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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I am high entertainment for my two when I attempt the obstacle course. You are not alone.
  2. My two enjoy Mythlopedia She's All That! A Look-It-Up Guide to the Goddesses of Mythology.
  3. The initial reason: Trichotillomania After 2 years of trying to rectify the bullying situation my son was experiencing the fact that my sweet ds spent all of 4th grade without eyelashes told dh and I that we needed to do something drastic. We were originally just going to do it for a year. Why did we continue: We decided we liked it. We loved that our dear sweet boy returned to us. By the end of 4th grade he was one angry young man. He was angry all the time. By the end of 5th grade he was happy. We are also enjoying the benefits it has given our dd. In school she was always talking to her seat mates when she finished her work. At home we don't have that distraction. She is able to focus. We also like the fact that she is no longer part of the girl drama.
  4. When I have a particularly pesky loop I tuck it into my bra strap.
  5. That is just rotten. My almost 12 year old would have loved to come. I hate having to hunt down the RSVP.
  6. My son has trichotillomania (hair pulling) and skin picking is a related syndrome. Most likely the picking is related to stress/anxiety/boredom. Telling her to stop will not do anything because, as you said, it is a compulsion. For trich my son had to keep a log. Every time he noticed himself pulling he had to write when, how many hairs, and what he was feeling so we could find the pattern. He also take the following supplements that seem to help him manage the urge. He takes 5 HTP 2x a day and a teaspoon of Inositol powder dissolved in juice 1x a day (sometimes 2x if he is feeling very stressed). The Inositol needs to be the powder not the capsules. He also used to carry around a small koosh ball to keep his hands busy.
  7. Mine like it with applesauce and cinnamon mixed in. Dh likes it with peanut butter and bananas. But if there are no bananas then he will use applesauce. Sometimes I will buy some jars of baby food fruit and the kids love to mix that in with their oatmeal.
  8. Right now the junk food consists of: Blue corn tortilla chips Nutella mac and cheese crystal light I've got a box of thin mints coming my way tomorrow. I think that is it.
  9. I have a few dozen so as they get used they go in the bin for kitchen linens. They get washed when I do the laundry.
  10. We school at the dining room table. The joke in our house is that the dining room is decorated in early middle school. The table is a wreck during the week. School work and projects get stored at one end of the table and their is space for us to eat at the other end. School supplies (pencils, sharpeners, rulers, etc.) are in the credenza. Library books are stacked on the chair in the corner. I have book case in the kitchen with all current texts and the globe. 2 boxes of overflow behind the couch in the living room. A mess, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
  11. My dh uses Bragg's for his heartburn and feels relief fairly quickly.
  12. I use the program with my two for 4th and 6th grade. I have been very happy with the program. I can see how a child would be able to answer the question without a full understanding so I, too, make sure to review the skills with them so I know they have got the concept.
  13. My dh is red/green color blind and he has no problems with the MUS blocks. Overall, the color is not that important.
  14. I keep my big bag of yeast from Costco in the freezer. One year later it is still going strong.
  15. New Jersey No testing, no attendance, no record keeping, no reporting, nothing.
  16. I hate Chase, too. We had the least problems when our mortgage was owned by Countrywide.
  17. I would wear it because I burn and I like to be covered. My dd would not be happy if I asked her to wear that. She wants a bikini. We compromise on the Land's End tankini. Well, truthfully, she would go nude if she could. She finds clothes cumbersome. She likes to be free. Both my kids wear rash guards in the water because they burn like I do.
  18. I came through it okay. I was probably more new wave then goth but it was definitely in the mix. As long as you are keeping those lines of communication open your teen should be okay.
  19. Northeast corner of The Garden State. New Jersey.
  20. I made snobby joes with lentils last night. Big hit in this house. http://www.theppk.com/recipes/dbrecipes/index.php?RecipeID=2059
  21. Ugh, I HATE, HATE, HATE Bank of America! They acquired our mortgage and we have had nothing but problems with them. I wish I had a way to get our mortgage away from them.
  22. We used marshmallows. It was next to impossible to track down marshmallows in different colors so I used food coloring to mark what was what.
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