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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Lol. Due to unseasonably warm weather (thanks Obama. I mean thanks non-existent climate change) I was able to meet my goal of no heat until trick or treat. Actually, I didn't have to turn on the heat until November 1st. That was a first.
  2. I have had my current jug of maple syrup for years. I store it in the fridge because it hangs around my house long enough. Only 2 family members like it and I only make pancakes once or twice a year. I prefer honey to maple syrup as a sugar in making sauces. I will usually sub honey for maple syrup in any recipe that calls for it. Unless I am making something vegan to serve to a vegan. I detest the taste of maple syrup. I know I store open condiments that could be in the pantry in the fridge. It just seems wrong to me to keep them in the pantry. To highlight my irrationally, I buy the gallon size jug of Bragg's Liquid Aminos. I use that jug to refill the easier to handle size bottle. The jug is in the pantry. The smaller bottle is on the fridge. I have weaned my family off of store bought salad dressing. The salad gets the dressing I made or skip the dressing. I do get a perverse thrill at my mother in law's distaste at my lack of salad dressing choices. She has a minimum of 3 choices on the table (which is nice but I don't want 8 choices in my fridge). Chili paste and hot sauces (my Waterloo) are in the fridge. As are open jars of olives and pickles. I don't think we eat them fast enough because when out they get a texture I don't care for. If my fridge was smaller I would learn to make do and would have to rearrange what little pantry space I have. We just replaced our fridge and I was devastated to discover to freezer section is smaller than my old freezer. I could have done with less fridge space. I keep everything in the freezer. I find myself putting stuff in the fridge just to fill up the extra space. I believe they run more efficiently when full. My family is happy to see bottles of water in there since I never have ice unless we are having a party or my mil is coming over (and sometimes, I don't make ice for her). I can be really petty if I choose to be.
  3. I have no issues with dogs (service or not) being allowed places. The fake service dog to get around the no dogs allowed at a place, however, I take issue. Nothing ruins a shopping trip quicker than a misbehaving (yapping, barking, snapping) dog. The people who have fake support animals should be ashamed of themselves for doing a disservice to people who do have a need.
  4. There seems to be a few of us with Susquehanna acceptances. It would be funny if they all ended up going there.
  5. I keep it at 66. If it is really freezing outside I may go as high as 68. Most of the winter is spent around 67. I find anything higher then 68 feels too warm and stifling. I always know how cold it is outside based on the temperature of our upstairs. It is usually a degree or two colder than the thermostat setting. However, when the temps drop down to the low teens or single digits and the heat is cranking just to maintain 66 the upstairs will be at 68 and sometimes 70. Which makes me lower the thermostat when we I go to sleep. I can't sleep in a hot room. My dh would like it at 72. He feels he should be able to walk around in shorts all year. The heating bill our first year in the house made him realize that the temperatures he desires are not fiscally responsible.
  6. My grandma's name is Mildred and she is 105, so it equals longevity. I know a Dorcas and she is a lovely person, so nice name. Agnes, I always think of the movie Agnes of G-d. Sorry, Agnes. Names I love and others hate: Beatrice Margaret Josephine
  7. My son has graduated and has given up swim in college. This is my daughter's last year and we will see if she continues in college. Here is what I learned: I offer no suggestions. I only tell them how much I love watching them swim. Not entirely true, their first swim coach died unexpectedly of a Stroke when they were 10 and 8. And to this day, before they head to the pool area I will tell them what RJ used to say "If you have to breathe, don't." It's a thing we have. He was such a great coach. My kids only had him for a short time but he left an impact. However, my point was, don't coach. Only tell them you love to watch them swim. Applaud when they shave time, commiserate when they don't. There are fast pools and there are slow pools. They mess with your times. Meters and Yards also change your times. His body is changing and strokes he was once awesome at will become horrific experiences. My son went from the kid with the awesome breast stroke to "OMG, is he drowning" Okay, not really that bad but it was eye opening. My son was like a puppy and had no idea how to use his limbs anymore.
