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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. I’m surprised the winner so far seems to be Monte Cristo. I wouldn’t have guessed it. @Rosie_0801I’m still curious to hear why you disliked Clarissa so much.
  2. Now I’m curious. Why don’t you recommend it? Too long? Too boring? Too brutal?
  3. Years ago, I think before we had kids, dh and I watched this great show. PBS, I’m assuming. It was a two-part series. The first part was great, we loved it, recommended it to his mom. Then we watched part two! Whoa! Things turned dark real fast! But we still loved it? It was Clarissa. I thought I should eventually read the book
  4. I’m currently reading two pretty light weight books. When that happens, I tend to want to read something meatier next, either non-fiction or a classic. I’m not including an other option intentionally. I’m trying to whittle away on the Want To Read list I already have.
  5. I’m reading Lessons In Chemistry and listening to Boston Girl. Both are pretty light reads right now but both also have themes of early feminism which I appreciate.
  6. We are doing that today. We gave her the option of (vegetarian) chili, (vegetarian) stuffed peppers, or mac and cheese.
  7. Fortunately, I have not been in the position of seeing stray dogs around much. If there was a dog wandering in my neighborhood, I would assume he belonged to someone in the neighborhood and would eventually find his way home. If I was driving down a country road, on my way to wherever, again I would assume it got loose and would eventually find its way home. If I took it in my car, further away from its home, that would make it harder for owner to find him. If it looked injured, I would be concerned, but not every loose dog is lost. Also, I don’t like approaching strange dogs, even ones on leashes. A young child by themself…completely and totally different story!! I don’t regard dogs with the same level of concern as I would a child. I don’t think it’s immoral to not stop everything you’re doing to respond to a lost or wandering dog.
  8. @FrancesThis is exactly how I feel so need to apologize. In many ways you, and others here, are validating what I think. It is just difficult seeing her struggle and yearn for something else. I want the magic wand that will make her happy and fulfilled and generously compensated in her career.
  9. This is how dh and I think. Keep your art for yourself. Dh LOVES his woodworking hobby. But if he had to face deadlines and create pieces which he didn’t like, it would take all the joy out of his hobby. We have told dd to research different fields and get back to us. Medical artist program sounded like it would right up her alley, but she found that after a super expensive masters programs, there are maybe 50 jobs in the entire US. When in high school she wanted to be a fashion designer. Ok, go do the research research. She actually called someone in NY who talked with her. The woman liked her career but described it realistically. The hustle. The hours. The low pay. Dd chose against that. She wants work/life balance. I think dd still wants to pursue some kind of elusive dream career. When I tell her to get a job that pays well and has some flexibility so she can pursue her art during her own time, I feel like I big bad meany (and she lets me know that she thinks I am!) Sigh.
  10. Yes, this is the kind of information I’m looking for. I know people do it. I did it myself. I have a BS in Accounting before going back for dental school. My youngest has a degree in Biology and she is scheduled to start PA program in the fall after a gap year working in research. But she has always seen herself as a creative type and went into bio for the practicality of going into healthcare. But she wishes she had chosen differently. And I have a hard time telling her to go pursue art. As some of these examples have shown, people tend to go back for something practical after having first chose the impractical. So, I was sort of hoping someone would give me an idea of a career that is both creative AND practical. Lol. Does such a thing exist?
  11. If you’re willing, please share your success stories of your child who got a degree in one thing, and went back to school for something completely different.
  12. Oh no! That's just awful! ((hugs))
  13. Best said with a wee bit of an Irish brogue
  14. Yes, these are sort of why I’ve hesitated to use it as an adult. Yes, I think the tone is key.
  15. Growing up, whenever someone bought a car and we were all excited to see their new car and congratulate them, the expression of congratulations was, “ I wish you health to enjoy it!” As I have gotten older and moved away from my family of origin, I never hear anyone say this. And I’m hesitant to use it. While I think it is a way of wishing them well and keeping priorities straight, I can see how it could be a bit of a downer. What do you think?
  16. This explains why a bridge was not recommended. In order to do a bridge, they would need to remove the crown on the adjacent tooth. If it’s a perfectly good crown, I wouldn’t suggest a bridge either. In that situation, an implant would be the ideal choice. Unfortunately, many of my patients can’t afford them.
  17. I listened to the Happiness Lab a lot during the shutdown. I also listened to Adam Grant’s Work Life cuz I missed work. But not sure if this is what you’re looking for
  18. Family Matters by Guterson was one of the books I read way back when I was a brand new homeschooler. Then loved Snow Falling on Cedars. The Last Case is on my Want to Read list. Interested to hear how you like it. I’m a little late to this thread, but this month I’ve been reading My Phantoms by Gwendolyn Riley and really just schlogging through. Finally gave up when my girls gave me Lessons in Chemistry for my bday , and enjoying that much better. Phantoms is going back to the library unfinished! Just started listening to Rebecca on Libby.
  19. Not really. The root of your tooth is still there. That is what is sustaining the bone. When you remove the tooth, the bone that was supporting the too remodels and you have less bone in that area. Have you considered a bridge instead of an implant?
  20. Milk rhymes with silk. Pennsylvanai
  21. Is he right? Does the idea of it being missing bother you? It would bother me. A lot. But clearly not everyone here feels the same way. So, how about you? Would it bother you?
  22. There are many many people with positive implant stories too. Implants have a very high success rate.
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