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Everything posted by Amethyst

  1. I feel your pain!!!! I gave up gardenting the year that I went outside to pick the zucchini. I knew they would be ready for picking because I had looked at them the day before and said “one more day!” Those stinkin’ deer knew the moment they were ripe! And what did they do?? Eat one zucchini and say thanks? No way! They took ONE bite from every.single.zucchini!!!! Have a whole zucchini, Bambi, but why ruin ALL of them?? That was it. Done. That area I converted back to grass the following year.
  2. What a beautiful sweet baby! Congratulations!
  3. If you have siblings who live at least two hours away, how often do you visit them? How often do they visit you? I am one of nine siblings. Naturally, I’m closer to some than others. I’d like to see some of them more often. Others, eh. We tend to do a decent number of family events, and I try to get to some of those. For instance, my mom and dad’s 70th anniversary is coming up, so we (siblings and their children-in-laws) are taking them out to dinner. The problem with the larger events is that they are not intimate and I frequently don’t feel like I’ve connected with the people I care most about. But I feel like the larger events get priority. From time to time, my two closest sisters and I have made an effort to meet in various locations for lunch, just the three of us. I enjoy those. For a while, we tried to include the husbands, and it eventually petered out. I wish it was more often. But maybe I’m unrealistic. How often do you see your siblings.
  4. Lol. I thought this was a pic of my parents’ house! Yes! We had two. I can’t remember what we put in there. I feel like maybe newspaper was stored there until it was thrown out but I could be wrong.
  5. I have recently started being less obsessive about wearing masks in stores, but will take it with me in grocery stores because if it’s very crowded or there are little kids coughing, I put it on. Also, we recently went to our first post-covid concert in a very very tiny intimate setting, and we wore masks. Definitely still wear on airplanes. This past week, less than a week ago, I made the decision for our dental hygiene school to stop wearing N95s and go back to level 3 masks. I had been monitoring CDC website regarding Community Transmission and it had gone down in the school’s county and all the surrounding counties, so I felt it was time. I have not yet had covid.
  6. Interesting question. The first thing that comes to mind is that I like to plan and be organized. The flip side is not doing very well with spontaneity
  7. Me either. I always have to ask my girls what the qualities are supposed to be. I don’t think I easily sort
  8. ESFJ. Today. I’m always an E. The other categories vary when I take these tests online. In some situations I’m emotional, others analytical. So i think it depends on my mood when I take the test. ETA: the test I tool said ESFJ-A. I guess the A means assertive? (The other option was Turbulent) I guess it means I don’t struggle with anxiety and second guessing myself.
  9. I read free. And I read Kitchen Aid mixer. I was all ready to accept. But rodents are my nemesis. I don’t like snakes, don’t like spiders. But rodents!!!! Aagghh. They’re my 1984! Would not take it. One rodent would be enough, but INFESTATION??!!?! Yikes! That’s a big no for me
  10. Wait before replying to texts. short answers when you do reply. “Yeah, we’ll have to get together some day” - and then never arrange it. It happens all the time. No need for confrontation.
  11. Before I went to dental school, I always thought that root canals sounded awful. What I have learned in dental school and afterwards is that one of the reasons that root canal therapy (RCT) is associated with pain so often is that patients frequently show up with a painful infection. The infection changes the pH and makes it chemically much more difficult for the local anesthetic to take effect. So, the patient remembers the pain od the infection AND the pain of not being quite numb enough during the first part of the RCT. But for most people, especially like you, where you are are not in horrible acute pain with swelling, they will get you numb, and you won’t feel anything. It’s just a matter of keeping your mouth open. I hope all goes well. I think it will. Regarding the nightguard, you can get one to cover the lower teeth. It won’t activate the gag reflex
  12. I don’t know why. And I could be wrong. I just remember dh and the cardiologist discussing this. I also remember them discussing the pill-in-the-pocket approach.
  13. Lol. I love it! We do have two colleges nearby. But it’s a funny time if year. If it was Aug or September someone might be wanting a sofa. My dd actually took a pic and asked some college friends but they said no thanks
  14. We were just talking yesterday that this is what we might end up doing. Well, probably not rent the U-haul, but maybe put them in the minivan and drive to the dump. But it would probably be two trips, so two charges. Maybe the u-haul. We’ll check it out. But I feel like I should make the most of it and dump lots of other stuff too, if I rent the U-haul Maybe a good motivator to FINALLY clear out the kids toys and homeschool portfolios etc that are taking up too much space in our basement ! I’ve been planning on cleaning that basement every summer for the past five years!
  15. I feel you. My dh knew exactly when he went into AFib too. In Canada, they probably would have done it immediately. But that's not protocol here.
  16. But my dh saw a cardiologist in the ER. We would have liked for him to be cardioverted immediately, but in the US they tend not to do this. His was new onset AFib, your dh's is not. The CHADS VASC score is probably what they used to determine anticoag or not, and from what you're saying he has a low score. Like someone previously said, they will prob want to anticoagulate him prior to cardioversion. And of course, will they might not decide to go the caradioversion route. Lots to discuss with the cardiologist. (aspirin is not an anticoagulant, so I'm not sure that would be helpful)
  17. My dh was very low risk also when he went into aFib. They still had him on anticoagulant until his cardioversion.
  18. Oh man I wish! My little township doesn’t do anything for us.
  19. We used to be able to do that. They recently switched trash haulers and the new company doesn’t do that
  20. Thanks for the suggestion. ReStore accepts new and “gently used” furniture. I’m not sure this qualifies. Maybe a frat house? Lol.
  21. Really? This surprises me. I fully expected to have to pay a fee nowadays, but they’ve always taken it away before. We’ve used the same HUGE company for years.
  22. And do I really want to foist this old furniture off on somebody? There’s a reason we’re getting rid of it. It’s useful life is over.
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