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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. Thank you for sharing this. There doesn’t seem to be much treatment for this other than BCP. Fertility tx if needed. Never thought to have her blood sugar tested! No symptoms of insulin resistance at all
  2. My dd23 has never ever had regular periods. I think her first period was when she was 18 or so. And they have always been very very light. Months apart. No regularity. The most regular year was when she had 4 periods in one year. She did have an ultrasound when she was 16 or so to make sure she had all the appropriate body parts. She does. When she was 20, she went on BCP when she became sexually active. She was also hoping it would regulate her periods. She did initially have regular periods, but after a few months, they stopped. Apparently that is normal for this type of BCP. She just told me that she stopped her BCP and has still not had a period. No possibility of pregnancy. She also just told me that she recently suddenly got hair growth on her neck. Enough that other people noticed. No big deal, she said cuz she could shave it. But that means there was enough that she needed to shave, not pluck. She is concerned about PCOS. Which sounds reasonable. She doesn’t fit the profile though. Very healthy weight, exercises well, eats right. Oh one other weird symptom. About 1.5 years ago, she suddenly developed a bald spot on back of head. Typical alopecia areata lesion. The size of a quarter. Developed one other lesions when the original started to grow back. That has thankfully resolved. So, any experience with “lean PCOS”? Or any other thoughts on this?
  3. I’m terribly sorry for the stress you are under right now, but THIS would certainly NOT be my choice for your dd. Who would pay for this vacation to Europe?? If she is not going to college, she should be working. Real work with a paycheck. Not a 20 year old’s dream of “living elsewhere will solve all my problems!”
  4. My dd had hers done on a Friday and pretty much normal and back to work on Monday. I’m not sure when she started back to running and gym. I’m pretty sure it was less than a week.
  5. Noise canceling headphones with music cranked up high during takeoff. Once I understood that flying through clouds would result in turbulence, it helped. I knew to expect it, and knew it would end once we got through it. I watch how calm everyone else is. Nobody seems to be clenching the armrests like me, so everything is probably fine because they must be more experienced travelers than I am. Unlike you, OP, I much prefer being able to see outside. If I feel the plane tilting, it helps me to see, ok we’re banking, no big deal.
  6. For sure! This is something I check religiously before purchasing! Must have free return, or I’m not buying.
  7. Thanks for the article. It says $1 fee. And it says if the Kohls is closer. So, I like your suggestion to complain to customer service. I may end up getting rid of Amazon Prime. I hardly ever watch movies. Free return was the only reason I got it. I hate stores that charge a fee for the privilege to shop there (eg Sam’s Club, Costco) so it seems that’s what Amazon is turning into.
  8. I have Amazon Prime. One of the advantages is free returns. For years, I was able to return to my local UPS store (2 min away, on my way to work, open very early). Now when I want to return something, it is telling me I can take it to Kohls for free (10 min away, not convenient location, normal store hours) OR I can take it to UPS store and pay $5. What??? Is anyone else experiencing this? Is there a way around this?
  9. I tip at restaurants and hairdressers. Traditional type places. But I never tip at places like Dunkin. Or I go to PICK UP a pizza myself and I’m supposed to tip??? I don’t think so!! I gladly hit NO TIP on those little screens that ask if I want to tip 15% or 20%. No tip! Guilt-free
  10. I talked to my IT department today during a meeting about something else. I mentioned Rocketbook or something similar. They started looking at ideas right away. Someone mentioned getting an iPad but I thought that was a lot for 24 computers. Another alternative someone mentioned was that the signature pads we currently have (and which only allow one signature) are on the budget end, and maybe the company has a higher end pad that would allow multiple signatures. I hope we can come up with something before the fall semester starts.
