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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. "Why did you swallow a baby?" Asked by 4 year old dance student on parent watch day.... Me: I did not swallow a baby. Student: then how did the baby get in your tummy? Parents: much laughter....
  2. The WTM 101 thread....it contained libks to all of the funny past threads. It is great for getting to kbow the board when you are new. :)
  3. I am not a chip person. I prefer a slice of bread, a cookie, Apple, pear....anything but chips.
  4. DS was 18-24 months....DD is almost 4 and not doing it yet....
  5. My almost four year old can barely do free coloring for 20 minutes! I can't see her writing for an hour in a couple months!!!
  6. Many times. Picked up my son's DS, got rid of a washing machine....
  7. Not to my face...I think some friends and family don't like it. They all send their kids to day care amd then ps. They never ask my kids about school....they ask everyone else. :confused:
  8. At least one Shakespeare play a year. Preferably covering two tragedies, two comedies, two histories. They Oedipus trilogy, and one Greek comedy. Excerpts of Plato and Aristotle Illiad and Odyssey To Kill a Mockingbird Some Jane Austin, Mark Twain, and Charles Dickens Jane Eyre Some current writers as well - Beloved or Song of Solomon, A Prayer for Owen Meany I would match a reading or two to as many time periods as possible. I would combine history and literature rather than English and lit as most schools do.
  9. I am making my goal 30.....now I have two more to go. All of those pills really supped my count today :). I am glad there are people with more than me.....I don't feel so bad. I will say, my house is clean, the kids are fed, and school is done....but those other things I had planned for today......well they just are not happening.
  10. I feel the need to reply as well....that way it ups my post count:)
  11. Including the response you will leave on this poll....how many posts have you made today?? Is that your record? FYI....this makes my 900th post since joining the board in June of this year and my 27th for today....:blush: Poll coming....
  12. The Quiet Man is great!! When you say North and South...are you talking about the mini-series with Patrick Swayze? If you are, I may have voted wrong..... I LOVE those:D
  13. 6 if I go to the general board; 12 if I hit "new posts," but there are no stickies there.
  14. I use it daily to keep up with my friends from high school and college.
  15. A little one out front and a smaller one out back :) just enough for a table and a few chairs.
  16. It's close....it might have been last time. I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy looking for the next poll. :blushing:
  17. The city name that I write in my address is fairly small, but we are stuck between two bigger cities, all part of the greater metropolitan area.
  18. I can see an Orange covered book on Stanislavsky, an orange cd case, orange legos, and the Yahtzee bow with orange on it....I like this game ;)
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