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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. If you like Neapolitan pizza, our favorite place is Keste’s. ETA: Also want to say that the Met and Broadway are great options. And strolling through Central Park.
  2. Very interesting! I would find the idea of 10 notebooks overwhelming! But who knows, I'm still on my quest. Maybe I'll come around to multiple books. Actually, I'm probably already planning on two. A month or so ago, I realized that if I kept one book near my phone, I could use it for notes when someone called me. It's much neater than the sticky notes or scraps of paper I grabbed. During my Weekly Review, I review that book to make sure I haven't missed anything, then draw a yellow line, so I know where the new week begins. So I'm going to keep that. But I need something else to keep the Tasks list. When I was in dental school (over 33 years ago), I constantly had a piece of loose leaf paper in my pocket. It was basically a long (very long) to-do list. Folded up and kept in my pocket. I like crossing things off. (Love that sense of accomplishment that I don't get with digital apps!) When it got too messy, I liked making a new paper, nice and neat, a new start. So, I like a to-do list. I work well with them. But I like the idea of dividers too in order to keep track of multi-step projects and goals. But I don't know. I've never done dividers. I was thinking of just getting a typical 5-section notebook, but I suspect one section will fill up WAAYY faster than others, so I like the flexible that dividers offer.
  3. Scary. The side effects, I mean. Yes, yay science. But having a family member who was recently diagnosed (in very early stages), I don't relish having to make the decision to use or not use. The side effects scare me. And I'm not all that impressed with the results. Hopefully it works well and science continues to make advances against Alzheimers.
  4. These look really good. I like that I can open and flip it so only one side is open (unlike a binder). And I need dividers. So I’ll probably get these. Thanks for the recommendation!
  5. This is such good advice! It’s so easy to get caught up int he urgent things. There seems to be a lot of urgent things in this job. But I have to find a way to prioritize and make the time for the less satisfying important things! I’m working on it.
  6. What do you call those organizational type binders? Planners? Notebooks? Something else? I have been at my administrative job for almost a year. I’ve used an app most of that time. But now I’m feeling like the to-do list is too long. I’ve tried organizing into Projects but it seems to create levels where things can get hidden. I feel like I want the satisfaction I used to experience with crossing things off a paper list. But I feel like I need sections. I’m not sure exactly what I want. Anybody use a binder type book for work and organizing your day/week/projects? Any recommendations ?
  7. We used to live across the street from an historical site when my kids were little. As homeschoolers, of course we were there OFTEN. They had a “pumpkin patch” weekend (it was a Pennsylvania Dutch farm museum) which we always loved. Made scarecrows, watched them make apple cider from scratch, painted pumpkins, peeled (hulled?) black walnuts, etc. But one of their more unique events was at Christmas time. They made a huge bonfire. It was free to the community (bring a can food for the needy if you want). And we all sang Christmas carols. Afterwards there was warm cider and cookies in the big barn. Great memories.
  8. Thanks for this. I’ll listen on my way to work tomorrow (and back home)
  9. I believe my daughters would wear them rolled up. (I wouldn’t, but I’m not trendy)
  10. …Just moments ago… Every single night there’s breaking news…just moments ago. DH and I laugh about it, but I can understand how it could bother some people.
  11. I would take that to mean Mass every Sunday and holy day (with the exception of illness). CCD if they weren’t attending Catholic school. First Communion and Reconciliation, and Confirmation. *I mean obviously there are attitudes and beliefs, but I’m answering regarding what specifically to spell out in your agreement.
  12. I would use shrink wrap. We bought some for my daughter’s latest move and it came in very handy.
  13. I think this is one of the plot lines in The Candy House.
  14. You’re right. Klinger. But it was funny.
  15. Does anyone remember Bosom Buddies? It’s the first show I ever saw Tom Hanks in. Premise was two guys couldn’t find cheap apartment so they dressed up as women to get into an all-women living situation. It was drag. It was funny. Anyone remember Radar O’Reilly from MASH. It was drag. It was funny. That’s all drag is. It’s outrageously funny.
  16. This is what I use. Mine isn't terrible yet, and my hair is light in color, so I'm not sure how this would work if your hair is darker. This is super simple to use.
  17. GTD seems to make so much sense to me. I've listened to many many podcasts, and read some of the book. I feel like I understand how to do much of it. But I can't do all paper. I need an app that I can have on my phone and have with me at all times. He started GTD as a paper-based method, I believe, and I suspect that's how it works best. But I'm sure there is someone out there somewhere who can do it digitally. I just haven't figured it out yet. I think Todoist has the capability, but I'm sure I'm not setting it up right. And I'm totally not doing the Weekly Review which I understand is key to the system.
  18. Thanks everybody. Yes I have used reminders on my phone for years for my personal life (still do), but I’m truing to use Todoist for work. I’m trying to use GTD system with Todoist and not quite getting there
  19. I have a last name that is an adjective, so I avoided names that are nouns. Even though there were some that I really liked, like Forrest or Hunter.
  20. I’ve been using the Todoist app since Sept or Oct. I know I’m not using it the way it is designed to be used. For me it’s basically a big long to do list marked with Today most of the time. And naturally I don’t get it all done, so every day I move everything to Tomorrow. I’ve set up Projects but I’m worried they’ll get lost. I have context lists (phone, email, errands, etc) and I know I should work from that, but again , I worry that I’ll miss something. So before I go on and on, does anyone here use Todoist effectively and want to discuss?
  21. I showed it to dh and he thought it was a beautiful kitchen too. He didn’t notice the gap until I pointed it out.
  22. I actually really like the cabinets. And the wood floor. And the white cabinets. I didn’t notice the gap near the ceiling until I realized what you thought was awkward. I thought you were going to say that the space is so big it should have an island. I will also say this: our current house I put off looking at in person for months because I HATED the look of the kitchen in pictures, but in person it wasn’t nearly so bad. I think you should consider this house if the rest of it is what you’re looking for.
  23. Teaching Textbooks are in the attic for some reason. We don’t have any computers that will ever play those CDs again. Story of the World is on book shelf. So is History of US series. I probably still have Alpha Phonics somewhere just cuz. And maybe Spelling Power. But mostly everything else I tossed.
  24. Thank you. But lifestyle changes seem to revolve around losing weight and eating healthier. She is thin, exercises, and eats very well. But thank you, I’ll check it out.
  25. What kind of bloodwork, if you don’t mind my asking? I haven’t read anything about bloodwork.
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