  8. I am definitely less judgey. At least outwardly. I cans still go on a bender with a bestie but I try not to. Having spent the last 8 years dealing with my sick and now disabled husband has been a humbling experience. I have learned to understand that we are all pretty much doing the best we can with the tools we have available. Overcoming negative experiences from our youth is challenging and if the experiences are invisible you are on your own. I try to remember in every interaction that the person I am dealing with did not wake up asking themselves how they can make my life difficult today. Most of the time I am successful.
  9. Went to the one that opened by me with high hopes. I did not enjoy the experience. I don't know what all the hoopla is about. Yes, I did get some good deals but I could spend a little more at ShopRite and have a better experience.
  10. Hmm, went back and looked. I inserted what I wanted to see. So, I am no changing my answer to I am assuming the financial aid info will be there too.
  11. The email said the full financial aid package would be coming in the mail.
  12. Dd just got her first acceptance to her top pick- Susquehanna. With merit aid.
  13. After all of that stressing and anxiety. Dd got her first acceptance today to her top pick -Susquehanna University. With decent merit aid to boot.
  14. Yes, I have restricted access to my children with certain family members. I know they love my children but that branch has made lifestyle choices that I don't agree with. My teens have made, and continue to make, their fair share of bad choices. I think they have avoided some others because we didn't spend unfettered amounts of time with that branch.
  15. I have been saying we are automating the ourselves out of jobs for years. I worry about my children's futures. Between outsourcing and automation it might be pretty bleak. Plus, I've seen the movies. Sure, in the end humanity triumphs but we are at the beginning of the movie. It is going to get pretty awful before it gets better.
  16. I tell my husband if I want something. Hints lead me to disappointment.
  17. I found 12-13 is when what I call "the stupid" sets in. It's like their brain melts and oozes out their ears and now you are waiting for it to grow back. This child who used to know where the hamper is and how to turn off a light is replaced with a stranger who doesn't know anything other than their own wants and needs. I have been told the stupid ends sometime after college. Some people even get lucky and it ends sooner.
  18. kewb


    I was so excited when one opened near me. I was less than impressed. I got some good deals but the produce was past it's prime and based on unit price I didn't think the prices were all that. Much of the stuff was in smaller than standard size. For example, pasta was in a 12oz bag. I would have to buy 2 to make enough for my family. Negating the savings when a 16oz package will do the job. TBH,with the right sale I do better at ShopRite.
  19. I have it on the calendar to do later. I was already told what my new exorbitant premium would be if I don't switch plans. Haven't had the mental fortitude to start the process. Debating if it will be less expensive to go without and pay out of pocket. Then I worry about if something serious happens.
  20. I've been wearing progressives for years. I never had any issues. But I also wore bifocals as a kid. I do recall my mother having issues when she first switched to progressives as her eyes got used to the narrower field of vision
  21. Elf Makes us laugh all year.
  22. Practice for job interview tomorrow. Spend all day at dd's swim meet. Practice some more.
  23. Go out?!? No, thank you. I want to be in my PJs by 7 and falling asleep in front of the TV. On the rare occasion I can stay awake long enough to do something: Out to dinner. Take in a play at a local theater or the high school. Go out for ice cream. If the weather is cooperating a walk around town. I am a total voyeur and love catching a glimpse into people's homes as I walk by. Decorating ideas, an interesting paint job. Dh hates this and tells me to stop looking. If you don't want me to look, close your blinds.
  24. I do like seeing the kids in their costumes. However, I dislike trick or treating. I didn't like taking my kids and I don't like handing it out. I used to love Halloween but the bad apples spoiled the bunch in my neighborhood. Too many disrespectful of people's property. People have had their displays broken and/or pieces stolen. Smashed pumpkins. On Halloween some kids are simply rude and disrespectful because they are not supervised. I am not talking about youthful rambunctious pretending behavior. These kids are stealing the bowl the candy is in if left on the porch. Or tossing the bowl onto the lawn. No respect for anyone or anything. I am so disgruntled I am not sure I am participating this year. Now get off my lawn!
  25. Never saw it. When the movie came out the commercials didn't appeal to me. I was clearly not the target audience.
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