotation at the older ages. Many of the Literature Guides that correspond to quality children's literature and the classics offer excellent activities, vocabulary, and literary analysis. They are very user friendly as well. I also believe a child should study poetry, Shakespeare, and other quality plays (ie. Death of a Salesman and Our Town) as part of their literature education. HTH! :)
  8. We love our extra upright freezer. I store meats, bread, veggies, cheeses, pizzas, and assorted items (guacamole, french fries) in ours. My fridge has things that rotate through more, so we don't need the extra fridge space here. You would just need to assess your needs and determine where they fall.
  9. Short U :) I used to sell them... great books!
  10. We use workboxes, so I plan the week out over the weekend, then I put the work in the workboxes the night before they are to be used (ie. Sunday night, I put in Monday's work). Doing it a night means it's ready for us to start our day first thing. I find my son is more likely to stay focused when he knows what to expect, and he doesn't have time to start playing. Once he starts playing, the whining begins as to why we need to do school right then. Avoiding this makes for much smoother days, and it allows us to get the work done sooner.
  11. I am going to be using SOTW vol 2 in the fall, and I'm looking into purchasing the VP history cards. My thought would be to follow the spine (SOTW) and pull the cards as they correspond to the readings. There will probably be more cards available so my plan was to add those in at the appropriate spots around the flow of SOTW. For me, they would be to enhance SOTW, not the other way around.
  12. I don't believe anyone has posted about this site, but I came across it when searching for drill sheets for my son. There are a lot of great resources on it for a variety of subjects. Enjoy! http://www.worksheetworks.com/
  13. LOVE PC! I just had a party 2 weeks ago, actually! :D I LOVE my... quick stir pitchers mini serving spatula bamboo spoon set covered baker stoneware-large & med. bar pans measuring spoons pizza cutter can opener drainable microwave cookers (sm. & lg) Happy shopping!!!
  14. I was just talking to an elementary school teacher today, 5th grade, I believe, and I asked her what they study for history, and she said, "We don't; we incorporate it into our reading." They focus on reading and math in her school, and that's pretty much it. Science and "social studies" are part of the reading, but there's not a real focus on it. I guess that's better than nothing though! As for the nothing... that's not the first time I've heard they don't get history until maybe state history in 4th and then scattered history from 5-8.
  15. They've cancelled school here outside of Charlotte because the inch we received will refreeze making it unsafe to drive tomorrow. Coming from NH, I'm amazed. Yet, I can understand it because they truly do not have the equipment to handle frozen roads. As I was driving through my neighborhood today when it was all slushy and melting, I kept thinking, "One pass with a plow, and this would be all clear." However, they don't have the trucks to go to every neighborhood as they have trouble maintaining the main roads. I'm sure the school kids are happy though!
  16. Oh goodness! Saying prayers. Definitely keep us posted. Many :grouphug:
  17. I rip the student pages out and give them to my son. At the end of the year, I'll have it spiral bound for my next son. When he is ready for WWE, I'll either buy new student pages or get 1st grade paper and have him complete the lessons on that.
  18. I've been researching for a couple of weeks now as I like to search for used items and pay less. Here's what I'm planning for 2nd grade: FLL 2 WWE 2 ETC 6 & 7 AAS Steps 3 & 4 Singapore 2a & 2b w/ IP and CWP SOTW vol. 2 w/ AG R.E.A.L Science Odyssey Earth & Space (just found on the boards :)) I *think* I'm adding Song School Latin, Classical Kids series cd's, and Discovering Great Artists, and Queen's Cursive Primers. I kind of feel as if I'm forgetting something... am I?
  19. WHAT? Isn't this a parent's job???? I can understand what they are trying to do, but educate parents, do not make it mandatory for others to do this. Make parents have accountability for goodness sake!
  20. Wow... I'm incredibly sorry no one is open to making new friends where you are! It sounds as if they are "testing" your family according to their "rules". That's not fair to you or your children, and I would also be heartbroken. What surprises me the most is the attitude of your pastor, as if it's okay to be shunned for a bit because you aren't part of the core. That's not a church I'd want to belong to since they don't sound very open at all. It sounds as if you've done all the right things - inviting people over, getting involved, etc. I'm not sure what suggestions to offer. I will say prayers for your family that things become better. :grouphug:
  21. It always works for us, and we smear it on in a nice thick layer and cover the feet with cozy, thick socks. Hope your daughter feels better soon!
  22. Thank you so much for posting this! Like the OP, I was wondering about the MCT hype since I looked into it too, but I couldn't see the draw when I believe there are other wonderful programs out there. Now I see the connection, and even though we're not ready for it yet, I'll be keeping it on my "list".
  23. This is exactly what I was going to say. In those conditions, you need to drive in such a way to give yourself space in case those around you slip & slide. Unfortunately, some people don't change their driving to fit the road/weather conditions. Good to hear you're okay!
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