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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. What happens when you block someone? Does it hide all of their posts? Does ot hide your posts from them? Does it drive you nuts to not see what they wrote in a thread if others are responding to it? I am very curious.....
  2. I have unlimited internet on my phone....I can check the boards from anywhere :) I am currently on a four hour car ride with dh driving, one kiddo on the DS and one passed out from partying with her cousins. I have Dante's Divine Comedy to read....or the boards. It has been a long weekend....my brain can't take Dante right now :)
  3. So what does 800+ posts in 3 or 4 months mean..... I think I have a problem....:tongue_smilie:
  4. Oops....that autocorrect gets me all the time....never wake a sleeping baby! :001_smile:
  5. Never sale a sleeping baby! (Unless you are leaving the house.) When baby is hungry, he or she will wake up. You don't need to feed them every two hours if they are sleeping for 3. That bath can wait until morning...the neighbor who want to hold baby can wait. If you want to nurse your baby, read "So That's What Their For." It is a fun read, but also the most informative book I have seen. It helped me so much as I struggled with my first.
  6. Did you get things straightened out with the landlord? For something funny.....hmmm... DD blames the dog for everything: Did you break bubby's lego ship? My doggie did it. Who spilled your drink? My doggie did it. Where are your chicken nuggets? My doggie was hungry. Did you tear bubby's new need dart? My doggie did it. (We believed her that time and doggie went to the garage. He started crying, yes our dog cries. She confused.) Why did you jump on bubby? My doggie made me do it! What did you do with the carrots? I hide them under the bed so doggie can't get them. He chased me ove bubby's head, that made me jump on him. At least she no longer blames the hips hoop! DS used to blame his bad attitudes on pepper jack cheese :)
  7. I check his math problems and then have him redo any that he missed. I enter points in the computer to track what we have done and give a grade for report cards. (He can get various freezes around town with a good report card.) Grades are more for effort unless it is a test, bit he only does those in biology. If he misses multiple problems and fights over fixing them because he is being lazy, I lower his score and I tell him. It works for my son as motivation. When he sees a 9 out of 10-he gets upset enough to work harder the next day.
  8. We started reading it in 6th grade at my school. Tale it slow, enjoy the language and have fun. Get the folger library editions. They have a synopsis of each scenec and definitions of unfamiliar words amd phrases on the right hand page and the text on the left. Don't read to fully interpret amd understand right away. Read it outloud to get the feel for the style, rhythm, and language. Use the synopsis to help woth plot, but just uear the words. When she is older she can read it again and analyze. For now, you need to get her into the language.
  9. Can you enroll the kids in a virtual public school? I know for many this is not a good option, but it may alleviate some of your stress. You know they will het the full English, science, history, math, etc. You won't have to plan, just help as needed and keep them on task. You may have some time to put together some crafts and fun experiments. I am not creative in an arts and crafts kind of way. I get all my Ideas from other people. Janice Vancleave's books have some fun and easy looking experiments. You can get craft books too. Start with a Thanksgiving themed book; make turkeys and pilgrims, table decorations. That is what they would be doing in ps. I agree with the pp, take a day off. Take a week off from academics. Have school time, but just read aloud and do some fun activies, go on nature walks, go to the zoo. I don't know where you are, but here - the weather is beautiful for outdoor activities. Go to the park, have a picnic....just have time with your kids and decompress. Then, if you can't do a virtual school, get back to work. Instead of going with everything, pick two subjects- math and grammar perhaps. Do those, read aloud, and do a craft, board game, or walk everyday. The next week, if you feel up to it, pick up history or science. Slowly build your schedule. Remember, you don't have to do every subject everyday. We do history MWF and science TTh. Spelling is 3 days a week. We only cover math, grammar, and reading daily. Handwriting is a part of any written work. Simplify and relax. Encourage lots of free reading, they will grow so much from just.reading. Guide them to fiction and non-fiction, find what interests them. They will surprise you.
  10. I know lots of people love it, we read it in 8th grade and I don't remember being shocked by anything. But, I really did not like the book. I don't remember why, it jusy wasn't my thing...It may have been partially the required reading element. I LOVED to read, but jad no time to read for enjoyment with all of the school reading, I did dislike many of the assigned choices :glare:
  11. I count his 3 hours of dance and the PE class at co-op. It does not have to be a team sport.
  12. I am doing Spelling Plus with my first grader. Genus doing very well. We have accelerated quite a bit. In a week we will start the second grade lists. Each list focuses on a spelling rule or two. We do a list, and the corresponding dictation the next week. He hated spelling worksheets. This is just a method for practicing the words. Not worksheets. It is perfect for us.
  13. Generally, a group plan covers pre-existing conditions with no waiting period. We wanted to set up a plan for our business, If we did a group, I could be covered for maternity if I was already pregnant.
  14. I have The Story of US by Joy Hakim. I plan to use that for American history sometime between 4th and 8th grade. We may read from it some as we go through SOTW, but just to supplement the American sections.
  15. My advanced 6 year old is in 2a and about to start 2b. We have used very few manipulatives. You can use any objects two make groups. I did not use any until multiplication and division. Beans or toy blocks or cars would work just fine. You can use any objects in your house.
  16. You don't need the tests. As suggested, you could use reviews as tests. I have the text, workbook, IP, CPW, I have the HIG but just use it to speed up grading. Some people do the CPW and IP a level below where they are working. Do you know your child's math abilities at all? Did you give the placement test? If you just start with the text, hig, and workbook; you can use the first few weeks to judge whether you need, IP or EP and CPW on level or behind (in this case, you don't need it until next year.) I also got a really good deal off of eBay this year. I purchased all new books for a great price.
  17. We have had them twice...Yuck. We have a subzero deepfreeze and we just tossed everything in there for a few says and threw it out as we opened it to use. We had meal moths once too. They fly and move to food across the room before you know you have them ..... Ugh! I hope you got rid of them all.
  18. That is what a lot of PSs here are doing. If a child is ready, I don't see a problem. You can always slow down and take an extra few months with it.
  19. We demonstrated it by taking 3 two blocks and 2 three blocks. We lined them up, one beneath the other. The lines were equal. Then he understood he could write it either way.
  20. I don't need my son to sit from 8-3. We finish in about 1.5 hours generally. We might have a potty break, drink break, and some learning time on the floor. He sits for math....everything else, he learns while rolling around. His retention when I allow this is significantly better than when I make him sit the whole time.
  21. I know, there so many before 750...then all the rest are so far away....I have been on for 3 months....maybe in four more I will reach 2500....maybe by february...
  22. Out of print books do become more expensive over time. I got a reasonable price on Amazon. I did not see any for $8 on eBay or Amazon.
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