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Everything posted by Kathryn

  1. http://discoversouthcarolina.com/products/3783 This was part of the compromise to get the flag off the dome. Kind of like how to celebrate MLK Jr. Day we have to have Confederate Memorial Day.
  2. This is exactly how my in-laws are about black people. I've always been so confused by it, but they seem to not notice the disconnect.
  3. I've not weighed in here because I really don't know what to say. I've lived here in the state's capital my whole life and I've never felt an ounce of nostalgia for the confederate flag. Perhaps that's because I have no roots here as my parents arrived the year before I was born. But, I've never known anyone who admitted any to me either. In 35 years. Obviously, they're out there. I just don't know them. I have a feeling that the more rural areas of the state are where you find these people who are hell-bent on their "heritage." When the polls come out on how many people are for/against it, I'm always dumbfounded. I was surprised when I learned it was still atop the State House. I was surprised there was a "compromise" to take it down. With its current placement, I honestly don't give it much thought unless it's windy when I drive by. I'm hopeful, especially after viewing the news conference this afternoon, that this will all soon be history. It is long overdue. It really doesn't matter what it represents to some people; the fact is that it represents oppression and hate to many in our state and has no place flying on public property. But, South Carolinians are fiercely independent and this is going to have to come from them. If they feel like they're being "forced" by outsiders, that could seriously jeopardize the mission. Overall, I'm very proud of the way the state has responded to events this past week and encouraged that perhaps we've turned a corner.
  4. Yes, I'd explain it, and have explained it to my high-functioning autistic son. I let him know that whatever he chooses is perfectly acceptable, but that choice X is generally considered for girls and some people might make fun of him. Sometimes, he decides it's worth it and chooses choice X. Sometimes, he picks something more "boy."
  5. Buzzfeed has information on the victims: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jessicasimeone/these-are-the-victims-of-the-charleston-church-shooting?utm_term=.ci8pLMg6G#.mdaPqxQm8 Not that any murder makes sense, but I just don't understand. According to reports, he sat in the church with these people for an hour before killing them. And then said something about how he had to do it because "you rape our women." Did he look at these people? Did he listen to them? They're mostly women. I read that a 5yo survived by playing dead. It's just incomprehensible. I know there's no making sense of it. It's just so awful.
  6. I don't want to argue. I just don't want people to have the impression that the majority of South Carolinians hold to Cofederate ideals. We don't. I expect that the flag in front of the monument will come down eventually and that many of us hope it's sooner rather than later.
  7. While I grant you that it would be much better for it to be in a museum, it does not fly over the state house and it is not as prominent on the grounds as creative photography makes it seem. The first photo here shows what it looks like from the street (it's behind that monument; in other words, you can't see it): http://southcarolinaparks.com/historic-sites/state-house.aspx The first photo here shows from the air (the Cofederate monument is in the lower left and the flag pole is behind it): http://www.sciway.net/sc-photos/richland-county/sc-state-house.html
  8. We saw this as breaking news last night and have been praying for the victims ever since. Last night, local news was still hoping that Rev. Pinckney had been at the Hillary Clinton event and was not present. Any loss of life is tragic, but to lose such a well-respected public leader is especially so. No, it doesn't.
  9. I've read several articles that say it's the sister.
  10. I don't blame them in this case, given the case pending on their son that seems to have begun with Rachel. Having her lies publicly exposed might help his case.
  11. Somewhere I read that an NAACP member thought she was a fake and a liar and was trying to get her out.
  12. I agree. I'd go to the police at this point.
  13. Wow, I wasn't aware of this. What a strange predicament they've created. Thanks for posting.
  14. I'd expect they're referring to the fact that they use LockLizard and not normal PDF files. You have to have authorization for each device you use it on and you can't copy/paste information (besides activity sheets).
  15. This article has more about the case: http://www.people.com/article/rachel-dolezal-naacp-criminal-case-colorado The mom says the child had RAD and was never left alone with the brother and that Rachel initiated the claims on her behalf. The language of the allegations certainly sounds like it came from her.
  16. Civil rights activist who posed as black 'sued university for anti-white discrimination': http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11676970/Civil-rights-activist-who-posed-as-black-sued-university-for-anti-white-discrimination.html
  17. Are the parents evangelicals? The article I read this morning said that she claimed she lived in a teepee and the parents said that was a lie, that they did that before she was born. I was imagining some hippie-type parents. Also, what I read said that the four AA siblings were adopted when she was in high school. From her wedding picture, they must have been babies or very small children. It's not like they grew up together.
  18. Nothing was open last week. The weather was pretty bad: raining nonstop Sunday through Tuesday, then cold the rest of the week. That wouldn't have been so bad if the forecast hadn't been sunny and 70s when we left so we weren't prepared with only a thin jacket and one log-sleeved shirt each. We still had a great time though. That's what fond childhood memories will do for you! ETA - Funtown was open on the weekend though and we did get there.
  19. I just got back from my grandparents' cottage in Ocean Park three days ago. :)
  20. But, the second grate wasn't there when it passed through the first. So, it could not "see" what would come next. That's what is so mind-blowing.
  21. I have over $100K in government student loans. I went to community college and then the local state university for undergrad and grad degrees (all while living with my mother and husband). The plan was to continue to live off of just DH's income until after I got out and started working full-time and the loans were paid off, which we figured would take three, maybe four, years. Then I got pregnant unexpectedly with our first, a special needs child, before I finished my program. My mom cared for him while I worked part time and finished school. I ended up having to quit work when he was two and a half because she couldn't do it anymore. His needs are more important than paying off my loans, so I'll be on the IBR program as long as he requires my care. There are all sorts of reasons people end up with massive student loan debt they are incapable of repaying. There is no easy solution or one-size-fits-all chastisement.
  22. Oops! Sorry, I fixed that. I was so excited that I forgot to go back to the past ;)
  23. http://secondnexus.com/technology-and-innovation/physicists-demonstrate-how-time-can-seem-to-run-backward-and-the-future-can-affect-the-past/ Crazy!
  24. We just returned from a thousand mile each way trip. The kids played with action figures or their DSes. DH and I talked or read on our phones.
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