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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Uneasy very inspired by Charlotte Mason when I started last year. I wanted to do everything her way. I quickly learned that I could not. We sat on a blanket outside to read and look at clouds. My back was achy the rest of the day, the sun reflected off of the pages amd made impossible to read, and the dog wanted to be a part of everything! I also needed to cover more with my Kindy than she would have. He needed it and wanted it. Now, I keep the short lessons. It is rare that we spend more than 20 minutes on any subject. We do not cover art and music at home. He takes dance and musical theatre classes in the evening and I just can't do the art studies with my 3 year old running around. We are Classical/WTM in our history and science cycles, grammar, and memory work. I guess you could say I unschool art...if they want some art I give them some supplies and let tuem go. Math is "school at home" we do the text lesson for the concept, he does the wkbk, I grade, we correct....all sitting in his little schol desk ;) Keep trying new things, you will find what works. Bit I do u.derstand about dropping the CM and feeling bad about it.
  2. Congratulations!! That is so exciting! (That was exactly MY weight and length when I was born :)) I can't wait to see a picture!
  3. You could make a couple varieties of cookies. Death by Chocolate.....yummy stuff: Bake any chocolate cake mix that you like. When it cools crumble into tiny pieces. Layer with instant chocolate pudding, cool whip, and heath bar pieces. From bottom to top: cake pudding cool whip heath crumbs cake pudding cool whip heath crumbs It is super easy. You can bake the cake at home, but put it together on Saturday.
  4. :iagree: We do not offer voice lessons before age 10. Prior to that we encourage kids to take our musical theatre classes, where proper vocal technique is stressed during rehearsals. The reasoning is partly due to damaging their voice, but also because a 10 year old can understand anatomy a little better. My SIL teaches vocal amatomy as she teaches vocal technique. They need control over their muscles to make them work the way they need to for proper singing. The head voice is generally higher, crisp and clear when trained well. This is where you will hear the vibrator in singing. It means the sound resonate In your head. The chest voice is generally lower, it can be deep and beautiful as well. It means the sound is resonating in the chest. What you don't want, is the sound resonating in the throat. Belting can be done without hurting the voice, but it needs to be learned as an older, more experienced student, with a trained belt instructor. No, both are correct, you can also mix the two. It just takes training. Many POP stars are not trained. You can ID and untrained singer by the veins popping out of their neck as they strain to hold or hit a note....makes me cringe! Find a choir or music class that teaches good technique to your kids. She should be learning: How to breathe from her diaphragm-lots of hands on tummies, possibly laying on the floor watching their bellies rise. Exhailing for as long as they can. And various bathing games. How to match pitch. How to have volume without screaming. If you hear screaming while singing, go elsewhere. They will learn and memorize songs. Good luck..
  5. I agree with the pp, sometimes when my three year old (and even my 6 year old) is driving me nuts, she just needs me time. She needs me to sit and play legos with her or color or dance. A little bit of mommy time goes along way for both of us. Next time you feel stressed, grab his favorite toy and sit down to play with him.
  6. Thanks! That helps a lot! We might give it a try for the summer. See what he thinks. I don't want to gice up SM because he does so we with it. But he is not enjoying math like he did last year.
  7. What was it someone called us....sows? So what is a group of pigs called? ;)
  8. Google chocolate covered cherry pie. It should take you to a blog. That pie crust is amazing!!!!
  9. I did not see that...hmmm, we are Christians, but I would not be okay with that.
  10. 15-16 year old, probably...12 year old, probably not.
  11. I have noticed that many people do LoF with another math program. I just looked at the LoF website and I am intrigued by the program. Does anyone use it with SM? How do you make it work? I think DS would like the story aspect, but I am not sure. I don't plan to drop SM, but has anyone used LoF alone? What about as a fun summer program? And finally, how many lessons are in each book?
  12. I have a Confirm steamer from Bed Bath and Beyond. It has a stand with places to hang clothes, attachments for pants and creasing. I live it! They run about $75-100.
  13. I think that would make it worse :ack2: DH and DD love the things...I find them stinky!
  14. We got 7up, saltines, jello, and chicken noodle soup. I cannot drink 7up without remembering being sick :glare:
  15. Why all the different names for groups of animals? I have never understood that.
  16. I get worried when I can't see or hear dd....for us it was toothpaste as glue on blocks yesterday and glue in puddles around the house a few days ago :glare: Gotta love toddlers and preschoolers!
  17. When I do it, I cover the bottom of the pan with cream of tartar, get a good layer on the bin, then add a couple inches of water....not scientific at all, but it's worked. Sometimes it takes a couple rounds, and you ha e to ne sure you don't boil the water away completely before removong it from the heat....that defeats the purpose....sale me how I know. ;)
  18. My mom always boils water with cream of tartar to clean burnt pans. It works on most things.
  19. I am on my phone, on the road, hoping I can make a poll :001_smile: I only eat the pink and purple sweetarts, I will pick a box/package clean of those two colors and leave the rest for dh and the kids. They all know. They only hand me pink amd purple if they give me some :) What about you? I personally cannot stand the blue....
  20. :grouphug: You made a good decision. She has made poor decisions, you cannot let that effect your life. :grouphug:
  21. I make sure we always get one a day, many days we get 2...dd occasionally gets 6 in :001_huh: she would also live in the tub and change underwear every hourif we let her....
  22. This is what we do. We generally use smaller cuts of meat -chicken breasts, porkchops, 1pounfers of ground beef. It takes no more than 15 minutes in a bowl of warm water, then we cook it Immediately. Whole birds and roasts we thaw in the fridge. In the crock pot or on the grill, we cook from frozen.
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