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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Wow... these are great resources! Keep 'em coming! Thank you!!!!
  2. As I start to plan 2nd grade, what is a curriculum, resource, book, etc. that you absolutely LOVE?
  3. This is the first post I've read... thank you very much for sharing these. My prayers are with him and all others there.
  4. :iagree: This is a MUST read book. It's unlike anything I've ever read. I don't think you'll be sorry. It's so poignant, raw, and moving. I finished it weeks ago, and I still think about it daily. It's that profound.
  5. This is exactly why I'm drawn to it! It's handwriting and art/picture study in one. Thank you for answering, ladies!
  6. Thanks for all the responses! As several of you mentioned, I was worried it wasn't enough, and I'd have to supplement a lot. Ds likes living books, so I guess that would be workable... Hmmm... I need to think on this. With really good planning of when to put books on hold at the library, I could probably make it work? I wonder if sticking to SWB's WTM suggestions would be just fine instead of needing a curriculum? As you can see, I'm still confused! :tongue_smilie:
  7. I'm considering using this for my son next year (2nd grade). I really think he'll enjoy the experiments, but for some reason I'm hesitant about the one page of "information" they provide. I figure I can take it further by getting library books for additional reading though. It seems like an easy, open and go type of program, which I really like right now. If you use it (or have used it), can you tell me the pros/cons? If you have another science curriculum you love for 2nd grade, I'm open to researching that too. Thank you, ladies!
  8. I remember a thread a while back about the Queen's Homeschool Cursive Primer and corresponding books. I love how they appear to gently teach cursive while incorporating picture study. Has anyone used these? If so, what did you and your dc(s) think? Will I need to purchase all the way through Book F? It seems kind of pricey at $13/book. If there's something cheaper you recommend, I'm all ears on that too! Thanks!
  9. You are NOT alone... it's one of the things I'm working on too. :grouphug:
  10. The tooth fairy hasn't had to visit us yet, but she'll pay $1 per tooth, probably. I have a friend who pays $10 for the first tooth, and $5 for each tooth after that. I told her that her daughter is not allowed to talk to my son about his teeth! I can't even imagine paying that much :eek:
  11. Lots to chew on... thank you, ladies!!!
  12. Wow... :grouphug: I'm not sure if I can offer any advice, but I want you to know I'm going to pray for you. I left my denomination and strayed away from any church at all for years. When I returned to church it was steps away from my original denomination (although still Christian). I'm happier now than I've ever been. My family was surprisingly supportive, but I believe it's because I had been away from anything God-related for so long. They were just happy I was back at *a* church even if it wasn't the religion in which I was raised. I hope you are able to find peace with this as it sounds like your current church is suffocating your faith. :grouphug:
  13. Nothing good to post. My youngest was quite sick this week (asthma related issues and fevers), so I found myself snacking when I shouldn't have been, and not exercising. I'm pretty bummed about it, but I hope I can get back on track this week.
  14. I made it through the first two, and then I couldn't get any further. Although it's nice to read something mindless every now and then, they were too mindless for me.
  15. After living in NH for 32 years, we moved to NC. I remember meeting a mom at my son's preschool about 6 months after we were here (she's from MA so she understood the New England "thing"). Although we chose NC after loving it and visiting it many times, there was still an adjustment. We liked it, but I remember asking her when it would feel like "home". She said it took her about 3 years. Others have said the same thing. We're going on 4 years now, and I'd have to say that it was about a year or a year & a half ago when I started to feel "complete" and "settled". Now, I cannot imagine living in NH again. I miss family, fresh lobster and haddock, and the Patriots and Bruins, but that's it. As other posters suggested, letting go and trying new things in you area will help you. Start following local news, get involved in a church or other civic/community event, visit local shops and take in the PA culture where you are. It will take time; don't beat yourself up that it still doesn't feel right. Wishing you all the best & sending :grouphug:.
  16. Great article! I've shared it with some of my FB friends. I also send it to some of my teacher friends. I think they'll enjoy it as well. I've definitely taken my business elsewhere! :)
  17. I have 2 degrees, and I do not regret for a moment getting either of them. My college experiences have helped shape who I am, not only in terms of me being better educated, but in terms of life experience, independence, etc. I don't have daughters, but if I did, they too would be encouraged to go to college. Learning is never a waste.
  18. I'm beginning my research for 2nd grade, and I'm curious to hear what you've used for your science curriculum. Do you follow the suggestions in WTM for earth science and astronomy? Or, have you found a great curriculum that incorporates these? Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks!
  19. Thank you for this post! I was just looking at them tonight while cringing at spending all that money on them (tighter budget this year). I really would like them for my boys, however!
  20. I think the books in the AG are plenty. They always lead us off to other books too. Since we only do history 3x/wk, the extra books are perfect for us. With all else you have listed, you may not even need the ag books :)
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