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Everything posted by Ottakee

  1. My MIL is soon moving to an assisted living facility as she is on hospice care and failing. She is a huge jewelry person and has stuff from her mom and her late husband's mom and who knows who all else. She had 2 of those 3 1/2 feet tall jewelry chests and 5 other smaller jewelry boxes. She took out some favorite pieces to move with her. I have the wedding rings. Other than that, I have a lot of earrings, necklaces and rings. I am NOT a jewelry person at all. I wear 1 ring and have 2 necklaces I go between. I have one pair of earrings and then maybe 2-3 other pieces. She has hundreds. How do I tell what is costume and what is real and might be valuable.....either to someone that likes vintage jewelry or for the gold/silver in it? I would hate to donate something that is valuable but I can't hang on to everything either as I won't wear it and my girls only need a few pieces. There are no other family members to take it either. There is also a very very old watch that is supposed to have been very expensive and have real diamonds in it. Then we will have the china and other stuff to go through. Not last but she also has tons of Catholic wall hangings, rosaries, jewelry, books, cards, etc. We are not Catholic so I would love for this to go to someone that would treasure it. Is there a group at the Catholic churches that takes this stuff and gives it to others? I am honestly more of a minimalist. A few key pieces of jewelry, some pictures, and a few old family documents and I will be all set.
  2. This is our second week for the parks challenge. The goal is simple......get out and enjoy free/low cost parks and enjoy being outside and active. The rules are simple as well----you make up your own challenge. You can count school playgrounds, local parks, township, county, state, linear, or national parks. You can set a goal of going to a park once a week, visiting 10 new parks this year, trying a new activity at a favorite park or whatever fits the needs of your family and your locale. You can count playgrounds, walking, hiking, biking, horseback riding, fishing, swimming, skating, skiing, boating, kayaking, etc......whatever activities you want. My personal/family goal is to visit 50 different parks this year (and I can not count our county parks as we did all 38 of them last year for our parks challenge. I hope to include local, state and national parks this year and possibly one or more in Canada if we make it there. I hope to include a few linear parks for bike riding and increase my hiking to a 10 mile day hike on a section of the North Country Trail. Sadly last week I didn't get any new parks....only cross country skiing at a local county park. It is winter in Michigan and lots of snow this week. Most of my parks challenge work will be March through October due to weather. So far this year I have 3 different parks on my list----winter snow hiking in each of them. Everyone is welcome to join in with your own challenge. Feel free to share pictures (I am not savvy enough to do that most of the time), links to the parks, fun moments at your parks, etc.
  3. Just for a laugh, in the summer at the pow wows you can buy Indian Tacos from the food truck. Indian fry bread, seasoned ground beef, lettuce, tomato and yellow cheese. Not sure just how "authentic" this is coming from Northern Michigan.
  4. Book # 9 for the year. Losing My Cool: How a Father's Love and 15,000 Books Beat Hip-Hop Culture by Thomas Chatterton Williams https://www.amazon.com/Losing-My-Cool-Literature-Escape/dp/0143119621/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1518141687&sr=8-1&keywords=losing+my+cool+by+thomas+chatterton+williams I think I would give this a 5 star rating (or at least 4.5) as it is a very thought provoking book. It also fits with my goal of reading more books by people of color this year. The book discusses a young black man's struggles between the academic world his father wants for him, and the hip-hop culture all around him.
  5. I just finished book 8 for the year: The Five People You Meet in Heaven https://www.amazon.com/Five-People-You-Meet-Heaven/dp/1401308589/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1518056298&sr=8-1&keywords=the+five+people+you+meet+in+heaven+book I would give it a very solid 4 stars. It takes quite a bit for me to give a book 5 stars. I found it very thought provoking but yet an easy listen as it made an excellent audio book. I would not base my theology off this book but then again it wasn't designed to be a theology book.
  6. Alaska also has a very high Native population and those are often at higher risk for alcohol addition. Add in isolation, poverty,extreme weather, lack of sunshine for some months of the year, etc and the Alaskan population is at risk. FAS is at higher rates in many Native communities.
  7. Lota of confirmed cases in our area. Many, many schools around here are closing for 2-3 day stretches to try to clean and break the cycle. That isn't typical but has happened before.
  8. I just know that my friend that is a hospitalist (the doctor you have in the hospital in ICU) said it is very very bad this year. They ran out of vents at her hospital (a small City with a very large rural area surrounding it) and had to rent some. One of mine had it but was only down 3 days and is recovering nicely. We have done yearly flu shots though for 10+ years so that is supposedly helping with less severity and quicker recovery.
