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Everything posted by Ottakee

  1. Can we have a civil discussion on this? A friend gave me the Rebuilders Guide Life book by Gothard and the Rebuilders Supplement. Just having a brief glance at it I have some concerns. I would love to hear thoughts pro and con on this book and the ideas in it regarding divorce, separation, etc.
  2. I have the basic mechanical dials with no issues. Gas prices are so cheap that I wish we had a gas dryer. I save the most by line drying most of my laundry.
  3. My biggest tip is to stay out of the store. Shop as infrequently as you can. Aldi limits what they offer so that helps with impulses and ours has good produce. I have often purchased paper products and cleaning supplies at walmart.com as they deliver for free and it saves me time, gas, and impulse purchases by staying out of the store. I buy store brands for 90%+ of my shopping and we have not suffered. Our area also has a few discount grocery stores where we can get huge savings on groceries if we are willing to buy different brands, close dated products, etc. Selection is never the same but savings can be huge.
  4. I shop Aldi for 80-90% of my groceries. They have limited choices which helps limit impulse buying and great prices.
  5. Thanks for the reminder. I just looked up what ours will and will not cover. Need to make an eye appointment for myself and new glasses. If there is a bit left at the end I will buy first aid supplies as I didn't know those were covered....stock up on all those things that seem to disappear just before we need them.
  6. Not really a feature film but often the national parks have great short films on Native Americans and the history. Many are on their websites by different parks as well as YouTube.
  7. Have you seen the I See Sam books? You can read online or print the first 52 for free. They are great readers that can easily stand alone but also go with Dancing Bears. The stories are engaging but they can't "read" the pictures. www.iseesam.com or www.3rsplus.com for the higher level sets.
  8. I would suggest using a cursor with her. One way we did it was just a 3*5 card ABOVE the line she is reading. It cuts down on the visual distraction and with the card above doesn't restrict the eyes tracking to the next line.
  9. Sitting here now almost ready to start my audio book. Got in 3000 steps walking around....finished up with a bagel and pop 😀
  10. Right now I am nearing the mastodon in the room type situation.....way bigger than a mere elephant. I would say a card would be nice, a text or email, and maybe an invite out for lunch. If she has kids there might be some.very practical help she could use...transporting to school/activites, gift card for pizza for one of those I can't even think to cook nights, etc.
  11. Unless DH was a friend of his as well and DH responded I would let it go. My thought was one of him either wanting more than just to.say hi or one of the multi level marketing things where people are told to reach out to any and all they ever knew.
  12. I decided to go with the comfortable even if they are ugly running shoes so that I can walk....like really walk. I have bad feet and my dressier, look nice shoes are ok but my feet would really be hurting me by the end of the day if I wanted to walk. Someone needs to tell Brooks that they need to make cute Dyads.
  13. This will be our 4th surgery here so I do know cell phones are allowed :-)
  14. Tomorrow my daughter is having a 4 hour long surgery. With added time on either end I likely have 5 hours or so of waiting in the waiting room. I will be alone the entire time. I will bring my book, paperwork, etc but I was wondering if it is ok to listen to music or audio book quietly with headphones of I got a ways away from others.....or even possibly a Netflix show. I also hope to walk some if they allow me to go that far way from the surgical waiting area, and likely get something to eat. We have to be there at 5:30am and then they said we might be in post op recovery until late evening with a possibility of overnight admission . That is a lot of sitting for a mom who never sits still.
  15. Another not too early vote. Our primary care said it was spreading around our area.
  16. Depending on how much stuff can you just stuff the car full and ship the stuff inside the car?
  17. Not great for fashion but my teens that age slept with a fitted sheet and then either 1-2 fleece blankets or a sleeping bag....no top sheets as they didn't want to less with that.
  18. So much depends on how far out you live, if you have a snowmobile, if you are on well water and above ground electric, etc. Another make sure to stock up on thing is toilet paper :-). We are semi rural West Michigan...about 10 miles from town..and have never had to suffer the effects of a storm more Than 3-4 days. Some very rural areas it might be longer. Paying attention to the weather forecasts helps
  19. Congratulations. Sorry I don't have any input on which hospital would be best for his needs. I know UIC was awesome for my friend's son's bone marrow transplant but I have no idea on their nicu as her son was 20. Share a picture when you can.
  20. Can you ask the couple what they would like? I am not much help as our rehearsal dinner was pizza and pop in the room off the kitchen at the church.
  21. Can she and your dad do some of the cooking when she is over? Then they can control the ingredients and you are off the hook for coming up with something she likes.
  22. How far out are you? For us, we have a large generator that will run the heat, water pump, lights, tv, internet, etc. I can't do laundry or use the microwave but otherwise we are good. It must be run OUTSIDE (NOT in an attached garage and working must be set up properly so as not to feed it back down the line. If you don't have a generator then quite a few jugs of water for each person as if you are on well water the pump won't work if the power goes out. Keep an emergency kit in the car with small shovel, hats, gloves, blanket, maybe snacks and water, and boots. A highly reflective vest is great too in case you must get out of the car in lower visibility. Good tires for your car...possibly snow tires. Just some basic staple foods. If you.are in the Midwest you must buy milk, bread, and eggs before each forecasted storm.....as it seems like NO ONE is able to survive a storm without french toast ðŸ˜. Decent cold weather gear for everyone. Good boots and hats/gloves go a long ways to staying warm. Often used for the kids who outgrow stuff fast. Gas for generator and we always make sure out gas tank is at least 1/2 full.
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