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Everything posted by Acorn

  1. My wheezy cat has feline herpes. Is your change to natural litters recent? I can see how some could cause allergies. Eta: We use clay litter. I have concerns with it but decided not to foist changes into a working system. I do think my cat has improved since I took corn out of her diet.
  2. No! He's evolved over the years, but I have problems with exporting native wildlife for sale to zoos.
  3. I love E. B. White's audio version. Without music and voices, the focus is on the beauty of the words.
  4. I had two thrifty trips to Maui. I brought a peanut butter jar from home and picked up bread and fruit there. I was spending most of my time hiking or swimming, so restaurants weren't important to me. I rented mask and fins from dive shop and just went to different beaches on my own. I did rent a sedan car and drove it around the gravel road to Hana. It voids the warranty of the rental and a person was killed by a rock avalanche on that section of road while I was there. The drive was lovely, but our thoughts were with the deceased park ranger. I signed up for guided tours on Mount Haleakala. I loved bird watching in the rainforest. One trip we brought a tent and camped there. Camping was free after you had the park pass. I did like the aquarium that had native species. I also found a farmer's market (great produce), a youth hula dance recital and generally tried to avoid the "tourist" scene.
  5. Poor thing. Talk to his ped about soy formula. If he is dairy intolerant it can take 2 -3 weeks to clear from his body.
  6. I could have had one for either free or really cheap when dh bought his, but I would rather have my clamshell that can handle being dropped.
  7. I will never be able to see good in someone who condones child abuse. Some things are inexcusable.
  8. Too light, but then I would be happy to see college football eliminated from all universities.
  9. My kindle is to blame, or my fat fingers. I have it happen at least once a day.
  10. My kids were 4 to 5 years old. I don't know how much of their "reading" was memorization. We read something by Dr. Seuss and Go, Dog, Go almost daily.
  11. We are having a great time with it. I do have volumes 1-3 so we can choose our first year to be "around the world". So far we have studied: China - The Story of Ping France - Madeline, Mirette, The Giraffe that Walked to Paris, (and Zarafa) Italy- Papa Piccolo and Little Nino's Pizzeria Spain - The Story of Ferdinand We will add books set in Japan, Russia, England, Scotland, Canada and US.
  12. The appeal of midnight premiers (and book releases) to me is that you can see it before hearing press reviews, spoilers or just social conversation. I also love the community of midnight premiers. The ones I have been to have been parties- costumes, fan games & trivia, and a shared interest with hundreds of people.
  13. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/history-and-geography/story-of-the-world/volume-1-ancient-times.html Student Pages pdf file
  14. Yes, they are for sale on peace hill press's website. I love just being able to print the ones we need.
  15. I wouldn't read it until my kids were older and have some discretion. I don't want them repeating the last "joke" without actually understanding it.
  16. I don't know the details (age 7) but I was hospitalized when I was almost over chicken pox and got something else. I think think the concern was Reye's Syndrome. I hope your child recovers soon.
  17. never had a problem here except the one time the door to the cat's closet was closed while we were gone. nature's miracle really is a miracle.
  18. I really hope you can relax, and welcome your little one without any other stress. :grouphug:
  19. As I wrote earlier, I believe in "involvement". It is the best thing I can do for my children right now. That could be different for others. I like reading about personality types. For those homebodies, I would wager you are introverts. I am one myself; I need to breathe nature. One of my children is extroverted and high energy. He needs people and activities. For us, finding peace in life is achieved with balance.
  20. I will be thinking good thoughts for you. I know it is hard to relax and have to wait for answers. I have periods of battling cystitis, no fun.
  21. How do you define entertainment? I read aloud for at least an hour a day. Dh reads to them at night for about 30 minutes. We are also adding where my son reads to us. We go to weekly storytime because I need to go the library anyways. I take them to parks for nature walks and creek walks because that is my passion. Only, we do have to drive to get to one. I take them to swim lessons and open swim because we fish and will someday canoe. They will be capable swimmers, non-negotiable. I play board games and RightStart math games with them, because we are a family that loves thinking. I do art projects with them because it makes clean up easier and I want them to see me trying a new thing that doesn't come easily for me. We have friends over because we enjoy other people (and it is great incentive to having a tidy home). I take them to sport teams and dance classes because there is heart disease on both side of the family. Someday we will add music lessons because we enjoy music. These years are short. We are building the foundation to launch them to where ever they want to go.
  22. I would offer if for free with full disclosures. I am glad you had warranty protection on it. Discover card reimbursed us for 4 airline tickets when the company went out of business.
  23. Those look awesome, but I can't get the print preview page to open either. I know that this computer has many flash and java script things blocked. I tried to enable that page but it still didn't open the print window.
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