  11. We had signature pads in the past. Who knows, maybe there is still a way to use them. It’s better than asking an 80 year old pt to sign with a mouse (which is what we’re doing now). I switched us away from the signature pads because originally it was a document that only the dentist needed to sign. But I wanted both the dentist AND the patient to sign. But we couldn’t get the Word document to accept more than one signature. So I changed it to a PDF document and that can accept both signatures but it involves signing with the mouse. And it’s horrible. The signatures don’t even look like our signatures. There’s got to be a better way. My IT department mentioned in passing something about using bluetooth stylus(es), but I don’t understand how that would work. (In case anyone is interested, I am a dentist and the director of a dental hygiene program. We have a clinic with 24 chairs. Each chair has a desktop computer.)
  12. I’m only looking for patients to sign a document so nothing long.
  13. …a bluetooth stylus that I could just use with any surface (let’s say my kitchen table)? I would use the kitchen table with my stylus, and whatever I write would show up on my desktop computer? Does such a thing exist? I don’t want a signature pad. I don’t have access to iPads.
  14. What do people usually serve? By 7:30, I would have already eaten dinner. So personally I would be interested in dessert. So what are your favorite desserts to make? (Maybe I’d serve fruit platter and/or veggie platter if I felt like I needed more.)
  15. How can I join?! LOL. This sounds and looks amazing!
  16. We bought our most recent minivan probably when we had two kids who were in college (but still lived at home) and one in hs, one middle school. We still did plenty together, so minivan made sense. But oh how I wish we had not bought it!!!! I’m stuck with this ultra-reliable Toyota FOREVER!!! I’ll never be rid of it. The kids grew fast and that phase of needing all of us in one car rarely happened! Get yourself a sedan!! I’m 62. I don’t want to be driving a minivan!
  17. I’ve never played. I’ve played tennis and racquetball. This seems like a fast-paced tennis on a small court. All the points are going to be short; no long rallies. And the players seem to be bent over more than a tennis player which seems uncomfortable. Who knows, maybe I’d like it if I tried but so far, I don’t even know where I would start. You
  18. I have never heard of mosquito bits before until BeachGal mentioned them. I think I’m going to try a combination of things. I’ll try anything! I’d really like to avoid throwing out plants - some of them are real beauties!
  19. I have never heard of this suggestion! Is this something that people do because it is well know n that pitting soil harbors larvae? I have so much to learn!
  20. This is a great idea. I’ll try this! (Dh is telling me to throw them all out and buy new plants! Waah. I really hope I can control these soon!)
  21. Thank you for this very thorough reply BeachGal! I only water my houseplants every three weeks, so I don’t think the problem is that I’m overwatering. I do notice that whenever I buy potting soil, it is moist. I wonder why, especially if it’s a good place for fungus.
  22. I think I have fungus gnats near my house (and office) plants! The problem seemed to start when I repotted several of my houseplants. The problem has gotten so bad that I had to bring all my office plants home because it was too dreadful having people waving gnats away when they come to my office. But now I have lots of houseplants at home which are infested and I have an urgency to get rid of them. I used potting soil that was an opened bag (closed up, but not brand new) that had been sitting in my garage over the winter. A co-worker suggested that could have been infected with the fungus. I have used sticky traps but all that does is catch them. I want to prevent them. Kill the larvae, I guess. I read that hydrogen peroxide mixed with water will kill the larvae, so I’ve tried a few treatments of that, but I don’t know how often before I’ll see a difference. And if I use it too often, I’ll be overwatering my plants and/or creating a moist environment for the fungus. Ugh. Is the only solution repotting ALL my plants? And will that really solve the issue if there are still gnats hanging around? Will they just lay their eggs in new soil? Any help/experience/insight/suggestions appreciated!
  23. We are also vegetarian and use the Weber. One of our favorite dishes uses grilled veggies with grilled polenta. Top it with some mozzarella and marinara. Yum!!
  24. I would wear dress trousers with conservative blouse.
  25. I use pods for dishwasher. Convenient. No overfilling like with the powder. The only downside is if your hands are wet and the water gets on the pods, they can stick together. I have tried pods for washing machine and hate them because they never fully dissolve.
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