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Everything posted by Kathryn

  1. It passed second reading 93-27 with NO amendments at 12:58am. They voted to adjourn until 1am. Starting now.
  2. Here is most of it from our local news: http://www.wistv.com/story/29506091/charleston-lawmakers-emotional-plea-the-world-is-watching?clienttype=generic&mobilecgbypass
  3. It's on tv here but you can watch it online also. Click on house chamber video: http://www.scstatehouse.gov/index.php?FULLSITE=1. ABC has updates also. The update on Horne was 8:15: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/latest-south-carolina-house-remembers-church-victims-32303497 She got very emotional and said they need to pass a clean bill. They need to stop with the amendments. This is insulting to the families of those who died, to Charlestonians, and South Carolinians. The world is watching and they need to pass it quickly like the Senate did. If they don't, it will drag on all summer.
  4. Did anybody just see Jenny Horne? That was AWESOME!
  5. You could totally play a drinking game here. Respect. Heritage. Honor. History. War of Northern Aggression...
  6. I keep saying how I wish I was there, but I'd have been jailed long ago for telling people what idiots they are. We're still watching. A while ago, they said there were ten left to go through. I don't recall where we were then, somewhere around 60 or 61? We've been stuck on 66 for a while now.
  7. I've been watching all day. They're on amendment 59 right now. Back at 56, Pitts made a mistake in that one and they told him he certainly had time to draft a new one and submit it. How many do they have!?!?!?
  8. There has been a different "best" for each of my kids and even at different stages of their development. As others said, I'd recommend trialling several different kinds.
  9. 26. And all by the same representative. They include things like flying the American flag upside down and tearing down all the monuments on the grounds. He's bragging about how he's going to mess everything up because he gets to talk for twenty minutes on each of his proposed amendments.
  10. Kathryn


    I'd be livid also, and DH would be backing me up to his friend or he'd be feeling my wrath as well. What kind of misogynist jerk would threaten your child after you specifically told him not to get involved?
  11. I'm watching the debate today when I get a chance. Luckily, I tuned in for Bright's turn. I say luckily because now I know all about what this has to do with gay men. 😳 At least his amendment was tabled. Five guys besides him voted to keep it though.
  12. Three and a half years after we decided to homeschool.
  13. Yep. This is what I said. They're owned by my immediate family and in my house, but I'm not happy about it.
  14. The one quoted as saying he'd vote to remove but would discuss replacing with another Confederate flag used to be my next-door neighbor. I'm so disappointed in him.
  15. Until the part about having a child every year, I was sure you were talking about my mom's cousin! You were in Hong Kong right? Around the time of the handover to China? My mom's cousin is married to a Chinese man who was adopted by American parents. The two of them were missionaries in Hong Kong. They only had two children though. They were there for 15-20 years I'd guess. They were always very vague about it, but the impression everyone in the family got was that their "job" was to live a good Christian life, for which their "sponsor" gathered funds and paid them. The meal ticket ended when the sponsor finally decided that was a pretty good setup and he wanted it for himself.
  16. Yes, DH does but I wish he didn't. He has several rifles from his childhood and a handgun he got a few years ago. He's gone to the gun range a few times but it's not a hobby or anything.
  17. The legislature will reconvene on Monday to take up the issue. It appears both the House and the Senate have the super-majority required to remove the flag: http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20150629/PC16/150629291/majority-of-house-senate-support-taking-down-confederate-flag
  18. OP didn't say "helping them with a bath," she specifically said "bathing" them. To me, that means the older sibling is the one washing the younger sibling.
  19. Also, my 9yo can clean the dishes. He doesn't load the dishwasher but he can unload. He does his own laundry. He and his 5yo brother can clean the house: pick up, dust, clean their room, make their beds, etc. He can vacuum. I'm totally not against delegating, I just feel that bathing someone is an intimate act that shouldn't be entrusted to a young sibling. Your 9 and 7yos are plenty old enough to help you with the chores that you've been getting done while they've been bathing the youngers so that you can do that instead.
  20. I have 9 and 5yo boys. I cannot imagine expecting the 9yo to physically bathe his brother. They've bathed together a few times the past year. But, my 9yo does not touch his brother in that way. With both of them, I have showered with them up to age five, at which point I began teaching them to wash themselves. My current 5yo can now do a fairly good job on his own but I still help him sometimes or shower with him if we are in a hurry. As others said, they only bathe about twice a week, though the 9yo is starting to need more. But at 7, 5, and 3, they should be fine with washing hands, feet, and faces most days. I also don't have the older do diaper changes or potty help. Both because of the intimacy of those acts and because 9yos (and younger) aren't the most meticulous.
  21. I wanted to share some encouraging news from today's local (Columbia) paper: http://www.thestate.com/news/state/article25734586.html
  22. Oh my! I think we are valued around $125,000 or so. We pay around $600 a year for property taxes. I don't understand the huge disparity. What amazing services are places with high property taxes getting?
  23. So, a woman from NC scaled the pole this morning and took the flag down. It was back up within an hour and she was arrested.
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