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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. Oh my gosh, I didn't even know there was a term for that. I just thought I was weird when that happened at my youngest's birth. Thank goodness your dh knew what was happening. Going from 6 to 10 like that, you should start driving for the Daytona 500. LOL I'm so glad you guys are all well and thank you for sharing the picture. That sweet little face! He looks all ready for a snuggle. ❤️
  2. I still remember the very first time I ever had it. It was in downtown St. Augustine, off in a little side alley. You couldn't even see it from the main thorough fare. I was there on a field trip and the mom supervising my group knew of the little amazing place. After that, I never went to St. Augustine without going down that side alley for the best treat in the world.
  3. I automatically start spelling our last name too. Doesn't matter if we are ordering pizza (back in the day when you had to call) or at the pharmacy.
  4. Agreed. I much prefer Bounty and Charmin as well compared to the Kirkland brand. I don't know if it's because I was already brand loyal to the products before I was a Costco member but I really don't like the way their products feel.
  5. Thank you, I never thought to look for another speaker.
  6. But, but...he's so cute! How can you be upset at the pretty, pretty face? Our cats love to play with our throw rugs. That's what's going to kill me one day. Nearly happened yesterday as I was carrying in groceries. There are so many times during the day that I need to fix them that I'm half tempted to velcro them to the floor.
  7. I usually have one book I'm reading, one audiobook I listen to while cross stitching, and one audiobook I listen to as I fall asleep at night or when driving long distances. Last week, I had a second physical book I was reading because it was a genre I don't really enjoy but needed to read to meet a challenge. So, I read it for an hour a day and called it good. I'm so glad that book is finished.
  8. Those of you that use Libby can you listen to the books through Alexa? I much prefer the sound of her speaker and it's easier to adjust the volume, stop and start, and put it on pause since I don't need my hands to do that.
  9. Our last name is often misspelled and mispronounced. It's truly not that complicated of a name. So instead I did my first name followed by the first initial of our last name. The idea of one e-mail for the family is brilliant. I wish I had thought to do that when my kids still lived at home.
  10. My azaleas are blooming like crazy. I just love azalea season. Mine are the miniature kind and those tiny blooms make me happy every time I look out the window or drive up the driveway.
  11. Baby pictures! Just adorable and makes me sad I can't actually hold him. Congratulations to you all! He was well worth the wait.
  12. I know this is a huge relief for you all. Now Little T can settle into his family life and just be loved 24/7. Congratulations!
  13. Has the mystery been solved? I'm on the edge of my seat with curiosity. LOL
  14. I keep the vegan version on hand in my freezer all the time. It's perfect for creating southwest salads, which is my most often use for it. I've used it to make nachos and pretty much anything else that I want a spicy "meat" for.
  15. Isn't he the handsome little dude?! Congratulations! Grandparenthood is awesome. Best thing ever.
  16. Congratulations! Welcome Baby Boy to your WTM family. We are so excited that you are here!
  17. Me too because I need to order more eyedrops but I'm too scared of them all to actually do it.
  18. Also stalking not stalking. This may or may not of been the very first post I searched out when I got on here this morning.
  19. I am just so thrilled for him, for you, for the whole family! Congratulations dear child, I am sure you are going to take the job and run with it. Good luck!
  20. My cousins are fraternal but look identical. It's a strange phenomenon.
  21. My mother, who has always been a cook from scratch kind of person, always has Bob Evans on hand. She evens uses them for holidays now.
  22. I hope the quiet from @Elizabeth86 means Baby is on the way. It's funny how excited I am for this child to be born. Almost feels like I'm a member of the family.
  23. I would have loved that. Unfortunately, my parents would never have allowed it. But it would have been the perfect adventure for me.
  24. I loved Mirena but I was much older, as in my 40's. It slid me right into menopause helping to alleviate some of the symptoms. I did find the removal painful. I don't think insertion was but I don't have a strong memory of that. And even though I loved it and loved having no periods for years, I'm on board with the others that might not recommend that for an intact teen. I imagine that it would be painful.
  25. I can only imagine how hard that was but I sure am glad you found him a home where, not only do you know he will be well cared for, but you will be able to still see him and watch him grow into his best adult self. Those are the cutest little beings ever!
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