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Angie in VA

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Everything posted by Angie in VA

  1. I like the fact that's she's suing (or is it a counter suit? No matter.) for $1 in damages. She's not trying to bankrupt the guy. (Although I'm sure his attorney's fees will be massive.) She is making a point.
  2. We never used any of the Fascinating... programs, but I did write the author in January of 2016. He took 4 days to respond which didn't bother me at all. We went another way, and our correspondence consisted of my email and his response. That was it. What did bother me is that on August 4, as in last week, out of the blue I got a LinkedIn add request for the author. I loathe all manner of cold calls, and it might not be his fault. Still, it irked me. For our science hater, we used a tweaked version of Guest Hollow's biology. For Physics for this child I used GPB's physics. They've re-done chemistry and will overhaul their physics as well.
  3. Student News Daily might work, but I prefer reading one liberal and one conservative paper in general or article in particular as a PP said.
  4. We didn't either, and we do vax, just selectively. I wanted this for dd, but we had medical reason to believe this was not good for her. Long story I won't divulge here. We signed the waiver and she did live in a dorm for 3 years, off campus her senior year. Ds leaves for college this month. I am still on the fence. He's not a minor and knows he "can" get it if he wants. I'm leaning towards his getting it.
  5. *Heavy sigh* I wish I could use the info in this thread. Our fig trees just don't produce anymore. Same thing happened to a friend who lives around the corner. He finally chopped them down. Ours get tall and have lots of leaves and we even see green fruit, but it never ripens. I miss those figs. They were so good! What is your secret to keeping an annual crop?
  6. :grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss. Agreeing w/ those who said your normal calendar gift and a separate memorial gift. And I would be prepared for one or both parents' not being ready to display it just yet.
  7. This is my dream set for future grandchildren. Two twins and a full. Selling point for me: steps instead of a ladder, and drawers for some storage. You could put plywood over the slats as a PP mentioned. Might be too big for some spaces and the price is up there.
  8. Girl! 4x/week? Come on over to this board and tell us what you make!
  9. Just saw this. I prayed for your DH this morning. I hope you're feeling better and got good rest.
  10. Beautiful Feet's maps. (Scroll down.) Get good colored pencils. They have a guide too. You can probably get it in pdf to download. I have warm, fuzzy memories of my kids' coloring those maps and reading aloud those books. I'm embarrassed to admit this, but it was b/c of HCH that I memorized the Great Lakes. Oh, sure, I knew HOMES, but I know which lake is which b/c of HCH.
  11. This! I like video tutorials that actually get to the point. I find I just skip the first 1/3 of the video to get to anything worthwhile.
  12. You might find this trite, but I just saw this the other day "Focus on results and you won't get change. Focus on change and you will get results." I know Dh and I are not working on the 3 pillars of health: diet (as in what you eat, not going on one), exercise and SLEEP. Our non-driver's schedule is really hard on us right now. He is working 2 jobs, not both every day, but even if he doesn't go in early, I get up early for DH. Dh and I alternate picking him up from his other job. We will miss him when he heads off to college, but we look forward to getting ample sleep! We're trying to concentrate on eating right, but we're not exercising now (we do wear knock off FitBits to make sure we're moving some). The lack of sleep has us walking around like zombies.
  13. No affiliate links are in this post. Please search for samples to decide if these will work. Check your library for cds of classical music. Themes to Remember (there are 4 volumes). Can you stretch this out over 4 years? Might be too juvenile for your kids. Professor Carol's Discovering Music The Classical Kids Collection Volume 1 and Volume 2 Maestro Classics which offers Curriculum Guides too Check for reviews on all of the above too.
  14. Obviously this thread is about books, but this is exactly how I felt about Gracepoint, the US version of Broadchurch. It bombed so badly there were no subsequent seasons. Broadchurch is in its 3rd season (called series in the UK, I believe) and going strong. I found Gracepoint so boring and found it ridiculous that another version was packaged for the US. I mean, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Sherlock are huge here. We can handle it. Duh!
  15. I learned about Spark from these boards. I got it from the library but will buy my own copy. Great stuff!
  16. This. Just the other day I tallied up all the expenses we WON'T have this fall b/c our last child at home graduated and is headed off to college. These were just from 3 of his activities and they were a sizable chunk. Today we took our car in for some small repairs and one big one. The bill was $5 higher than the amount I'd tallied. :glare:
  17. :hurray: YAY!!! We are anxiously awaiting to hear from a dear friend whose twins were going to arrive yesterday. We want news!!!
  18. I am so glad to read this because my first thought was: the color purple. (Not The Color Purple, in either form.) Keeping w/ the color theme, and I might step on toes here, but white rocks and red mulch. This would be amusing to those who know me IRL b/c 1) I have at least one purple shirt and wear it often (and even bought it, but at a thrift store b/c it is great quality), and 2) I really have no fashion sense in apparel or landscaping, so there ya go. Newscasters' saying "This smorning" instead of "This morning" bothers me too. ETA: I don't think it's irrational to dislike snakes! Or poisonous spiders!
  19. For one of mine I just printed off a cursive alphabet (upper and lower case) and gave it to the child. DC got it in no time and writes beautifully in cursive.
  20. You are my people!!! When I did my student teaching the teacher I was assigned to went to high school w/ one of my best friend's parents. They were high school sweethearts, and I already knew that they were expecting before they got married. For some reason this teacher felt the need to tell me that about my friend's parents, 20 years after the fact. :glare: You said there is some mental issue, so I would hope that I would play it off w/ humor or w/ a non-answer answer (like another year older as PP's have mentioned). But I can be snarky and usually call people out on such bad behavior. What's that saying? Hurt people hurt people. Mean people still "vacuum", though!
  21. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: (((Jann & family)))
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