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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Girl: Mikaela, Celeste, Rebecca, Boys: Blake, Benjamin, Chase, Caleb, Cole
  2. Our menu is not finalized but so far I've got: Turkey Brisket Stuffing Cranberry Sauce Green Bean and Egg (A relative is bringing this so I have no idea how to make it) Mashed Potatoes Mushroom Kugel Oven Roasted Root Vegetables for Dessert: Mousse Cake from the Carousel Bakery (any members from the Rockland County area should know this fab bakery) Apple Pie Fruit Salad
  3. I bought my daughter a bunch of cami bras and sports bra types at Kohl's.
  4. Teaspoon of honey. If that is not enough a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar followed by honey. I try to drink lots and lots of water throughout the day.
  5. Elementary School-I can name them all. Shore Road Elementary School Principal: Mr. Bruck K-Miss Hawli 1st- Mrs. Balin 2nd - Mrs. Laverty (The teacher my mother blames for my lifetime of math struggles) 3rd - Mrs. Schienhorn & Miss Cuchi (It was the 70's. A year they experimented with dual classrooms. Wall knocked out between the classrooms-everything taught together) 4th- Mrs. Vogel (Lovely woman but to this day I can remember her digging her fingernail into my right cheek trying to make a matching dimple to my left cheek) 5th - Mr. Bobrowsky 6th- Mrs. Lubin Art: Mrs. Bloom (It is driving me nuts that I can't remember her maiden name. It related to bloom because the big joke was that she got married and bloomed) Music: Mrs. Seigel Gym: There were 2 gym teachers but I can't remember their names. Jr. High & High School I remember some of the teachers but not all of them.
  6. Gift giving is supposed to bring joy to both the giver and the recipient. If your heart is not in it then don't give them a gift.
  7. I give my grandma flowers. I have done so for the past 7 years (she is 97). She has more nightgowns then she will ever use, stationary, jewelry, clothes, etc.
  8. This is the one I have. I love it. Once it overheated when I was making a large batch of a very dense dough but once it cooled down it was fine. I learned-can't double that recipe.
  9. When drinking cranberry juice make sure it is 100% juice not cranberry cocktail. The sugar in the cocktail defeats the benefits of the juice.
  10. My only requirement is cleaned and combed. Length is up to him.
  11. I am stricter about it in the warm weather as we are very fair and burn easily. In the cooler months we are not outside for hours on end so I want to make sure they get their vitamin d exposure. However, my children feel very persecuted by the sunblock experience.
  12. Goodness, I cry at everything. A shorter list would be what don't I cry at.
  13. Brown paper bag. If I am feeling motivated I use coconut oil and pop it on the stove.
  14. White rice with peas. I just love that. I could eat it all the time. Sometimes, I do.
  15. We love our Wii. We only purchase games for it that require moving (i.e. Wii Fit)
  16. We don't say it because I do not believe reciting the pledge determines whether or not you truly do have allegiance. Reciting by rote does not a Patriot make. Patriotism is shown through action. However, if my kids want to say it I have no problem with it.
  17. As the subject is completed we go over it. Depending on the mistake, my mood, position of the planets, I either have them redo the problem, explain to me what is incorrect, or just go over the mistake so they know what they did wrong and then move on to the next thing.
  18. This sounded so good I headed out to the market so I could make it for dinner tonight. Thanks for sharing. :)
  19. I am so sorry about your father. I was in the same situation 2 years ago when my father passed away. It is not an easy decision to make. In the end, my children did not attend my father's funeral because I thought it best if they did not see their great-grandmother hysterical with grief. I went to the cemetery with my children at a later date.
  20. I take Dr. Mercola with a grain of salt. I agree with a lot that he has to say but after awhile was turned off by the sales pitchy tone of his newsletter. I take the information I find interesting and keep researching.
  21. Yes, I was there. If you were sitting anywhere near us you heard my two "being quiet" while unwrapping their lollipops.
  22. The concert today was awesome. I am bummed that we aren't able to make the one in December. Homeschooling in the tri-state area totally rocks.
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