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Everything posted by sweetTN

  1. I feel 32. Don't ask me how I came up with that age. I'm actually, well, lets just say my grandson was amazed that I was "half a century old" on my birthday... a few years ago.:001_smile:
  2. DD is usually in pjs until noon. The house rule is you have to be dressed by by lunch time.
  3. We can always use more map sites! Thanks for sharing.
  4. This is easy...dh loves meat and I'm a vegetarian. His idea of a perfect meal is meat, potatoes, and a vegetable (preferable corn). Mine is lots of homegrown fresh vegies, fruit and some homemade bread.
  5. Your house sounds wonderful! Congratulations:party:
  6. I always forget about this site. Thanks for posting it.
  7. Welcome! Will keep you and you ds in our prayers:grouphug:Let us know how everything turns out. I love your little candlelight dinner with dd! I do the same with my dd, but not nearly often enough.
  8. I'm a little confused. Are you thinking of putting him in ps so he can play football, because he is lazy, because you have to constantly remind him about chores and homework, or a combination of all of this? What do you hope ps will accomplish? Will he be able to play football...probably. Will he still be lazy, getting by with as little as possible....probably. Will you still have to remind him about chores and homework....probably. Can he not play football and still be hs? I don't know what your priorities are but with us home always comes first. You must be respectful, responsible, and take care of the home front before extra curricular activities are allowed. It sounds more like you are at the end of your rope (we've all been there) and looking for a solution. Only you can decide if ps is the best option for you, your ds, and your famiy. But, imho, it won't solve the probelms you have mentioned and could actually make them worse. I have worked in the ps system and irresponsible, uninterested, rude, disrespectful students seems to be the norm.
  9. Mine are polished with a bright blue. Sounds funky, but it matches my Tevas:001_smile:
  10. Horizons Math uses a workbook style.
  11. We plan our homeschool play dates during school hours. The library is nice and quiet. We have the park all to ourselves, no skateboarders, unsupervised children using vocabulary that makes me want to wash their mouth out with soap. Whenever anyone asks dd why she isn't in school she proudly says we homeschool. So far we have only gotten positive responses, with most people saying they wish they had homeschooled their children.
  12. I use Homeschool Tracker so it is really easy to print off a report card quarterly and at the end of the year.
  13. I leave it out in a butter crock. It keeps it firm, yet easy to spread.
  14. I agree with Jenny. Yoga is the only workout that keeps me flexible.
  15. Help! I.can't.stop! I know I can do better...Just one more try, please! I'll do the wife/mommy thing after I play just one.more.game.
  16. Congratulations! How do you keep a straight face when dh starts talking about the s*x of the baby? I would just burst! Your choice of course, but I really like Noelani Grace.
  17. My dd was using the potty by 18 months. Well, actually her doll, Molly, was. She would take Molly into the bathroom and set her on the small potty chair. So I suggested that as long as she had to wait there for Molly to do her thing, she might as well sit on the big potty while she waited. Worked like a charm. She potty trained herself by potty training her doll. :001_smile:
  18. I use Homeschool Tracker basic and it works great for me.
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