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Everything posted by Acorn

  1. I can relate. I don't know what to do with my envy. Some of it might be post traumatic stress from dh's heart attack but I feel that we just can't find solid footing right now.
  2. I wish more stepmoms would be appreciative of their stepdaughters like that.
  3. That happens often. I think you can get computer programs to bid at last second. I just decide what my top price will be and make that the offer. I hope you find the books elsewhere.
  4. Not to go through my whole saga, but heart attacks feel different for different people, women do not present classic symptoms, and in our case, the doctor sent dh to ER anyways, so we shouldn't have waited until morning. I really hope it is something like indigestion, but please take care of yourself.
  5. I have just been through this with a loved one. Pain can come and go with a heart attack, or at least it did in our case. You have a risk factor for heart disease, so you should treat this as serious and get it checked. If it is a heart attack, there is medicine that should be given in as soon as 12 hours that can help prevent permanent tissue damage. If I was you, I would go to ER for a blood draw to measure certain enzyme levels. :grouphug:
  6. Still slow, and I missed buying something on the For Sale boards that I have been looking for.
  7. We are enjoying Wild China. It is a 6 hour series.
  8. Is she a minor under your care? If so, I don't think it was illegal. I hope you get it straightened out.
  9. We have seen three high school productions and LOVE it.
  10. Does anyone know the size of the Playmobile Sphinx? I don't think we have room for it but it looks so cool.
  11. Cashier check sounds like a scam. I would just take paypal.
  12. My son wasn't dry until a few months after age 6. At age 6 check up, his ped. said she may do some testing at age 7 just to rule a few things out, but told us it could be quite normal (especially for boys) to last a few more years. We never tried to wake him. Sometimes, he would wake up and change his own clothes and tell us if the bed was wet. Otherwise, we just had to wait and be patient.
  13. My son is 6 on a 6-8 year old team. One of the best players for the team is another 6 year old. I think it is good to see mixed ages work together.
  14. I am mildly dyslexic and cannot use scissors well. I don't how related they are. My mom always told me that my problem with scissors was due to poor eye-hand coordination. It makes sense that could be visual.
  15. We don't have a landline phone. For the time being, I don't think cell phones #s are published.
  16. Sleep? I don't remember what that is. My oldest only took 45 min. naps his first year. I had friends that had babies sleeping 2 - 3 hours. They could clean their house; I was lucky to take a shower. By the time he was 20 months, there were no more naps. He would fall asleep at 7 pm and sleep to 7 am. Over the next few years, wake up time became earlier and bedtime became later. After lights out, he is constantly talking and thinking and wondering about things.
  17. We average about one n chapter book a month. Most of our reading time is picture books and nonfiction. Then we read one chapter of our long book each night.
  18. Yes, we do this. It can be inconvenient but it is only for a week once a year. We live far from family and understand that the travel expense to get here is a lot for our families to pay without adding on hotels.
  19. Febreeze is only a perfume, so you need to try something with enzymes to neutralize the odor. We have had good luck with Nature's Miracle sold at pet stores. Sadly, our couch was recently a victim also. It smells normal now.
  20. Along the same lines, I bought a video card as a present for dh. When it came in the mail, I realized I wouldn't be able to wrap it and put it under the tree because of the well-endowed and well-armed near-naked characters on the box. He laughed when I told him in a card about his gift and told the kids that he couldn't open the real present until he was ready to actually install it. He said that he orders hard drives and video cards at his business and the boxes all have characters from mature games.
  21. My son is attending public K this year. There hasn't been any coloring. They write with pencils or dry erase markers. Occasionally they will need to illustrate their stories or decorate a monthly calendar after using a pencil to fill in the numbers. The norm for writing at this school is definitely 1 - 2 years earlier than when I was in school. They started the year with copywork of just a couple of words and most kids are now are writing 5-10 sentence stories. We don't encourage coloring books at home, I rather the kids just draw their own pictures. I was very glad to see a similar philosophy by his K teacher.
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