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Everything posted by kewb

  1. You have gotten lots of great suggestions. I will add a couple of my kids favorites: Central Park Zoo Dylan's Candy Bar
  2. Butter. Everything is better with butter. And bacon, but that is another thread. I find butter tastes better. Although, I do recall it was a real treat when my mother would buy Parkay in the squeeze bottle. As a kid, I thought that was the greatest thing ever. It was right behind cheese in a can.
  3. Other. Most of the year I keep it out night and day. In the summer I refrigerate it.
  4. Def. use unsalted butter. Baking with butter tastes better. I think everything is better with butter.
  5. :iagree: That is me exactly. The thought of setting up the board and everything makes me want to head for the hills, but once I am actually doing it the process is not so bad. That said, the best thing I ever bought was a steamer. Now I only iron if something really needs a crease.
  6. Yes, I fold the undies. They fit better in the drawer that way. No, I do not iron the sheets. I have other ways I prefer to spend that time. But, I will admit, ironed sheets do feel nice.
  7. Most of our supplements come from vitacost. I have purchased from GNC and have found them to be decent quality. I usually shop there when I am out of something that I forgot to reorder.
  8. Wrapped in tinfoil in the back of the freezer. No one ever opens the mystery tinfoil.
  9. When it comes to cleaning I am easily distracted by a shiny object.
  10. I am in my 40"s, public school all the way in New York, and I have always spelled it dilemNa. I still do. I had no idea it was incorrect. As a matter of fact, I think the dictionary should be changed to include this alternate spelling.
  11. Our dog loves the car. He wants to come even if we are just moving the car from the street into the driveway. Most of the time he stays at home. He comes along for the ride if I am going somewhere local to drop the kids off and I don't have to leave the car. Sometimes I will bring him to the dry cleaner because I can see him in the car from there. Dh loves to take him with him in the car to run local errands. In the summer he leaves the car on with the ac running. I told him he shouldn't be leaving the car unlocked and running and he told me to look at the dog. No one is getting in to steal the car with our brute sitting in the drivers seat.
  12. My families favorite: 1 soup chicken (or a roaster) cut up 1 large onion (or a leek) 3 - 6 cloves of garlic or more if you like a lot of garlic. Sometimes, I throw the whole head in. 1 turnip 1 parsnip 2-3 carrots 2-3 stalks of celery (tops included) 1 tbs apple cider vinegar Big bunch of dill salt and pepper to taste Throw everything in the pot, and some of the dill, and cover with water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3 -4 hours or longer. Add more dill every hour or so. The longer it simmers the better it is. When you are done simmering strain the soup. When the veggies and chicken cool, pull the meat off the bones. Discard the veggies and bones. When ready to serve, heat up with some of the chicken pieces, a chopped carrot, matzoh balls, and fine egg noodles.
  13. One family probably wouldn't bother me. Although if it happened over and over again all day long I would probably feel differently. A large group definitely would irk me. Would I be irritated enough to make a scene? Doubtful.
  14. Perhaps a Margarita would help. Have you discussed your feeling about it with him so you can work out a compromise? Maybe, Santa can throw up outside and inside can be elegant.
  15. To be frank, I think it is incredibly rude to state that you are bringing extra guests. I don't think you are being unreasonable at all. If asked, I would probably say yes, but if you tell me you are bringing people that would tick me off.
  16. When I have some extra dollars to spend on books I will try to shop at my the independent book store a couple of towns away. They are really nice and helpful. However, I rarely have the $$ so I utilize my library as much as possible.
  17. Fence the 4th side and look into options on fencing off the creek. It is not a good idea to leave a dog on a long leash or chain in the yard. Limiting their ability to wander and explore the yard like that can lead to yard aggression. It is also a safety issue if there are things the leash can get tangled or caught on.
  18. I have been unfriended and I have unfriended others. I do not find it offensive. For me, facebook is a fun diversion. It does not make or break my irl friendships.
  19. Any quality chocolate will work. When I feel fancy: 8 oz. high quality dark chocolate 1 cup heavy cream Toblerone Bars make excellent fondue. I have used a bag of ghiradelli semi-sweet chocolate chips Things to dip: Banana slices strawberries sponge cake rice krispie treats marshmallows oreos twinkies
  20. Dance mom's is like a train wreck that you just can't turn away from.
  21. I have a boy and a girl. They both have easy and difficult qualities. My ds can be just as, if not more, emotional than my dd.
  22. Other. For the most part I was the one bullied. However, I can think of a few instances where my behavior was certainly bullying. No one ever called me on it and at the time I didn't see it as I was being a bully. I think all kids can be bullies. I also believe that kids can be taught what is right and what is wrong and how to behave.
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