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Everything posted by Ottakee

  1. For those that wish to do the wait and see approach ask your doctor about the ear numbing drops. They are wonderful for the pain. You can't use them with ear tubes or a ruptured ear drum though.
  2. We just don't know. I just don't really have time to have food allergy reactions right now...as if any mom ever does. She had surgery 2 weeks ago and has some other medical appointments coming up, other DD had a big medical thing a few weeks ago and has surgery coming up, and MIL is on hospice.
  3. I would love to know too. The se is the only one I have seen other than some prepaid ones
  4. Prescription for epi pen and referral to food allergy specialist.
  5. My other random thought is potato allergy related to latex allergy. She does not have a known latex allergy but had major surgery 2 weeks ago and then dental work Monday so might have had a lot of exposures recently.
  6. We will be asking for an EpiPen today. I am wondering mustard or tumeric as she doesn't eat that often at all.
  7. Last night we were to the doctor with 20 year old dd as she had a finger that was swollen and super sore. By the time.we gt there both hands were swollen and itchy. Doctor figured some sort of allergic reaction and prescribed Benadryl and a steroid burst. This morning dd seemed fine but then ate some honey mustard Pringles (only thing she ate today) and her hands started swelling and she said her lips were tingly and her heart rate was up and she said it was harder to breathe. I called 911 and gave her Benadryl right away. Reaction did not progress and her O2 was fine, etc so they just said see your doctor. We are headed there in a few minutes. This DD has never had any food or other big allergic reactions. She ate some of the Pringles yesterday afternoon before the hand swelling so those are a likely culprit as they were a new food/flavor to her and common to both reactions. Any idea what in there might be causing the reaction? I plan to ask for epi pen today just in case. It is hard not knowing to call help early and then not really need them (like today) or risk waiting too long. Even running priority 1 we are at least 15+ minutes from help.
  8. When you.go to the doctor have them measure your oxygen level after you job a few minutes or of they have stairs after you do a few flights. That would give them more information.
  9. I love Aldi. I like that choices are limited as it make shopping so much faster. If you ever don't like something or get bad produce you just tell the cashier and they give you your money back AND give you a replacement for free.
  10. It sounds so much like me. I am later 40s and overweight. I can walk 6 miles without stopping on the level but stairs kill me and my lungs. It HAS gotten quite a bit better since my primary care doctor put me on Symbicort (a steroid inhaler), Flonase, and Allegra daily. It seems like I had a chronic lower lung function but it was so normal for me I never realized it. Do you know anyone with asthma? If so, see if they have an oximeter where you can measure your oxygen levels quickly at rest, while walking , after climbing stairs, etc. If they have a peak flow meter do that several times and see where your highest is. There are charts online that say what yours should be based on gender, age, and height. Those 2 things can tell you a lot. I do agree though this is doctor worthy.....and I avoid them as much as I can for myself.
  11. I just got bifocals Monday. I opted out of progressives as the clear part for distance and close up would be smaller. The eye doctor showed me lenses of both types so I could see how they would work. Yes, I have the old lady line in my glasses but they work and are much cheaper.
  12. I would just think ahead ton accessibility features....wider doorways don't cost much more now but a lot later. Plywood or extra studs behind bathroom walls for grab bars, main floor bedroom and bath, etc.
  13. I make mine in the crock pot. 1 onion diced 2-3 cloves of garlic minced 1 bag of frozen mixed veggies (or left over veggies if I have them) Roast finely chopped Any leftover gravy or juices from the pan 1/3 c lentils and 1/3 cup pearl barley or 2/3 if one of them or skip it 1 can of diced tomatoes or some fresh or frozen ones 6-8 cups of water with beef soup base to make stock. Turn on low about 6-8 hours.
  14. I have this regularly with my credit card payment that I pay online from my bank account. It can take 1-2-3 days to withdrawal from my bank.
  15. I am not vegan or vegetarian but I love my instant pot for making beans. Today I put my black beans in there (no presoaking required) and set the timer. We came home to wonderfully done black beans.
  16. For general cleaning I buy Lysol disinfectant concentrate and then put that in a spray bottle with water to dilute it to the proper strength. It lasts a very long time and kills germs. For rags I use the 12 packs of super cheap washcloths from Walmart.
  17. I use the triple strength Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM supplement from Pruritan's Pride. With the buy 2/get 3 free deals it is quite reasonable.
  18. I have metal with a plastic splash guard....that I never use (and likely can't find right now). OCC. I wish I had a glass bowl so I could melt butter in the microwave right in the bowl but I have never used a glass bowl with it so can't say for sure.
  19. Left over beef roast and gravy so I can make homemade vegetable beef barley soup.
  20. Spin off on the deal breakers thread. I am just wondering if anyone has gone through the deep valley of a deal breaker situation and had their marriage come out the other side and thrive. If so, what made it work?
  21. I like those plastic double Insulated cups with a straw, esp for taking water along in the car. Those are often $5-10 and come with cute designs or logos
  22. I know a doctor that uses that and has groceries dropped off to the hospital parking lot (small rural hospital) at the end of a shift.
  23. Mine did very well with CLE math. If she is understanding the concepts well I would cut back on the work. Maybe do the flashcards one day and the written drill sheets the next. Cut down on the number of problems she has to do. You can usually see what is new and what is review.
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