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Everything posted by Kathryn

  1. Now I don't think so. They're now calling the 33yo a "step-sister" and saying the other four children that they originally said belonged to the parents of the dead boy are actually hers.
  2. Additional details. The sister is actually a step-sister according to this article, and the other children taken are hers. The teen apparently was trying to leave the congregation and that what prompted this. (Warning: article contains details of the beating and its duration). http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/16/us/new-york-church-assault-case/
  3. Well, I haven't made any nasty comments, but this doesn't make it sound any better to me. To me, it sounds like an admission of attempted fraud and frivolous lawsuit. She appears to not have had health insurance and that's awful. But, using the court system to sue her nephew for negligence to try to force his parents' homeowner's insurance to pay her medical bills, when she knew it wasn't negligence, does not make me think more kindly of her. If I imagine myself in a similar situation, I really can't imagine pursuing such a course of action. If I was without health insurance and someone accidentally hurt me at their house in such a manner and my bills were that high, I don't think it would occur to me to do this.
  4. This couple, along with other church members, beat two of their sons at church to make them confess to "previous sins." One is dead, the other in serious condition after police found him hidden in the church. What do you want to bet they homeschooled? It looks like the 33yo daughter was adopted and the couple seem old to have teens and younger (one article said four of the children removed from the church, aged 2-15, were theirs), so I'm going out on a limb and guessing they're that particular brand of Christian that adopts overseas kids and beats them into submission. Another article quotes a neighbor saying how strict they were and they made the kids read the bible two hours each day and didn't let them out of the house much. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0S82NA20151014 https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/the-latest-police-ny-church-beating-came-amid-counseling/2015/10/14/718d4a50-7299-11e5-ba14-318f8e87a2fc_story.html http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/10/14/police-say-couple-beat-son-to-death-in-new-york-church/
  5. It wouldn't hurt to ask. I'd explain that you didn't realize they weren't covered and if you had, you would have waited until they were.
  6. I'm sorry to be dense, but I still don't get it. So, there are two possible insurance companies involved, her health or the parents homeowner's. I get that. I'm guessing her health insurance refused to pay because they said the homeowner's insurance should pay. But then what? The honeowner's refused saying it was the kid's fault? So she has to sue the kid and if she wins, she gets money from him and if she loses, then the homeowner's insurance will pay? Or if she wins the homeowner's insurance pays? Or if she loses, her health insurance will pay? And why the drama of "social isolation," etc.?
  7. I hadn't heard of the second meaning either. The couple involved are random distant family and always posting Christian stuff on Facebook, hence the snickering about the other meaning by that person, so it being started by a preacher wouldn't surprise me.
  8. If you saw a man in a shirt that said "I (heart) MY HOT WIFE" what would you think? There is a disagreement over this. Somebody in the disagreement says the wearer thinks his wife is attractive and that's what people think when they see the shirt. The other person in the disagreement snickers every time the shirt is seen because this person feels that the Urban Dictionary definition of "hot wife" is well-known and everyone who sees it thinks this man's wife has tEA with other men and he likes it.
  9. I did Core A for the first time with a kindergartner (turned 6 three months into it) and a toddler. We were doing Language Arts 2 with it. I had already done the two P cores and Language Arts K and 1. I did the core as scheduled, but halfway through, I dropped the Language Arts and went to WTM for that (kept up with the readers, just dropped the LA). The LA was just awful. I am now doing Core A with my second kindergartener. He turned six two months into it and has a toddler sister and fourth grade brother. I am again doing the readers but dropped the LA. We are doing FLL and WWE. And I completely rearranged the core. I did not enjoy the way it worked the first time, but the books are great and I already have them, so I made my own schedule with them. Not knowing you, I don't know what you are or aren't up for, but if it were me, I'd make note of the order of the readers, sell the core IG and the LA, and keep the books to pull off the shelf at my leisure.
  10. That's exactly what DS keeps saying. Thanks for the hugs guys.
  11. Apparently that was too much to ask. I feel bad complaining when so many have lost so much, but this is tiring.
  12. Once when I was a teenager and my mom was gone, I had some friends over. One guy brought his girlfriend and her friend. After they were gone, I discovered a portable phone was missing. The base was there but the phone was nowhere. I found out years later when I became friends with the friend, that the girlfriend had stolen it. No idea why.
  13. I'm in Columbia as well. We are safe and dry with no effects beyond the boil water advisory. But some friends have lost everything and watching the news all day of the destruction is unreal. I can't imagine how long it's going to take to fix all the roads and bridges, not to mention buildings. And I've been very impressed with how well South Carolinians are handling everything.
  14. A dam just breached right at 77 and 20 and they're evacuating the whole area. Eta: false alarm apparently
  15. http://m.wistv.com/wistv/db_330790/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=fAa4XMtt
  16. No, we are behind the Lake Murray dam and have no creeks near us, so we haven't had any trouble. Oh good! I was worried you were close to the river. I've seen some bad pictures from once they opened the floodgates. We are fine. Well, the kids and I are. I talked to DH three hours ago and he hadn't eaten all day. He's been gone since long before I woke up this morning and he still has many hours left to go.
  17. We did translation of Les Miserables in French III when I was in school.
  18. DS has a friend in public school who was telling him on Saturday how lucky he is because they only get 20 minutes for recess and they're not allowed to touch anyone. DS asked how they play tag then. His friend replied "We don't! We can only play things like four square. But somebody will probably get whacked in the face with a ball and they'll take that from us too."
  19. Yes, the only effect we've personally had is that the entire area is under a boil water advisory and there is no timetable for when it will end. They say at least 3-4 days. I don't think our water is bad because we are very close to the water plant that hasn't been compromised and there are no broken pipes between us and the plant, but we are being careful. It's unbelievable to me that we don't even have a puddle in our yard and I have friends just a few miles away who've lost everything. There are still dams breaking and new evacuations being ordered. DH was scheduled for training this morning, which we were both upset about him having to risk his life for. However, he ended up being sent to deal with the ac at the hospital downtown. They run on water-cooled chillers and have no water. The fire department has been pouring water in all night and day, but it's not enough and he had to order rental chillers that are air-cooled so that once they fill them, they will keep running. But, it's a long process of installing them and hooking up wiring and piping and he has no idea when we'll see him.
  20. Jan, are you in the area that was evacuated today? I remember the general area you're in, but not how close to the river you are.
  21. I know what you mean. There's a difference between: "When I was at school in Providence, blah blah blah." and "When I was at Brown, blah blah blah." But there's also a difference between: "Kathryn and Mr. Kathryn, meet J. He's just stopping by to say goodbye. He's leaving for grad school tomorrow." "Oh, really? Where are you going to school?" "Boston." "Where in Boston?" "Oh, I don't really like to say. It tends to intimidate people when they hear where I'm going." And "Kathryn and Mr. Kathryn, meet J. He's just stopping by to say goodbye. He's leaving for grad school tomorrow." "Oh, really? Where are you going to school?" "Harvard."
  22. Come to think of it, the only person I recall doing something like that was an incredibly conceited little prick fifteen years younger than us whom we met who said he was soon leaving to go to Boston to get a masters degree. Since my family is from Boston, I asked where. Then he launched into some sappy fake modesty about how he doesn't like to say where because it intimidates people. I thought my eyes might roll out of my head.
  23. My mom says she went to Brown. My cousin is there getting a doctorate right now and he does also.
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