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Everything posted by MistyMountain

  1. This is a real problem. Social media has really taken this problem to a whole other level since one little mistake can reach so many people and ruin people's reputation. People are fast to rake people over the coals and believe the worse about people. I remember hearing about that comment. A lot of times peoples words are misconstrued or even if they are not the consequences do not fit the offense. We are human sometimes we can say stupid things. Recently someone posted about something someone at a local business said to a costumer that wasn't nice. I commented that it wasn't a nice thing to say but then people who didn't have the incident happen to them started posting bad reviews in droves even though they didn't have a bad experience themselves. Even avoiding social media yourself you can still end up in the spotlight like that guy who was whispering to his friend a silly joke but had his picture taken and posted. I have seen similar happen several times. Bullying is also much worse because of social media. People can get thousands of negative comments and feel like everyone is against them. It also gets old how everyone just insults people and their intelligence for their opinion rather then have a thoughtful conversations on issues.
  2. It isn't easy to immigrate here. In order to immigrate a lot of people go from being on the top where they came from to not here. Their cultures also are ones that do value education even if they are poor countries. My friend's who teach in communities with a lot of immigrants have parents that are involved and expect their kids to work hard but trust they the teachers and believe the teachers.
  3. My kids really liked the Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place.
  4. I didn't have to be current for well child exams to get vaccinations for my kids. At my kids' pediatrician they take walk ins for shots. They are given by a nurse. I had a period where my insurance didn't cover well child exams but they did cover vaccinations. I was able to get my kids caught up on vaccines during that time. I never have to make well child appointment 2 months in advance.
  5. I have not changed my political views or my environmental views. I am very progressive for this country and am concerned about resource use. I have had more of a chance to hear the other side more and read where they are coming from but it hasn't changed my views. I do know though that you really have to hear the other side out and not just declare people with other views stupid. I get tired of that from both sides. Most news articles or internet articles seem to go that way. Conversations get nowhere with insults about people or their beliefs. I have changed in parenting. I have gotten less AP and crunchy except for the environmental stuff. I still do things to lessen resource use but I have changed on topics like vaccines, diet, discipline, schooling natural cures and birth.
  6. That doesn't look like chicken pox it looks like a skin reaction to something if someone has sensitive skin.
  7. My older dd is the same way. She didn't like SOTW and she really didn't like the SOTW audio cd. She isn't interested whenever I took out books on the time period we were covering in SOTW. She has enjoyed reading the You Wouldn't Want to be series but that has been it so far. I am hoping to find a way to get her to enjoy history more even if it isn't following the cycle. She is into American Girl books but she mostly picks the more modern books for now. DS on the other hand has liked any topic I covered so far and enjoyed either me reading SOTW or the audio cd.
  8. It is hard to know what side is correct because this side is a little different. The worse part of the previous story is the ultimatum where she said that if he keeps the baby she will divorce him. Her side is that he said he was leaving and didn't ask her to come. I remember a while ago there was this blog post everyone was sharing of this story of a women's baby being born with down syndrome. She wasn't prepared ahead of time so she was very shocked. This women was in this country. She noticed the baby had down syndrome right away and she was grieving and processing and crying for hours. She did process eventually and came to accept it but everyone understood that it took some time to do so. Imagine being in a place where you never encounter people with down syndrome and it is expected you give a baby up when they do. Your family and doctors are pressuring you to just give the baby up and they are not saying good things about the diagnosis It is a lot to take in regardless never mind under pressure in a country with a very different attitude. In comments everyone still makes her out to be a horrible person but it sounds like she didn't even have time to process it or talk to her husband and she was under pressure from other people who offered no support. She had no idea this was coming. Her husband may not have offered her to come. I wonder how easy it would be for her to get citizenship. Maybe he didn't like the fact that she was unsure what to do. I guess most people believe his story but there is no way of knowing which side is correct or if it is somewhere between the two.
  9. Cookie Butter Do Si Dos Peanut Butter Cookies White Chocolate Reece's
  10. I just read one called Antarctic Journal to my kids that was good.
  11. I wouldn't assume it is willfulness. Some kids really struggle with aspects of narration like listening or reading comprehension. If comprehension isn't the problem then coming up with what to talk or open ended questions could also be an issue.
  12. I'm sorry. Selling a house is stressful enough when you are not blindsided by costly repairs that need to be done. I would do the two things they suggested.
  13. I like some sort of hardwood including bamboo flooring or the second option would be a quality laminate. I don't like carpet. I currently have carpet in the bedroom but I much prefer having hardwood. I wouldn't do tile in a bedroom.
  14. How do you find a CTOPP practitioner? I have never heard of one before. Is getting that done more affordable then a neuropsych exam?
  15. I don't know if they mean if they are proficient in either one or not. That is a good question. The categories are advanced, proficient, below and far below. So they mean they are at least grade level for proficient and anything else is below grade level.
  16. I grew up in NJ and the quality of education I got there was better then what is available in my current area. It is a little sad how even the top states have low proficiency.
  17. Yes when my dd was in that stage picking books below and right at her max level that she enjoyed a little every day is what helped her make fast progress. I worked with her on spelling the concepts she needed a little help with.
  18. Hours in the car is not a life I would want to live. One of the big things on my list for house purchases is how close things are for lifestyle and environmental reasons. Having things close could also be about being able to walk or bike places. I would love to live in a walkable neighborhood.
  19. I have really dark hair with red highlights that don't show much because my hair is so dark. I brought a red hair kit for people with dark hair and had a friend help put it in my hair. The color came out fine. I passed off as a redhead. I have freckles and light skin.
  20. The people I know who are child free by choice are mostly happy with their lives and content. The ones that aren't it isn't because they don't have children.
  21. My youngest was in physical therapy at that age. There are a lot of little steps that come before walking and crawling. It sounds like this baby is missing a lot of pre-walking skills. That is more concerning then the fact she isn't walking yet. They have lots small skills they look for. My youngest wasn't as behind as you described but was in PT. It also sounds like the baby has low tone. I started with private therapy with my youngest but lost our insurance and went through EI. Private therapy was much much better but I am sure that varies by area.
  22. It sounds like they got a lot of response after this article according to the blog so maybe that will help them find the donor they need.
  23. The free source I use the most is the library These websites I have used a little Starfall Reading Bear Don Potter ABCYA Youtube I See Sam Ibooks
  24. When I am on my laptop I will have written a post and then hit reply and the content will be gone and it says you must enter a post. I can post in some areas but not others. It works fine on my IPad where I am currently posting from.
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