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Everything posted by Kathryn

  1. I "support" it in that I don't think the U.S. is a theocracy and therefore my or anyone else's religious beliefs should have no bearing on something that consenting adults choose to do that does no earthly harm to themselves or others. Personally, I have no opinion one way or the other as to the religious aspect. It doesn't affect me personally as I'm not gay, so I don't think I need to worry about whether or not it may be sinful. If my child turns out to be gay, they'll have to work that out for themselves, just like they would if they were an adulterer or an alcoholic or anything else someone might call sinful.
  2. My almost-10yo is the same. His little brother and I get the brunt of it. I'm so ready to send him far, far away most days. The one trick I have in my bag is his soft spot for his baby sister. Putting him in charge of doing something for her generally works at getting him out of his attitude for the moment.
  3. We spent five weeks with strep in our house this summer. I'm SO over strep!
  4. Something along the lines of "I confessed this to my wife several months ago when I closed the account after realizing the error of my ways [instead of closing it because I got scared because my previous molestations were about to come to light]. We have been in counseling together and I have been in individual counseling."
  5. Yeah I was going to ask about the dark web on here. Can somebody explain?
  6. How fast do you think it would have been denied if it wasn't true?
  7. In this case, it's not the email that gives it away. It's a credit card in his name with the billing address first being his grandmother's home (where his first child was born) and then later when he moved to DC, the billing address was changed to his DC home.
  8. I aw someone post a different link on FB and went looking. The gawker site I posted seems to have some pretty convincing evidence.
  9. In other news, it appears Josh Duggar is attached to the Ashley Madison hack. Someone with a credit card in his name billed to his grandmother's house bought memberships to the cheating website: http://gawker.com/family-values-activist-josh-duggar-had-a-paid-ashley-ma-1725132091
  10. I think he's already out. There was another story about a woman who escaped an abusive marriage with her daughter and when people were asking for more information to help her, he said that he'd already left and asked for help locating her (she was found).
  11. When was the last time you took a vacation that wasn't to visit family? I just realized mine was 2004, before kids. We were at the beach in Florida. We'd paid for the week but left after just one day ahead of the evacuation for Hurricane Charley and weren't able to get our money back because we left 12 hours before the evacuation order went into place.
  12. I had three votes: what extra money does get spent on (eating out), what it should get spent on (household improvements), and what I would want to spend it on if it were up to me (vacations).
  13. We did WWE3, FLL3, and MCT Island level together. We continued with all three the next year. We started CAP W&R with MCT Voyage after that (this school year). ETA we don't do the writing assignments in MCT.
  14. Oh my goodness. I can't believe someone would be so thoughtless and awful. I really hope your explanation shamed him and he thinks twice before being so heartless in the future.
  15. I would absolutely not go. I would NOT allow my children to go. I would lie about why I wasn't going for a lot of things, but for family members who invited my children to such a gathering, they'd get the truth: it's inappropriate for my family and we won't be attending. I'd tell the children that the party was for adults and we'd see everyone another time.
  16. My kids watched it all at 4 and 8 years old. My 4yo is my more sensitive one and he didn't have any problems with it.
  17. Someone hacked my paypal account while I was in the hospital giving birth. They hacked my email first and I had the same password for my PayPal. That's how they got it. They didn't even get to make one purchase before PayPal caught it. When the first attempted purchase appeared, PayPal froze my account and called me. I was very impressed with how they dealt with the whole situation.
  18. No. I got a complete 2005 encyclopedia from the library around the same time I got a complete collection since the 1950s of NG from them. The NG collection didn't get touched past the first week and we couldn't find anyone who wanted it. We finally ended up taking them to Goodwill. The encyclopedia gets used frequently.
  19. I use it through my bank for everything except the trash company. We had an issue with them saying they didn't receive payment even though it showed that it came out of our account before it was due. When we contacted the back and described the situation but hadn't yet named the business involved, the guessed it. Apparently, this company has done this to many people. The bank took care of that particular issue and recommended we use the company's online portal for payments instead.
  20. This is the sixth time I've had it with this baby. It seems to happen every 2-3 months. I never had issues with my first. With my second, I got clogged ducts, but it never proceeded to mastitis. I don't know why this keeps happening. I'm at over 48 hours since the breast pain began, 36 since the fever started, and I still haven't been able to unclog it, so I conceded defeat and called my doctor. He's called in an antibiotic for me.
  21. Since the beginning of June, we've had 12 illnesses in our house. They've been one after another, rarely overlapping, so that we've had a grand total of thirteen days with everyone healthy/not contagious. We've basically spent the entire summer stuck in our house. Right now, I have two children finishing antibiotics for strep throat (which required separate doctor visits because they started five days apart) and I'm curled up in a ball with 103 degrees fever from mastitis. The mastitis started at exactly the 48-hour mark when the last one to start antibiotics wouldn't have been contagious and we could have gone out. I just want this to end.
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