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Everything posted by jenL

  1. :grouphug: I'm so sorry to hear about this situation; I would also be devastated.
  2. Born 1973, graduated high school in '91, college in '95, married in '97 (still married), children born 2003 and 2007.
  3. $450/month for a family of 4 and 2 chubby cats. This number includes our food, household items (incl. cleaning and paper products), and cat food/litter. I'm working on getting it lower as I'd like to spend only $75-100/wk. We are part of a local produce co-op that helps tremendously, and I am a couponer.
  4. No dairy? Life is just too short... I'd hang on to my weight :D
  5. I have no further advice to add because other moms have given you wonderful advice, and it's all what I would have said. I just want you to know that none of your situation is petty, and I am also praying for you and your family. :grouphug:
  6. We use the Intensive Practice book as it takes ds to another level since it's harder. We also use CWP periodically to review things studied earlier in the year. Ds enjoys both of them.
  7. Praying for you. Allow God to wrap His loving arms around you & hold you close. Remember Jeremiah 29:11. :grouphug:
  8. :grouphug: Saying prayers for your dh and for you to have strength & stamina as you hold things together for your children. :grouphug:
  9. This is me too!!! I LOVE curriculum... I find it fascinating, but I haven't really ventured from where we are since ds and I really love what we have. Now, if we're talking about supplementary items to the actual curriculum (ie. living books, resources, primary sources, etc)... well, then I have a problem! :lol:
  10. So sad... your daughter is amazing. :grouphug: Wishing your next kid a smooth birth and good health.
  11. :iagree: I was one of those people who seemed to learn quickly whereas my sister would continuously make the same mistakes. She finally "matured" and figured it out when almost everyone in her life completely backed off and let her figure it out. She was someone who needed to live it, feel it, and work it out on her own in her own time. My youngest sister is 28, and for some reason, nothing is ever her fault. I don't know if she'll ever "get it". She's not in situations where she or others are in danger, but it's often extremely difficult to watch her make the same types of mistakes (job choices, boyfriends). Not all of it is her fault in some ways, however, as she has some friends who clearly enable her and suck up to her whims. The fact that she is enabled does not FORCE her to be accountable to the level that she could be. This is hindering her growth. I think enabling is a big factor for some people in being able own their choices. If one does not have 100% of the consequence be theirs, then it's more difficult for them to truly learn, grasp, and choose to change. Choosing to change is its own evil, for some can't even see that they have the choice. Denial is a very powerful thing, and for many, it absolves them of ownership. For some people, they may not even know they are in denial of their situation/actions/etc so there isn't a base from which they can learn. In many ways it can be a viscious cycle.
  12. I don't know if you've looked at them, but we really like our Kia Sedona minivan. It's roomy, rides nicely, gets great mileage, and comes with an excellent warranty. It's priced lower than the Odyssey or Sienna, but comes with the same (or more) features. Plus, it has consistently won 5-star safety ratings in all categories. My Dh is tall (6'1"), and he has plenty of room in both the front and back seats. We've sat 7 comfortably (5 adults and 2 kids in car seats) with 3 of the adults in the 3rd row.
  13. I adored this book. Was it the best piece of writing I've ever read, no, but the story was engaging and believable, and the characters resonated with me. I'd still recommend it in a heartbeat. However, we can't all like the same things... I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience with it.
  14. :iagree: I'm ashamed to have ever picked on anyone, but I did. For me bullying doesn't have to mean physical abuse by peers. Often the mental abuse is far worse, IMHO. In 7th grade, my ENTIRE group of friends, headed by this one nasty girl, told me they didn't want to be my friend anymore. It was so painful, and it scarred my friendships for many years because I was SO terribly afraid of feeling that hurt again. Ironically, two of my very best friends (who are still in my life), came of that experience. I would never wish it upon anyone. As someon else mentioned, I also feel today's kids are more skilled at the bullying, and it definitely starts much earlier from what I've seen... it's all so very sad.
  15. Oh my gosh!!! Thank you everyone! It was the most AMAZING thing!!! I don't feel like I have the right words to explain it. Dh and I stood together; he spoke first. He's such an introvert, and his speech was incredible. Whenever he mentioned how I helped him in his walk, I was near tears, and then it was my turn to speak. He got into the pool first with his friend/mentor and was baptized. Then, I got into the pool with my dear friend and Dh stayed in, so both of them baptized me! It was just beautiful. Dh came from no religion in his life, and to watch him grow... it's all just so moving... I feel SO GOOD right now!!! I don't know how to explain it... WHOLE/COMPLETE/UTTERLY JOYFUL... it's the best feeling in the world! Thank you for sharing it with me!
  16. And I'm SO nervous!!!! I was raised Catholic and was baptized as a baby, but this is my choice now, and it's full immersion in front of my whole church family (whom I love). I'm just not great at being in front of large groups... Please pray that I say my little "speech" well! :)
  17. It sounds like she's ready! :) After looking at both AAS and SWO, we chose AAS. I knew it would go deeper than what SWO was offering, and the tactile piece of the lessons was perfect for my ds. I used to teach remedial reading to middle schoolers, and we did a program much like AAS (called WIlson Language). I knew I wanted SOLID, and AAS is very solid. To me, spelling is too crucial to make a mistake with it, but that is JMHO.
  18. :iagree: However, when we did, we used to take ours off before bed. I don't like sleeping with any jewelry on except my engagement/wedding rings.
  19. I'm curious to hear from people who have chosen not do to a timeline at this age and why (no arguments, please). We've yet to make one for Ancients, although my intentions were there. I was thinking of planning to do one for Medieval, but I've seen some posts where people decide to wait until the Logic stage instead.
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