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Everything posted by kewb

  1. There is so much more to this issue then the schools handing out condoms. Premarital sex will always happen-with or without condoms. The rate it is happening, imo, is because families are failing their children. I am sure a lot of people want to blame the schools for the problem but it is not the fault of the schools. There is something very broken in our society. My personal opinion is that I would rather see schools handing out condoms to prevent pregnancy than opening up nurseries so the pregnant teens can at least graduate from high school.
  2. I voted other. It is not something I would do but I don't think it is strange when other people do it. My dh totally would have reacted like yours did.
  3. We have donated a couple of cars over the years. I believe the organization was kars4kids.com. I just try not to stab my eyes out with a fork over the cutesy spelling.
  4. I love decluttering. My challenge is remaining decluttered. I can count on one hand the number of times I wish I still had something. I tend to get rid of things that have not been used in at least 2 years. Clothes-have a shorter turn around time. If it hasn't been worn in a year, out it goes.
  5. Have you checked out this blog? http://www.room613.net
  6. I am a little curious. Are you a Christian looking for Jewish resources or someone Jewish looking for resources? Not that I would be of any real help since I send my kids to Hebrew School for their Jewish education and keep the homeschooling secular.
  7. I think it means both date and girlfriend. I know with my 13 year old-one date=in a relationship. It doesn't matter that you break up after the one date. Somehow you were boyfriend and girlfriend.
  8. Both of mine hit a 3 week wall with long division with MUS as well. They had no problem with single digit but something about 2-3 digit numbers did them in. I spent that time utilizing online resources to learn new ways to present the material. Eventually they got it. Once they got it the MUS method became a no-brainer. They now wonder why they had such a hard time getting it.
  9. The first half will be spent driving the kids to summer swim meets. The second half will be spent driving them to swim camp. In between driving we will spend hours sitting at the town pool relaxing. The kids will swim and I will sit on the sand and read. Somewhere in there we will do math and grammar and maybe a little science.
  10. My dd and I watch the show together. I find it gives us the opportunity to discuss reality tv and how it is not really reality. We talk about how if the moms behaved the way the moms on her swim team did no one would watch the show. We talk about how people like to be voyeurs. We talk about editing and how they change things up after the show has been filmed to make situations look worse then they really are. As for why those moms stick with Abby Lee, I can only imagine that she gets results and I imagine that they never show any of the supportive and/or nice things she says to the girls.
  11. I don't want gifts with an apology. I want an apology. Chocolate and flowers because you were thinking of me, now taht is wonderful.
  12. When mine were young I pureed everything and put it in tomato sauce. You would be amazed at what you can hide in a smoothie. That said, mine do eat a variety of vegetables and some of them even overlap. They both love: Seaweed-in salad form or roasted sheets Broccoli Cauliflower Bok Choy Cabbage Carrots Peas Corn (Okay, I know that it is really a grain) Turnips Sugar Snap Peas Green leaf lettuce Red leaf lettuce Romaine lettuce Potatoes Dd will also eat: cucumber and tomato Ds will eat: Parsnips Neither one will touch a pepper-green, red, yellow, or orange or celery with a 10 foot pole. They love their veggies raw, roasted, and sauteed. For salad dressing I usually make a balsamic vinagrette or a lemon dressing.
  13. Depending on the situation I may say any one of the following.... Oy! Crud! Aaah! Oh #$%@*
  14. It is not effecting us greatly because I had already made changes. I have been combining my errands for years. I have also been spending 4 hours at the pool while my kids have swim practice for the past year to save on gas. I cut back on the amount of field trips we take last year. Dh is able to take mass transit to work. I do wish we were in a postion to replace the minivan with a more fuel efficient vehicle.
  15. mmmm, pie. My favorites: Chocolate Pudding Pie Chocolate Cream Pie Apple Pie Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
  16. For adults: If you don't mind sticker shock we love http://www.ilmulino.com/about.html. For slightly fewer $$ we also enjoy the sister restaurant http://ilgigliorestaurant.com/. Anothere favorite is http://www.gramercytavern.com/. We really enjoy their tasting menus. We like Brazillian Barbecue when the kids are with us. http://churrascariaplataforma.com/
  17. Both my kids are on a swim team. They are both currently taking ballroom dancing. Both participate in the monthly book club at the library. My oldest is also on the Teen Advisory Board at the library. My dd is a girl scout and she gets together with some other Juliettes once a month to work towards common goals. I think being homeschooled allows us the time to be so involved. I don't know when the schooled kids on the swim team get any down time. I often see them in the liunge doing their homework either before or after their practice while they wait for siblings. Someof them also do other sports. They tell me how little sleep they get becuase of all the homework. It seems very stressful to me.
  18. My beanpole son learned to swim with no problems. His biggest problem on the swim team is keeping warm. My dd who has a more athletic build is definitely a stronger swimmer than he is.
  19. I am sorry. I am sick of living on an extremely tight budget, too. Especially since the price of food has skyrocketed.
  20. I would hire professional piano movers. Pianos are sensitive instruments.
  21. I have always believed that in a lot of cases adultery is a symptom of another problem. If you can solve that problem then yes, I think the marriage could survive it. I do know of one marriage where they are both guilty of cheating and they remain married. How solid their marriage is, I can't say. Addiction or abuse, I don't see how that marriage could survive and if it was me I would not want to remain in such a marriage.
  22. I had to go back and look at what she said to you. Her apology is not the least bit sincere. This "friend" is a cancer. You should cut her out of your life like one. Your only obligation is to be polite when you see each other at different functions.
  23. All I can tell you is 2 weeks after our foster dog got here that it was going to be over my dead body before someone adopted this dog from me. It seems I have attachment issues. You should def. only foster dogs that have no biting history and are of no concern to be around kids.
  24. If someone gets hurt around here someone will inevitably shout "Tis only a flesh wound!"
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