  9. I don't know if it would help your type of migraines at all or not but Lamictal has really helped one of my girls with her migraines. It is another seizure med but far less side effects than Topomax fir most people.
  10. I had to laugh as the house I have now came with Pepto pink dining/family room, lavender living room, and aqua bedroom. I love the bright sunny yellow laundry room and Clary sage bedroom and master bath. I know the sage is "out" now but I love it.
  11. Sorry you didn't get great news. I agree with others, anyone who can should sign up as a donor on be the match. It is a quick and simple thing to sign up.
  12. Yes, anyone can join at whatever level they want. Seriously my goal for me (and whoever wants to join in) is to get outside and enjoy nature and be more active in settings that are free/low cost.
  13. I loved the I See Sam books for teaching reading, esp if they struggle. Simple, easy, and the first 52 can be printed free if desired.
  14. I have not used CLE Bible but we did love some of their other materials. Another program that might work for you would be the Old Testament or New Testament Foundations from Explorers Bible Study. It looks quite doable for a student on their own and lessons are quite short.https://www.explorerbiblestudy.org/category/Elementary
  15. I have never seen the textbook but I used and loved the light units math.
  16. We never made it to that park but my girls have bio siblings that live in Pinellas county. We enjoyed several parks there. There is also a historic village/museum with trails to explore in Clearwater or Pinellas Park. The various beaches we're great too. We also enjoyed the Saturday market in St. Petersburg.
  17. My goal for this year is 50 different parks and I can not count any township parks this year as I did all 38 of them last year (just my personal rule). So far this year I have done 3 parks. 1. A local township park across the road from me. I went walking the trails with a friend. A local boy scout created a nice 1 mile loop as his Eagle Scout project. 2. VASA trails in Traverse City, MI. I did a solo 2.75 mile hike in the snow on the snowshoe trail. It was quiet and I was the only person out hiking. Not enough snow for snow shoeing so I walked in the 2-4" of snow through the woods,up and down hills, followed a deer just ahead of me, crossed a few log bridges, and saw the headwaters of the creek. This is a great trail system that has walking/hiking/cross country ski loops, mountain bike trails, and even includes part of the North Country Trail which goes from New England to North Dakota. I was a bit nervous walking alone but so glad I did it. I slipped and fell once as much of the trail was sheets of ice under the snow but thankfully only bruised my elbow. https://traversetrails.org/trail/vasa-pathway/ 3. Mitchell State Park in Cadillac MI. A close friend that moved away and I met here to walk. We did almost 3 miles, again walking in the snow with ice underneath (but thankfully no more falls). The trails have some interpretative signs, nature overlooks, fishing pier and there is a great nature center at the park. Best part of the hike was just connecting with a friend again. We seem to connect and talk the best when out walk or hiking. http://www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails/Details.aspx?id=474&type=SPRK
  18. Everyone is welcome to join in our Parks Challenge. You can set your own goal/challenge. Feel free to share you great finds, parks that disappointed, website links, pictures, etc as you want. Tips and hints for all ages are welcome...from walking with babies/toddlers to getting your teens involved. Due to different family structures, locations, interests, etc everyone's challenge will be different but all are welcome.....from the mom with toddlers who visits different local/school playgrounds up to those that do mountain climbs and all day adventures. Share away.
  19. Those double middle names, double last names, hyphen or no hyphen can cause lots if headaches when preparing taxes. Last year I had a foster with 2 middles names and 2 last names. Some of his papers listed with,some one, some the other,still others with a hyphen. It took us a lot of tries and paper filing to get it to go through. Glad you figured it out.
  20. Sounds great. I can start a weekly thread and just let it evolve as you share stories, links, pictures, ideas, etc. Due to different family structures, locations, interests, etc everyone's challenge will be different but all are welcome.....from the mom with toddlers who visits different local/school playgrounds up to those that do mountain climbs and all day adventures.
  21. I just saw an ad that our local DNR was hiring conservation workers. That would certainly give him the outdoors and hard work aspect.
  22. I actually like the honey oak cabinets. Good thing as that is the theme in the entire house.
  23. Those are both great ideas. If you can upload the pictures here, I would love to see them as you travel to various parks.
  24. Ok. I view FB 90%+ on my phone. That might be part of the problem.
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