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Everything posted by Kathryn

  1. A few thoughts while reading: Do they work? How? Where? What modern conveniences do they hold on to? Grocery stores, laundry, contraception, these things ran through my mind. I can totally see people calling them freaks, but threatening to kill them? And every time she leaves home she must "constantly be on guard against people who try to paw at and grope" her? I'm having a hard time with that.
  2. Other for all. We were married the first time fifteen years ago. We wrote our own, but my grandfather, who married us, did whatever he usually does instead. Then when we became Orthodox, we were married in our church and Orthodox do not recite vows to each other.
  3. I read another article that said that "he" told her shortly after they met online that he was in a car accident. Then while he said he was in the hospital for that, he told her that they discovered that he had a brain tumor. He said he was in a private hospital this whole time and he checked himself out for the afternoon to meet in a hotel with her. The brain tumor and accident were the excuse for the hat and bathing suit and asking her to cover her eyes, because he was embarrassed about all of his scarring.
  4. ABCD for me. ABD for my mom. ACD for MIL. ACD for my grandmothers and great-grandmothers.
  5. I agree. I'm just restating what was said in the article about why she acted as she did.
  6. She didn't meet in public. But, it says she did google him and "he" had other social media accounts, lots of pictures with friends and family, etc., AND they had a friend in common--that friend just happened to be the accused.
  7. I agree. I'm surprised at how many people think they know what the majority of people around them do. I don't know how it would come up all that much. I actually have had it come up pretty frequently because I added my maiden name as a second middle name, so A B C D. I sign my name like Anna B. C. Davis. When I decided to keep both, there were lots of conversations about how odd it was. There still are a fair number who remark on it when they see my signature. From all the conversations I've had and from my knowledge of historic conventions, the majority of women do A C D, then A B D, then A B C-D. I live in the South, but my mother was from New England and considered odd for doing ABD instead of ACD. Both my grandmothers, one from Kansas and one from New England, did ACD. All my great grandmothers did ACD as well (born in Austria-Hungary, Japan, Arkansas, and Kansas). ETA: I found this on the subject: http://southernweddings.com/2013/04/15/southern-etiquette-middle-v-maiden-name/
  8. The summary in the OP left out information from/misrepresented the article that I'd consider pertinent to the question. The victim had "known" the "man" for two years online/on the phone and considered herself engaged to "him." This wasn't a casual encounter in her mind. The accused was a female friend of the victim who orchestrated this whole charade. She was not transgendered. She does not identify as a "he." There is no labeling her a "him." She's a woman who considered herself not quite heterosexual and knew that her friend was. This was not a case of a transsexual wishing for "privacy" or someone in transition. This was a woman who set up an elaborate ruse and bedded someone whom she knew would not want to be with her.
  9. No e. Have you seen http://eleanorrose.com ?
  10. My grandparents address cards and letters to my sons with "Master." They address things to just me with my name instead of "Mrs. John Doe," but to both of us, they still do "Mr. and Mrs. John Doe."
  11. Oh my! Trying not to laugh while reading this so I don't have to explain it to the kids. What happened to the doll? And how's the dog this morning?
  12. Listening in. My fourth grader has recently become interested in making apps.
  13. Are there parks/playgrounds around with French-speaking children? Maybe she would speak to other children at the playground in order to play with them?
  14. LOL, I posted about that same sheets few years ago: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/418500-miquon-red-c-24/
  15. I voted sixth. My new fourth grader just did it with no problems besides not knowing what a collection agency was. But, he was able to summarize each sentence in his own words. He's consistently been a couple of grade levels ahead in reading.
  16. At four, my oldest asked how exactly the sperm got from the man's testicles to the egg in the woman's uterus. There would be no cutesy diversion of an answer for him. However, we did put him off a few more years because we were not sure of his ability to not tell other children. I think he was six when he got the full details.
  17. That hit me in the gut. I "knew" the victim in part two of this story from another message board a few years ago. We corresponded about what she should do in the fall of 2011. I just went back and read our messages. She was so frightened of confronting the establishment. I'm so happy to read that she found the strength to do it despite all the obstacles these organizations put in her way.
  18. Orange and purple are complementary colors.
  19. I hated it. But it wasn't ABA, it was the company we used. There was only one local company accepting kids when my son's name came up for our state's ABA waiver. It was great the first week when the therapists he was assigned all had several years of experience. However, one week into it, his lead therapist was reassigned to a different location and the new one was brand new to ABA and was a complete airhead. He had his two line therapists still though. A week after that, we were informed that his favorite line therapist was leaving. The replacement was again brand new to ABA, had no clue what she was doing, and very obviously didn't like kids or the job. We had the other line for a few months before she quit also. When the replacement was almost exactly like the other new line but she also didn't show up half the time, and we'd had so many issues with these people, we finally left. Because of the inexperience and poor attitudes of the therapists we ended up with, we actually saw behavior get worse. To make a long story short, check out their turnover rate and the training and experience of the therapists.
  20. I grew up in the South, but my mother, who grew up in Maine, made me do it when it snowed.
  21. This got a big smile from me.
  22. I'm Christian. I can't answer because as I said in the other thread, it doesn't affect me personally, so I don't worry about whether or not it's a sin. It's none of my business since I'm not gay.
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